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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's finally Happy Thanksgiving for me!  We have the extended family dinner this evening.


Clean kitchen

DS - make appetizer

Dd - make veggie

Dd - volunteer in the morning

Go to SIL's for the feast

planning for next week's school?


Still have habits today!

Get in steps

Green smoothie

Digestive enzymes

(no dog grooming because of the weekend)

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Keep living room clean

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I am going  to get my hair cut.  Yeah!  Finally!  Dh will take dc to in laws later in the afternoon for their Thanksgiving. 


To do:


kitchen and counters


Pick location for family photos

Find dc some clean clothes for family photos :laugh:

Some grading, some coffee, and a little lifetime television and hallmark channel



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Happy Thanksgiving, Jean!

Plans for today:
-take dd10 to badminton practice
-read book for Coursera course while waiting for dd10
-take dd7 to gymnastics practice

-buy two cards for friends

-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin?
-evening walk with friend

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D. & multi & fish oil
-NO SUGAR (I'm already failing this, I'm eating a Sinterklaas candy while typing this......sssssht)


ETA: I'm adding: -take a nap (I'm so tired, bad night) - DONE

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My 4-hour nap cut into yesterday's to-do list. 



Take care of Aidan

Take care of Woofy

Clean dog pen twice

Load & run dishwasher

Clean kitchen after breakfast

Tidy bathroom

Tidy living room and dining room


Order World Series jacket for DS3 for Christmas

Put new ink in printer

Make 4 copies of getting ready for Christmas list for the kids as a guide or suggestion

Feed Woofy lunch

Cut pine boughs for friend


11:30 - 3:30

Meet friend in town to load 10' sections of dog kennel into truck (with  DS3)

Deliver pine boughs

Lunch with friends

Grocery store for milk



Take care of Aidan

Take care of Woofy

Clean dog pen

Call AAA - car just serviced; won't start

Call mom

Call friend re Christmas banquet for dog club

Draft new lease

Tidy my bedroom

Make dinner

Serve/eat/clean kitchen after dinner



Dog care


Family time


10:00 - go to bed





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Today is dd's birthday party so rushing around prep for that, I had planned to do a little all week but dfil's stroke kinda pushed that aside. But now he's home, and doing well :)

- dishes- done

- quick clean kitchen, bathroom, living room and dd's room- done

- vacuum- dh did :)

- decorate and prep party bags and wrap a few gifts- done

- run to Walmart for cake and ice cream (will probably send dh to do)- done

- Finish decorating cake- done

- put out snacks- done

- prep crafts- done

- enjoy party

- clean up from party

- fold laundry

- dinner

- pull Christmas stuff from shed, I'm going to dmil's tomorrow to help her go through her Christmas stuff (we have been cleaning out her storage area and this is the last phase for the first half, she has another one that she says hasn't been touched in like 10 years so that half should be interesting)

- bedtime routine

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Up at 4am with eldest who had a migraine.  Trying to get her in shape to work at 10, calling out is not an option.  She already had 800 mg of ibuprofen on board at 3am but called me when it wasn't helping.  So I did ice packs on her neck, an audiobook for distraction and light massage, finally got her to sleep for a bit.

Switched out chicken waterers from frozen to non frozen, I have to keep rotating them now.

Very happily eating turkey soup for breakfast, one of my very favorite things.

Dropping oldest off at work then heading to Mom's to help with a batch of cookies to send to folks far and away.

Arriving home I hope to see my vacuum bags I had to order on line after going everywhere trying to find them yesterday.

Need to bring in more wood.

Making a lasagna for dinner and thawing a turkey for tomorrow to do a Thanksgiving with a friend who wasn't around Thursday.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Jean!  


Last night dh smoked two pork shoulders and I decided since he had taken over the kitchen to decorate for Christmas.  I got the outside and inside all done.



  • Vacuum, dust and mop the first floor.
  • Clean all bathrooms.
  • Clean upstairs and downstairs--vacuum and dust. 
  • Put the finishing touches on all the holiday decorations
  • Laundry- towels, darks and whites
  • Make a list for the few items I need from Wal-Mart and Commissary to pick up tomorrow. 
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It's time for me to get back to "tackling" before the house falls apart! We've had a glorious 2 days of "memory making" with the kids and celebrating Thanksgiving.  


chores: empty/reload dishwasher, wash pans, scrub sink, wipe down bathrooms, sweep, mop & vacuum, 2 loads of laundry, dust

ds and dh are going to a college football game in a bit, so they'll be gone 11-5

go to Target?

find white keds for dd16 to wear in the parades (her pair has gone missing since last December)

drop off library books

take recycling & trash to the dump

menu plan

grocery shopping for the coming week

make dinner

take out Advent wreath and books so it is ready for tomorrow



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Good morning! I hope everyone is recovering nicely from the festivities and I hope your oldest feels better by tonight, Lizzie.


I have the day off! Dh volunteered for the AM practice run (he is getting a hike in while he waits) so I am drinking coffee and thinking about what to do today.


A little work:

sort clothes for boys

get helpers with the back room (otherwise, the Christmas boxes won't come out)

get study sorted so I can ...


A little play:

start quilt for ds2, watch my craftsy class for making pants

watch football


And get my lists ready to go for December



Healthy lunch

Turn worry into gratitude

45 minutes writing

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Good morning. Made breakfast sandwiches this morning. They turned out good. , this is our first Saturday since September with no soccer games. I almost don't know what to do with myself.


My uncle is an artist and every year on Thanksgiving weekend they have an art show/boutique at their farm with homemade breads, jams, cheeses, wine tasting, etc. so I'll be going to that this morning. It's fun, even though I can't afford to buy a painting. I buy jam instead.


Since it's the end of the month, I have budget stuff to do. I've got church stuff to do... But I still plan on taking it easy today

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Well. I'm not a tackler by nature but I generally read each 'Tackle Day' that Jean posts because it's inspiring to rub shoulders with all you productive, tackling moms :D


Y'all are inspiring! TammyinVa I get the sense that you tackle with a cheerful smile and your output is inspiring. Jean, of course, the inspiration behind all the tackle threads, tackles with equanimity and determination and knows her limits. Tress and Rough Collie another couple of uber-tacklers. And all the rest of you I take heart from your lists. I'm sure there are others like me, reading but not posting who draw inspiration for y'all. For today, since I did actually post here, I will add my own very modest tackle list to be part of things :seeya:

~grocery shopping--yes, we have nothing in the fridge after all that feasting
~watch family movie
~walk the half-mile (!) to Walgreens to pick up Lindt chocolate (!!) and a few other things (thus getting in my exercise and errands in in one go)
~one load of laundry
~supervise DC's music practices
~deal with birds' cages for a light clean

~make dinner for family

We'll see how much of it actually gets done though some of them like shopping and dinner are non-negotiable of course :lol:


Hey, not too bad at the end of the day.

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Dropped dd off at volunteering

Gassed up the car.

Went to grocery store and got stuff for the recipes my kids are making for today's feast.

Came home - ds told me "oops.  I don't have the potatoes I need after all."  Went back to the store with ds in tow to make him get the right stuff.

Dishwasher unloaded and 1st load is washing.


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Jean, I hope you guys have a great T-giving (I don't understand WHY your Canadian relatives didn't get Thursday off!).


After tackling the garage yesterday (we're still married!) and paying a small fortune to have it all hauled away (we had a full truck), I don't really want to do anything.   Unfortunately, I have stuff to do.  James Bond left for Japan this morning, so it will honestly be easier.  He's very distracting.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Papa John's)


Empty the dishwasher and reload


Organize my closet (my shoe racks arrived today!)  Tomorrow!  I swear!


Put away school books I found in the garage 


Throw away the pumpkins on the front porch


Put all fall decor away


Clean kitchen Sort of clean.  Does that count?


1 load of laundry


Sweep and mop kitchen, LR, DR and entry 


Brush Bella


Work on my plan to take over the world Sadly, it is not coming together as I had planned.


Watch TV This is the reason several of the other things on my list didn't get finished.


Get excited that OUAT will be back on tomorrow! Also the reason several of the other things on my list didn't get finished (too much daydreaming about Hook!).


Go to the grocery store (avoid regular stores if possible) â€‹Nope.  Didn't happen.



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This morning dh and I joined his siblings and parents to visit his grandmother. That was both sad (she only occasionally remembers us--she's 94 and was very clear until 3 or 4 years ago) and nice (to be together).


On the way home dh suggested we go shopping :D So we did! We bought new sleds (please, please, snow this year!) and a cute outfit for youngest niece (she's 2) along with food we needed at Costco. We walked across the parking lots and access road to the mall, bought presents for the kids, a new coat for dh (his is 10 years old and looks it), and some clothes for me (a black pencil skirt that fits my curvy petite person!). We also ran into some people we haven't seen since before dd13 was born :eek: And we enjoyed a late lunch out!


What a nice day :)

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Ending my day with a mocha from Starbucks.  The mall was virtually empty.  I decided to try and Christmas shop but was not inspired.  I bought dd a Godiva stuffed bear for her stocking.  He is so adorable...has a chef's hat.  I think I found a theme for my little baker's stocking. 


Hope that everyone has a wonderful evening.


*Tammy, the pork shoulder sounds amazing.  I want to turn in the mocha for bbq now. 

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