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Book Series for 11 year old?

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I am thinking for a gift. He is a reader and has read a plethora of things.  He seems to like fantasy a lot- Fablehaven, Ranger's Apprentice, Skullduggery, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, 39 Clues, Rick Riodian (?) etc, etc..  All the normal ones  He asked for Wonder so many times from the library that I bought it for him and he has reread that a few times.  He loves all things Dahl.  


Any ideas?  A few would be nice since his grandparents will be asking for ideas and all he wants right now are Magic cards.


ETA: and myths, loves them.  But I think he has read just about everything there is for his age group.



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Why not the Percy Jackson series too?


I'm assuming that was covered under the "Rick Riordan" stuff. 


I know when I say "The Percy Jackson" series to my boys they think I just mean his first series about him. I have to always say, "The Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus" series. 


:glare: (That face is meant for my nic-picking boys)

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Did you say he'd read Dark is Rising series? Very well written Arthurian stuff. Great read.


Has he read The Mysterious Benedict Society and its sequels? 


How about the Peculiar children or the Willoughby Chase stuff?


Has he read Wildwood and the sequels? (Haven't read those but they look good).


Dd loved the Inkheart series--well-written and interesting premise.


Madeline L'Engle's books? 



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Gregor the Overlander?  Such a good one.  Right up the alley of a kid who has read all of those.


I second The Dark is Rising.  How about The Prydain books?  Or, Alexander's other great series which is less read, the Westmark books.


On the more grown up end, how about Terry Prachett or maybe The Belgariad?

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Terry Pratchett's childrens/YA books? IIRC and given what he's read, there are only a couple books you may wish to preread: the fourth Tiffany Aching book and The Amazing Maurice... (truly frightening in places, though DD the Elder had no trouble with it at 10) 


Johnny Maxwell trilogy

The Nome Trilogy (Truckers, Diggers, and Wings)

The Carpet People 


Discworld for kids:

Tiffany Aching (first is Wee Free Men)

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents


My 11yo liked Dodger, but it's generally recommended for 14 and up. Neither of us have read Nation; I'm not sure why, but we should rectify the situation. :D

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