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Have a laugh on me :/ I burnt my table today. Photos inside for your enjoyment


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My daughters had made dipped candles in their pioneer class at their homeschool co-op and was so happy when I finally agreed to burn their candles. I didn't have a holder small enough but found a discarded styrofoam cup, turned it upside down and pushed the candle through the bottom. Ta Da! Make shift candle holder, right? I then turn my back to said candle and start dinner. Chicken Parmesan. So, I'm pounding, seasoning, frying chicken and it smells yummy. My daughter comes in a few minutes later asking "whats burning?" I at first thought she was insulting the smells of the meal I was cooking. Until she exclaimed "Mama, the table is ON FIRE!" Yep, my table was on fire right behind me and I would NEVER have known if it wasn't for my daughter coming in. I actually ponder how large the fire would have become if I hadn't had her to tell me. I'm SO THANKFUL it wasn't worse than it was. It is only a table, my favorite piece of furniture, but at the end of the day: just a table. I plan on covering it with a placemat till I can get a lazy susan or something similar.


The diameter of the burned area is about 5 inches, with spotches of melted styrofoam and some wax still present. 



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What did your dh say??? :)


he's at work BUT after he called to get the scoop, he stated that he would be bringing home chocolate chip cookies. Cookies make everything better!


eta: he did tell me to find a table set I wish to have and he'll work some overtime to buy it for me  :001_wub: I told him I will cover it with something but the offer was nice!

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Oh heavens, glad the damage isn't worse! :crying: That's an extremely lovely table, sorry it's got the little bitty spot in the middle now...do you think it will scrape off?


It is actually burned, not just melted wax and styrofoam. The wood is sort of crackly. I am going to search for a large lazy susan I think.

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Yep, not even a smile here:(

So sorry that your table was damaged. I love you 'making lemonade from lemons' attitude, and think a lazy Susan will be useful and will cover the spot....

I would be sure to move that lazy Susan often to dust, and everytime it would remind me just how lucky/blessed/grateful I was for the things that mean the most...the child who told you, the hubby who offered to work extra to replace something he knew meant something to you...awesome.

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Is it between two leaves? That might make the repair easier. A woodshop might be able to slip discs in there and either try to match it, or go the other way and do a contrasting inlay thing. Worth a look.

My father is a distinguished carpenter and makes high end furniture as a sideline business. He could definitely repair it for me but this table doesn't scratch his quality. He would make me a new one if I asked but he's so over stretched now. I also have issues changing furniture he's made so I hate to commit to his works lol. It's like I'm throwing him away or selling him! I'll probably just put a pretty center piece, lazy Susan or the comparable now. It will definitely be a reminder of my blessings in life, haha

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Aww, Mandy, I'm so sorry.  I'm so amazed with your good attitude.  I'd be putting on a brave face but dripping tears in between when no one was looking.


I'm wondering if that can be refinished, I'll bet it can.  even if you have to sand out the crinkled/charred area, and it's below level, you can still restain and then fill the low part with polyurethane. (Urethane will pour and fill gaps and cracks, and it sands very nicely, so you put it on thick to build it up, and then put on a final coat that is sanded with wet 2000 grit paper.)  I know because of things we've had to repair.  My FIL was the king of fix-its, and in his later years, I had to do the detail work, since he didn't have the fine motor control. 


Best wishes for the lazy susan in the mean time.  That sounds so handy!



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Oh yikes! My parents have always had a lazy Susan in the middle of their kitchen table. It is so handy! Napkins, salt and pepper, condiments... Maybe your dad could make a special one for Christmas? It could go on any table, even when you replace that one eventually. :)

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My roommate did this. It was a yankee candle and the glass exploded when it got to the end of the candle. She panicked and threw water on it and made it worse. It was a new table and she was horrified. I sanded down the whole table top and really sanded out the dark spot. I then reapplied lots of lacquer to the divot where the burn was. When it was pretty close to even, I lacquered the whole table. It looked brand new, but if you felt the top of the table, you could feel a slight dip where the burn had been.


It was a really cheap and easy fix, but it took a couple of days to do it.


Sorry about your table!

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Aww, Mandy, I'm so sorry. I'm so amazed with your good attitude. I'd be putting on a brave face but dripping tears in between when no one was looking.


I'm wondering if that can be refinished, I'll bet it can. even if you have to sand out the crinkled/charred area, and it's below level, you can still restain and then fill the low part with polyurethane. (Urethane will pour and fill gaps and cracks, and it sands very nicely, so you put it on thick to build it up, and then put on a final coat that is sanded with wet 2000 grit paper.) I know because of things we've had to repair. My FIL was the king of fix-its, and in his later years, I had to do the detail work, since he didn't have the fine motor control.


Best wishes for the lazy susan in the mean time. That sounds so handy!

That's an idea, thank you. I was a wee bit melancholy at dinner. I had cooked a lovely meal with Chicken Parmesan. I just sat there chewing and staring at it. The kids have really talked my ears off about it, teased me some but have mostly comforted me which was really nice. Warmed my heart :) I think we learn something about ourselves in these kind of situations. I hope the kids remember the time I caught the table on fire with a fondness and some laughter.

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My roommate did this. It was a yankee candle and the glass exploded when it got to the end of the candle. She panicked and threw water on it and made it worse. It was a new table and she was horrified. I sanded down the whole table top and really sanded out the dark spot. I then reapplied lots of lacquer to the divot where the burn was. When it was pretty close to even, I lacquered the whole table. It looked brand new, but if you felt the top of the table, you could feel a slight dip where the burn had been.


It was a really cheap and easy fix, but it took a couple of days to do it.


Sorry about your table!

the boys held the vacuum while I chiseled away the ashes. I still have a long way to go. I think it had been burning a while. I'm down about a quater of an inch in some spots and it's still black and has more to be removed lol I'll probably keep it as is and consider it a battlescar with a story to be told!
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Oh dear - sorry about your table, but glad it wasn't worse and that you all are safe. 

I wonder...the burned part apperas to be on 'leaves' in the table.   If so, I wonder if just that section could be replaced?  (Maybe you could contact the manufacturer and find out if you could order just that portion?)

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Oh yikes! My parents have always had a lazy Susan in the middle of their kitchen table. It is so handy! Napkins, salt and pepper, condiments... Maybe your dad could make a special one for Christmas? It could go on any table, even when you replace that one eventually. :)


Dontcha want to go have a peek under that Lazy Susan now and see what your mother is hiding?

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