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broken ribs??? prayers please

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DH fell out of a loft and heard what sounded like a gun being fired so he's assuming he broke a rib. This happened Friday. He didn't want to go to dr. b/c he didn't think there was anything they could do for him. SLOWLY, very slowly and gradually the pain is getting worse. In fact he's on his way to the dr now b/c it feels like someone is stabbing a knife where he broke the rib.


Anyone BTDT, is that normal? Even if they can't do anything for him at least he'll get some pain killers from the dr. he's worried that maybe it's something worse, but he's had no other symptoms. Please pray that he's ok and will heal completely. I'm off to meet him over there so I won't be able to check in till later on tonight. Thanks,


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DH fell out of a loft and heard what sounded like a gun being fired so he's assuming he broke a rib. This happened Friday. He didn't want to go to dr. b/c he didn't think there was anything they could do for him. SLOWLY, very slowly and gradually the pain is getting worse. In fact he's on his way to the dr now b/c it feels like someone is stabbing a knife where he broke the rib.


Anyone BTDT, is that normal? Even if they can't do anything for him at least he'll get some pain killers from the dr. he's worried that maybe it's something worse, but he's had no other symptoms. Please pray that he's ok and will heal completely. I'm off to meet him over there so I won't be able to check in till later on tonight. Thanks,




I hope he feels better soon! :grouphug:

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Well, they can check and make sure no bone is poking where it shouldn't. Maybe tape hiim up. Don't let him laugh or cough for a while (hubby cracked a rib in a car crash and had to be still for weeks. Imagine me having to curb my sense of humor so he wouldn't laugh!)

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I have had a couple of ribs removed (at different times). The pain is only bearable if you take very, very shallow breaths. The pain is excruciating if you breathe deeply, sneeze, cough, laugh, raise your arms, or move. Even pain meds do not decrease the sharp pain if you do any of the above. A broken rib can puncture a lung too.

Sending lots of prayers your way.

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Something similar happened to dh only he didn't recall any accident or fall just extreme pain when he breathed. It ended up being a dislocated rib. I think a chiropractor put it back in place. It was a strange injury. Hope he's feeling better soon.

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DH fell out of a loft and heard what sounded like a gun being fired so he's assuming he broke a rib. This happened Friday. He didn't want to go to dr. b/c he didn't think there was anything they could do for him. SLOWLY, very slowly and gradually the pain is getting worse. In fact he's on his way to the dr now b/c it feels like someone is stabbing a knife where he broke the rib.


Anyone BTDT, is that normal? Even if they can't do anything for him at least he'll get some pain killers from the dr. he's worried that maybe it's something worse, but he's had no other symptoms. Please pray that he's ok and will heal completely. I'm off to meet him over there so I won't be able to check in till later on tonight. Thanks,



My mom fell and broke some ribs while visiting us a couple of years ago. She was in a good bit of pain. We took her to the ER because our doctor wouldn't see her since she lives out of state. The ER doctor gave her prescription painkillers. He told her to consciously take some deep breaths several times a day, because the pain will make you want to breath only shallow breaths. The problem is that the shallow breathing will lead to pneumonia. In spite of her efforts to breath deeply, she did get pneumonia after she got back home.


I hope your dh feels better soon.

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Sorry I couldn't get on-line last night. We met a friend for dinner after we left the dr. office (we were childless for the evening) and then had to run by the drug store.


There are actually no broken ribs. Apparently whatever he fell on poked him between 2 ribs. The ribs kinda of rolled/flexed out of the way, but the cartiledge between the ribs got pushed out of whack.


I'm just glad he finally went. . .he tries to be a tough guy and only take OTC meds when he's in pain. I could tell he needed something more. The dr. told him that usually people that injure their ribs can tough it out for about 2 days before coming in for pain med. He lasted 5, dr. told him he was super tough (stroke that manly ego!)


Thanks for all your prayers and for thinking about us. . .he was worried yesterday.



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