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Fresh Breakfast Ideas?

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Sunrise Mini Pizzas:


Take some thawed bread dough.


Spread it out like a pizza.


Toss on some scrambled eggs, crumbled bacon, and shredded cheese.


Bake til yummy!


(It's a lot of work, but my 15 yo is willing cuz she loves them and is also tired of same old same old)

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We are big on protein at breakfast so here are a few that work around here:


Egg Puffs (mix your eggs like you're making scrambled eggs but pour the mix into greased muffin tins, add ham and or cheese if you wish and bake at 350 until solid in the middle). My kids love these and I can make them at 5:00 when I wake up and then reheat or even the night before.


Peanut butter toast with chicken sausages and fruit (This is what we had today!)

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Yum! These are some very good ideas. I'll have to give them a try. We are big egg eaters so the egg ideas are new and fresh ideas, and peanut butter is always an excellent source of morning protein. I'll have to try the muffins. They look good and healthy.


Anyone have a recipe that involves APPLES? I don't know why, but apples sound like a great breakfast idea and all I can think are slices of apples w/cheese or peanut butter.

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We've made apple cheese toast before: Toast one side of bread in the oven, then flip over and put thin apple slices on the bread and top with shredded or thin slices of cheddar cheese. Put back in over until cheese is melted.


Another idea is German pancakes (aka dutch babies aka oven pancakes aka ...) with an apple syrup topping or even putting the apples directly into the batter and letting it bake that way. You can :goodsearch: for a recipe.

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I tried a crustless quiche last week that was yummy and reheated VERY well.


Heat oven to 350. Spray a pie plate with non-stick spray (I used butter flavor). Mix 6 eggs, 1/2 c. low-fat cottage cheese, 1/2 c. shredded mild cheddar, and turkey sausage links cut into very small chunks. Cook until set in middle and light, golden brown on top (I guess this depends on how brown you like it). It cooked in less time than the recipe said, so watch it. I really can't remember how long it did take.


My husband likes breakfast to go because he's not a morning person. I posted a thread asking for ideas that had some good ones. I'm sorry I don't know how to link to another thread, but search for breakfast in the title and I'm sure you'll find it.


We also like cereal, yogurt, or oatmeal with fruit. We like egg salad on toast for a change with eggs. My dh makes pancakes on Saturday mornings and there is usually some leftover to freeze. They reheat well. My kids love cinnamon/sugar toast, too.


I love these kinds of threads! I love to hear what others do.

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I was just going to say Dutch Babies LOL! That is our standard Saturday am breakfast here. You can slice some apples, add some cinnamon and sprinkle them on top.


We also do lots of smoothies - yogurt, goat milk, orange juice, flax, and tons of fruit.


We make lots of waffles, banana or cinnamon are our favourites, and then freeze them for quick breakfasts.


My kids are scrambled eggs addicts. They want them three times a day and then for a bed time snack!


You can make French Toast and freeze it.


There are some yummy breakfast bar recipes out there too.

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Try an oven pancake! This is a huge fav. here and to be honest I have never made one that didn't turn out great.

It is from the Betty Crocker Cookbook.(page 77 if you have the newest edition)

Puffy Oven Pancake-

2 T butter

2 lg eggs

1/2 c AP flour

1/2 c milk (I use 2%)

1/4 t salt

Heat oven to 400. In a 9 in pie plate melt butter in oven. be sure to brush the butter all around. In a med. bowl beat eggs. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Don't overbeat. Pour into the pre-heated pie dish.

Bake for 25-30 min.

So, this of course can be doubled easy for a larger family. I often double it and put it into two pie plates or one large rectangular dish (9x13). I also add just a hint of cinnamon to mine as well as just a teaspoon or two of sugar. I also really like that you aren't stuck over the stove while everyone else is enjoying breakfast, this comes straight out of the oven to a trivet on the table! I just put a pat of butter and some warm syrup to serve. Fresh fruits make a great side. Good luck.

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You can make oatmeal (from oats, not the instant packaged) and add apple chunks to it as it cooks. Then, sprinkle with a bit of brown sugar, some walnuts, and some real maple syrup. I also drizzle a bit of cream around the outside after dishing it up. Yummy.


Oh yummy! This will be my breakfast tomorrow!!! :)

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peel and slice an apple, mix w/ a little sugar and cinnamon and nuke (or cook in a saucepan) till apple slices are translucent. Split an english muffin, layer w/ a slice or two of bacon, the apples and cheddar cheese. Broil till cheese melts.


My dd is not an egg person - so this works well for her.


Popovers are also a big favorite here (and they don't taste like eggs). My kids will split them and put a little powdered sugar and lemon juice on them.


I have a great recipe for lemon cottage cheese pancakes (try googling it). I usually add some sort of berry to the batter.

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I used to make up a couple of large apple crumbles. In winter the house never gets warm enough to send the butter rancid, so they'd last a week in the oven, if I made enough. Tinned apples are usually cheap and unsweetened, and I made a nice crumble with oats and sunflower seeds, not that cornflake crumble stuff. It doesn't take long to put together, then you bung it in the oven. Just make sure you used unsalted butter. Made that mistake once and the crumble was inedible!



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I too need protein in the morning. I love to make yogurt smoothies. Mine are pretty simple: 1 cup vanilla yogurt, handful of frozen strawberries (frozen makes it more cold and icy) handful of ice and blend. When I am feeling stressed I add a couple of spoonfuls of chocolate syrup.well....ok...most days I add chocolate.. yummy, tastes like a frappe

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Thanks for the smoothie recipes everyone--I'm going to try them! The popovers sound like a great breakfast idea too. I never considered popovers for breakfast. :)


We eat a lot of pancakes, oven pancakes, swedish pancakes, homemade waffles, oatmeal of all kinds (from steel cut oats to the quick packages), and eggs of every variety--in burritoes, scrambled, fried, w/bacon, etc. I was looking for something different from these.

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