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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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Yes, I know it is late but today's been a very busy day.  Come on over, grab a slice of pizza and cozy up in front of the fireplace!  


What are your favorite toppings on pizza?


Do you have burn bans in your area?  Our fire is a virtual one today because there is a burn ban in place because all the clouds trap pollution.  


And today's totally random question:  Have you ever had fish as pets?  

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Mmmmmmmmmmm...pizza! Since we have a virtual fire place, I will bring marshmallows and hot chocolate!


I suppose in theory we could have a burn ban, but I can't remember the last time we had one. We had a lovely fire yesterday in the fire place because it was chilly (-10F). A bit too cold for skiing comfortably so we stayed in and cleaned house instead.


We had fish for years. In theory they were DS17's fish, but in truth they were mine. I fed them and cleaned the tank and enjoyed watching them. We had a series of odd looking goldfish. The last one boiled to death when the tank heater malfunctioned. After that, I decided no more fish for me for s few years. I do miss watching them swish around sometimes though.

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I'll bring paleo pizza made with a cauliflower-cheese crust for the grain-free folks. My preferred toppings are kalamata olives, cured meat of some kind, shitakes and green peppers. Sometimes I like feta cheese and pesto as an option too but not with the above toppings either one or the other.


We have fish! Tetras and guppies. Well we *had* guppies now we've just got tetras.

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AK Mom, we boiled our fish to death too!  We were filling up the tank (with the fish in it) after a water change and a plumbing valve broke, sending hot water in instead of cold.  My husband was saying, "Look, the fish are dancing!"  I felt the tank, realized that the fish were boiling and started shoveling ice in.  It was too late. . .     We had these beautiful gold fish too that had started out as feeder fish and ended up being 5 and 6 inches long.   

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I brought a pepperoni/sausage Shakespeare's Pizza to share!  Since this is a virtual get-together and not a real one, I can also bring my 32 oz. Pibb Xtra.  (If I drank that IRL right now, I'd be up at 3 A.M. looking for a party!)


No burn bans here.  Our county doesn't have much pollution at all.


We had 1 fish a few years ago.  My parents, who knew we were a purposely pet-free household, took my kids to a church carnival and let one of the kids win a goldfish!  This is how I looked at my dad each time I saw him for the 2 weeks that fish lived:  :glare:


The kids think I was behind "Goldie's" sudden demise.  :sneaky2:   (But I wasn't!)


I'm sorry for all the fish boilings, guys!

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Usually I am in the mood for pepperoni/feta/spinach pizza but tonight I could totally go for a Chicago style deep dish supreme.


We frequently have burn bans due to high winds or drought, but I don't think we are under one right now.


We currently have two fan tail goldfish. Due to allergies, these are the only pets we are likely to have. My dd would love to have a dog, though.


For a snack, I am bringing pie...hot apple galette with a touch of edy's real vanilla bean icecream.

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Good evening. I can't have pizza tonight because I'm counting calories. I tried on a fitted t-shirt this weekend and had rolls. Not good. So, I'll have a few celery sticks to much on.


Yes, we do have burn bans. In fact all new houses have to have fake fireplaces, no more real ones. We have a nice gas fireplace.


No fish. Never really liked them. They aren't terribly cuddly.

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Good evening. I can't have pizza tonight because I'm counting calories. I tried on a fitted t-shirt this weekend and had rolls. Not good. So, I'll have a few celery sticks to much on.




Nobody here cares about rolls unless they're the kind you butter while warm :D So come on in and indulge your pizza-loving self.

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What are your favorite toppings on pizza?  Onions, pineapple, bell peppers, Italian sausage


Do you have burn bans in your area?  No! Around here, if people need to get rid of something, they burn it.  Mattresses included.  I'm weird because I call the trash company and pay them to pick up objects my neighbors think I should burn.  Quite a switch from Mass, where we couldn't burn anything and never gave it a thought because not polluting the air is a good thing!!!


And today's totally random question:  Have you ever had fish as pets?  Yes, when the boys were 3.  Never again.  I don't like to eat fish, and I don't like to keep them as pets.



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I like artichokes and corn on my pizza.  It comes from living in Europe too long.  :)  We can find delivery places that have artichokes, but no one has corn.  Bummer.


I have had fish as pets.  I like Bettas (in separate bowls of course!), but beyond that, they creep me out.  We've had 2 fish tanks, but I've vowed there will be no more.  I'm usually the one who has to clean the tank and see the fish all gasp and freaked out when I take them out of the tank to put them in the bowl while I clean it.  Belch.  The only fish we can have now are Bettas.


My mom and stepdad have a coy pond in their backyard and I don't mind that so much.  They have fish that started out tiny and are now about a foot long.  They're beautiful and get very excited when it's feeding time.  

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Well, I missed Sunday but I do so love these chats.

My very favorite pizza is a chicken, bacon, ranch concoction a local place makes that also has roasted red peppers, it is a taste sensation. Fall back is always a Hawaiian.


Never had a burn ban here, wood stove is going and the house is nice and toasty though I do miss the ambiance of a fire in the fireplace.


Fish, yes, many, many over the years, dh has an obsession with fishtanks.  Freshwater though I know he would kill for an ocean tank someday.  The kids have always had bettas too, personable creatures, for fish.

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