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The more the merrier, stress, and games

Night Elf

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I just found out my sister, her husband, and her 20 year old dd are joining my parents to come to my house for Thanksgiving. That will make 9 of us eating. That's a huge party, IMHO. Our table has room for 8 chairs but only 6 came with the set. The other chairs in the house are three big rolling leather desk chairs. Would it be super tacky to cram everyone around that square table with 3 rolling chairs? My house layout has the kitchen with dining area adjoining the living room area. There are no other public places in my home. We'll all have to squeeze in.


My small meal has now turned into a large one. I will need a larger ham than planned, and I'm thinking I should get a turkey breast too. I think I need to come up with another dish in addition to the few ones I'm already cooking because I'm worried we won't have enough food. There is no way this will all fit into my refrigerator and I absolutely need to cook as much as possible the day before.


And last, what do I do with all these people? We love to play games but the only large party type game we have is Taboo and that didn't go over well the last time. I hate to say it, but I guess my family isn't the brightest bunch of bananas. I need game suggestions. We need something easy to set up and not too mentally challenging. I'm willing to buy something new, so all suggestions will be considered and researched.


I'm kind of bummed now. Yes, I did dream of a large family gathering but I didn't mean at my small house! My DH is on call for work so he has to stay home to be near his work stuff, so we can't drive 90 minutes away. I'm flattered everyone wants to come to my house instead but feel embarrassed at the size of my home. And I have to start major cleaning tomorrow. Good grief!

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It will be an adventure! There are a few games I recommend.


The first is Catchphrase. It is easy to find and lots of fun, you just pass the disk around the table or where you are seated.


The second requires you to sit around the table. It is called Left Right Center, I think but we just call it the dice game. You need three dice total and three quarters per person. Choose someone to start and they roll the three dice. Each dice corresponds to one of their quarters. If the dice shows a one, two, or three, the person keeps that quarter. If the dice shows a four, a quarter is passed to the person to the left. If the dice shows a five, a quarter is passed to the person to the right. If the dice shows a six, the quarter is put in the center of the table. No matter what happens, the dice are passed clockwise around the table and the next person rolls. If you have fewer than three quarters, you only roll the amount of dice that you have quarters. If you have more than three quarters, you still roll only three dice and only three quarters are at stake. If you are out of quarters, you stay seated and just don't roll any dice. Someone might pass a quarter to you and you are in again! Play continues until someone is the last to have any quarters. That person can either win all of the money in the center or you can pass the quarters back out and play again! I prefer more challenging games but this one is great for a crowd.

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For chairs you might be able to borrow three folding chairs from your town library, town hall or a local church. They might not feel so jammed in.


One of our extra seats is a short stool that one of the kids (teenage) uses. We also like using a bench because 3 kids can usually fit...could you rig up a bench seat for one side of the table?


People rave about the game apples to apples. (I have never played)


Would charades work?

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I think kids would love the special table. 


Are they a non-competitive bunch? Are they creative? 


Games for a crowd: 


Dixit Journey (up to 8, very visual)

Faces (like Apples to Apples but with old photos)

For Sale (quick buying and selling card game)

Pit (up to 8, trading cards simultaneously to make a set)

Bohnanza (up to 7 or 8, growing and trading beans)

Wits and Wagers (kind of like a trivia game, if the trivia didn't matter much and instead what mattered was betting on the answer closest to correct)

Werewolf (a little darker...players are villagers trying to eliminate a werewolf (or were wolves) before they are all eliminated)

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Thanks for the ideas everyone. My mom offered to bring 3 of her small kitchen chairs so we should have seating covered. We're divying up the food so we all bring about the same amount. I don't have to do all the cooking. Whew! I wish I was one of those people who decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving. I think my living room would look so nice with the tree, but that is WAY too early for me to decorate. We generally wait until mid-December so we don't get tired of the tree. I'm a bit nervous about Thanksgiving with my small house but I'm really looking forward to having my family here. I had posted about whether or not to even cook a big meal for just my family of 4. Now I'm going to have 9! Yay!

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If it's nice outside, send people out to toss a football. Have a walk. Sit and drink coffee.


Movies? Football on TV?


If you eat the meal, clear up, send everyone outside, then reconvene for dessert and coffee, I think the time will pass quickly just with people chatting. :)

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