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Favorite playthings for 6 year old boys?


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It probably depends on the kids.  In my house, Playmobile used to draw the neighborhood boys over.  At my nephew's house, (twin 6yrs old), they seem to be interested more in video games and talk about going to their friends' house with certain video games.  They don't really play much with toys anymore.

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Do you have the space to leave the Play Mobile sets assembled?  We don't, and no one has the patience to spend two hours assembling the stupid thing (large zoo set) every time someone wants to play with it.


Legos have been a huge dud with my kids.  When they do get them out, they build rectangles with them.


I'm mostly looking for indoor ideas right now because the weather won't allow for much outside play for the next four or five months.    Are Beyblades still popular?  Or has everyone gotten bored of those?  What about Skylanders on the Wii?

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Mine plays with these every day.  Mostly when he is with his friends they pretend to be whatever they are playing (baby spiders, cats, battle games etc.)  They do not need anything except space for these games.  Well, the battle games usually involve guns and light sabers :coolgleamA: .  Sometimes they use stuffed animals to play also.


Interested to hear others.  


We do not have skylander.  He likes beyblades,  not as much lately but still likes them.  Mine does like to play xbox/wii games and minecraft.  

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Honestly, my son has the most fun playing outside. He wants to be outside doing -- just about anything. Sometimes we can lure him inside with games.



Kids of Carcassone

Family Fluxx

Yahtzee Jr


Occasionally Candyland or the like


He's asked for a Scooter (Kick) and a Magnetic Dart board for Christmas


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