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How to hang a laminated map

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The above ideas are great, and I had a couple more. If you paint that section of the wall with magnetic paint (available at Walmart, not expensive, comes in little quarts), then you can hang it with magnets and even use magnets to mark things on it. Also, at the school supply store I get these clips that have a clear/white wax on the back. They work really well for holding things and they don't marr the wall too badly. If you pull them off wrong, you can pull off your paint. But if you're careful, it should be fine. In my schoolroom, I have masonry walls, so they work great and hold weight pretty well when you use enough. Sticky tac can leave color on your walls, so be careful with that. Command (by Scotch/3M) has a bunch of really amazing adhesive products that stick well to walls. They make some flat pieces that you can hang posters with and also they make hooks and things that will hold even the weight of a calendar. I wouldn't put screws through your wall for a map, yuck, not with so many less damaging options available. If you're going to put screws through, then what you should do is get a cork tack strip from the office supply and screw THAT to the wall. Then you can punch into it and hang things all you want with just a couple initial screw holes. That way you're not making new holes for everything you hang. :)

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Ah! I think the 3-m hooks will work. Why didn't I think of that? I just hung a shoe bag rack thinginy inside a closet door with some of those.


I like the carpet tack idea for bigger things. I have a very large scripture timeline poster hanging in the hallway using those metal spring loaded paper clips / binder clips and the children have knocked it off the wall at least twice so far.


Thank-you for the great ideas!

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I staple our maps to the wall. They are all laminated and stapling works great. It leaves very small holes in the wall, so I can move things if I want. I also use staples to hang posters in my kids rooms. Then they can move them around without leaving holes. I used to use tacks but found these fell off or my kids would pull the map down and I would be left with holes now too big for the tacks. Staples work great!


I also do our timelines out of index cards, adding as we go along. We staple these to the wall too. When I take it down my dh doesn't complaing about the wall being ruined. I had tried ticky-tac, but we have textured walls and the ticky-tac was hard to get off the grooves in the wall. I highly recommend staples (can you tell).


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...to say how much I LOVE the Command adhesive products?!!

I use them fairly often, all over the house. They hold *so* well, and they haven't left a mark on *anything* I've used them on. Two days ago I installed shower shampoo dispenser thingys in each of the showers of my home, and it worked! Even in the shower, and even holding the weight of a shampoo/conditioner/soap pumper thing, they're totally holding tight.



Commercial over. :D

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