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What to do with abused dog?


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Long story try to make short! Back in Feb. I found three puppies on the road. I brought them to the no kill place who said they would take them. Imagine my surprise when thy said they would only take the puppies??? I guess one that had this skin thing going on was the mother. I was pretty shocked they were all little hound dogs but OK great where can I take her? No where is the answer. I have had her ever since. I told the people at the no kill place I was worried about her skin did she have mange?? No the dog had massive cigarette burns. The goal was to find the dog a home and that is proving very hard. She ducks down if you try to pet her. She cowers. I understand who ever had her did a number on her but it is the peeing thing I am about to lose my mind over. Any sudden movements she rolls and pees all over. Even though as far as going to the bathroom she is potty trained but when she gets scared she rolls and goes all over.


If the kids run through the house she does it. If someone yells she does it. Your getting the point right? Sadly she stays in the laundry room because I can't have that in my house on my furniture etc. A few days ago we caught her and my little dog in the neighbors yard pulling out trash. OK well they can't free run anymore since they are leaving my yard so we have been walking them. This morning while trying to put her collar and lease on she kept jumping and wouldn't calm down, I had just woke up I yelled well not even really yelled as so much raised my voice a pitch and said firmly be still. She did the roll thing all over my shoe. I had to throw my shoes away I had on no socks and it wen down in them. My shoes run about 60 a pair they last for a year.


There was no washing that. I am now angry knowing I am stuck with someone elses issue. They abused this dog and I am paying for it. 60 bucks is a good chunk of money for a single mom I am on my feet a lot I need good shoes and Christmas is coming. I am having to buy stakes and leads for both dogs now and my dog never did this before. The shelter here will put her down I have called everywhere within a three hour drive no one will take her. I don't know how to make her stop doing this. I am already having to save up to get her fixed. I have no tolerance for this sort of thing. I cannot stand animals that go in the house and all. Is there anything I can do? No one abuses her here it has been months. She did up till a few days ago get a ton of exercise running my yard but she killed that getting in the neighbors trash so now it is on a lease walks.


She gets a lot of positive attention. A lot of praise etc. I know it isn't her fault but I am getting pretty tired of it. Yesterday I let her out to run my yard while I was watching she went on the other side of my house started getting in my trash. I caught her firmly said no and instead of stopping she rolled and peed. When she does this she closes her eyes and just lays there. She won't move won't come I have to go pick her up and hold her out from me while she pees all over. It is getting very tiring. Any ideas on what I can do??

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I'm sure there is a training solution. Right now, I'd invest in diapers for the dog--you can use a belly band and a menstrual pad, too. The more the dog is socialized, the better, so living in the laundry room is probably counter-productive, as she's not peeing but not learning, either.


As far as your shoes, you can use Bac-Out and clean them. It's an enzyme cleaner and designed for pee and poo. 

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The dog sounds like it's been terrorized and under a lot stress. The poor dog. If you do not want to take care for her any longer, putting in time, training and expense. Maybe you can fine someone else, family/friends, to take her. If all options are exhausted the best thing to do is take her to a shelter. 

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I did try diapers. Putting them on caused her to do the roll thing so I got peed all over. Maybe it is just a bad day because we live in the animal dump ground and I just had to deal with another stray a few days ago. We do take her out of the laundry room to play with us and all but she can't just lay around in the house unless we are specifically giving her attention if the kids get loud she gets scared, if they run she gets scared, if I drop a pot in the kitchen she gets scared. She was sleeping on my couch which animals are not allowed on my furniture but she was and my son dropped a glass in the dining room it scared him he screamed she rolled and went all over my couch. So she only comes out when the kids are sitting watching a movie or the little one wants to play etc. She comes out several times a day. My son will lay her on his lap while he does school and stuff like that.

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The dog sounds like it's been terrorized and under a lot stress. The poor dog. If you do not want to take care for her any longer, putting in time, training and expense. Maybe you can fine someone else, family/friends, to take her. If all options are exhausted the best thing to do is take her to a shelter. 


The shelter here said they would not be able to rehome her. She would be put down. Which is a shame because other than this issue she is a good dog. She is amazing with kids! She is potty trained as far as not just going in the house. She would be great for maybe an elderly person with no kids but I can't find anyone who wants her who don't have small kids. Her skin is all healed her hair has grown back in most places. She is leased trained. I don't want to leave her knowing she is gonna get put down no one is mean to her here I just don't know how to make her stop this one thing that is making me crazy!!!!

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I don't want anyone to have the idea that I am some how being mean to the dog. Like I said I am having a bad day she is a good dog and if anyone would take her I would want major updates!!! She isn't just put in the laundry area and forgotten. It is gated anyway not a shut door. My kids adore her and she is really good with them. I don't think she should be with very young children because toddlers can be rough without meaning to but she has been hurt enough! I even take her out at night and cuddle her while I lesson plan. SHE LOVES TO BE ROCKED!!!!! Isn't that funny? I rock her like a baby and she goes to sleep LOL. My mom got her a pillow bed with a blanket for the laundry room so every night me or my oldest put her on her pillow and cover her up saying night night and she stays there ill morning when we tell her wakey wakey eggs and bacy LOL! She has her little routine so anyone who would take her would have to do that. Tomorrow I will most likely get over it but I would like it to stop.


I know someone beat her but it has been months I just want someone to tell me this will stop!!!

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I don't remember the correct term for it but it sounds like the dog is urinating from fear. The rolling over is definitely showing extreme submission from fear. I actually don't necessarily think that spending time in the laundry room is necessarily all bad. In my experience dogs that have been badly traumatized need a long time in a very low stress, low stimulation environment. Depending on the dog's personality she might begin to trust one person before she trusts others. A crate might be a good idea for the dog if that is an option. It would give her a safe place to retreat to if she became frightened but she could still see her environment. If one person started holding on their lap every time it  was possible that might help. You could wrap her in a blanket or towel to prevent a mess if she is frightened.

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I don't want anyone to have the idea that I am some how being mean to the dog. Like I said I am having a bad day she is a good dog and if anyone would take her I would want major updates!!! She isn't just put in the laundry area and forgotten. It is gated anyway not a shut door. My kids adore her and she is really good with them. I don't think she should be with very young children because toddlers can be rough without meaning to but she has been hurt enough! I even take her out at night and cuddle her while I lesson plan. SHE LOVES TO BE ROCKED!!!!! Isn't that funny? I rock her like a baby and she goes to sleep LOL. My mom got her a pillow bed with a blanket for the laundry room so every night me or my oldest put her on her pillow and cover her up saying night night and she stays there ill morning when we tell her wakey wakey eggs and bacy LOL! She has her little routine so anyone who would take her would have to do that. Tomorrow I will most likely get over it but I would like it to stop.


I know someone beat her but it has been months I just want someone to tell me this will stop!!!


I didn't see your post as being mean. After reading how you describer her though, I don't think it will stop any time soon. Abused dogs can carry their problems with them for years.

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That behavior is called submissive urination.  It is very common in puppies/young dogs, even those who have known nothing but love and kindness.  I've had two dogs of my own that I acquired as seven/eight week old puppies who submissively urinated.  They both outgrew it with time and training.  You can look up "submissive urination in dogs" and get a ton of info.


The key to avoiding it (as I think you've already guessed) is to keep every interaction with her as calm as possible.  Don't use a high pitched squeaky voice in a good way, don't use any sort of bad voice.  When you have to interact with her, try to squat down so you'll be more on her level.  Reaching at her from above is a threatening gesture and so will likely be responded to with urination.


The key to overcoming submissive urination is training.  Lots and lots of very gentle obedience training.  Look up "clicker training dogs" and see if you think you could try that.  You don't even have to buy a clicker -- use a pen that clicks.  That gentler noise works better for many dogs than a regular clicker anyway.  The more dogs know (obedience commands, tricks, just knowing the normal household routine, etc.) the more confident they generally feel.  The more confident they feel the less likely they will be to submissively urinate.  But it does take a ton of time and patience.


And I'm totally agreeing with Celticmom that for such a fearful dog, hanging out in a small space like a laundry room or crate, where she feels secure, isn't a bad thing at all.


You're doing a good thing.  A very good thing.

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Just want to say I have a dog that we adopted at age 8, and he has been afraid of my husband for 3 years.  They cant always break bad habits.  But we figure he's a lot happier here than he would be back at the rescue, which had him for 5 years.  It sounds like your dog is enjoying her life now, a lot more than what she's known before.  I hope you come up with something you can live with

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I drank a soda I feel a bit more better. She is happier now than when she first came. She don't hide under stuff all day and shake when we pet her when she comes to us she wags her tail instead of ducking so she is happier I hope. I just get angry and it is not even directed at her exactly more like the situation. Of course and knowing someone could treat an animal so cruel to cause this.

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I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time with the dog, and I hope you can find a way to remedy the problems.


FWIW, I didn't think you sounded mean at all. You've been doing all the right things for the dog for months, and it stands to reason that sometimes you would feel particularly frustrated. :grouphug:

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I remember a post someone made about how she took in a sickly animal for the last few weeks of its life and how angry she was at the owner who had not taken care of it and then dumped it somewhere - sometimes its just the big picture thats so frustrating

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We rescued a dog and her puppies in June and it was kind of the same.  She's about 6 and whenever I raise my voice or reach out to her to pull her towards me, she pees.  I bathe her last because when I pick her up she pees all over me.  We were finding trash in our yard and thought it was raccoons but nope.  While she didn't guard her food, she stole my other dog's food.  But in the 6 months that I've had her she has made strides.  She comfortably goes up and down our basement stairs, she rarely leaves the property.  She now only ducks down and goes flat when the reprimand is a raised voice - instead of peeing.  But if you are rushed, or frustrated and you touch her, she pees.  She spends a lot of time out with the cats on our enclosed  porch.  I bring her in lots too, but I've seen that she enjoys having time by herself.  Also, the biggest, bestest thing that I found is that she will do almost anything you want if I put her on a leash.  I think she'd walk through fire with me with that on.


I can understand why you might think that people will think that you are being mean to the dog.  You're not.  You're doing the best you can.  And, you're doing a good thing.


It takes a lot of time.  A lot of patience. 


I would start asking at vet offices for behavior help - low cost behavior help.  I would place an ad on craigslist - not asking for someone to take the dog but rather for local help.  Also, call your local shelter and animal control office and ask if they have a low cost spay/neuter program.  Here in town you can get your dog spayed for $67 and rabies shots are only $5 additional.



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What you are seeing is called submissive urination. It is more common in rescued dogs, but is seen in dogs with no history of abuse or abandonment as well. It typically is due to a lack of confidence, so treating the dog in ways that build confidence can be helpful. Puppies can also urinate out of excitement/submission, but they typically outgrow the issue.


Using a diaper can go either way -- it can help you relax about the issue while you work on it (a positive) or it can be seen by the dog as a punishment (which is counterproductive to building confidence). It really depends on how the dog views the diaper. Most dogs will be upset by it. The key (easier said than done) is to keep interactions positive with the dog. So NO punitive training methods (raised voice, physical correction, etc). You already have a dog that recognizes and accepts a submissive role, so gentle correction only. And no correction for this particular issue -- it will not help. Encouraging activities which the dog enjoys without anxiety can be helpful (tug of war, ball playing, hikes, hide and seek) but avoid situations that trigger anxiety. Make sure the dog always has a safe refuge (an open kennel, a bed in a closet, whatever works that the dog will use) for when she feels overwhelmed.


Free feeding rather than meals can be helpful, as long as the dog does not overeat when food is always available. Using special treats in a fun, positive way would be good, too. Anything that reduces anxiety about her place in the household would be a step in the right direction.


Good luck. We had a stray dog in our household for a while that would submissively urinate whenever my husband interacted with her. She didn't do it with me (no kids at the time). We rehomed her with a very calm, quiet person and it was a perfect match for both. It would have been very frustrating to live with, and I applaud you for going to this trouble for a stray dog. I hope things improve!

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