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End of first grading period - got Autumn's report card...


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Her first report card (outside of home) in several years. This is her first year at the brick and mortar private school. So much growth already!

Math: A

Literature/Language Arts: A

Science: B

Social Studies: B

Woodshop: A



I'm so proud of her! I haven't seen A's and B's in core subjects since... well, never. Mathematics were always a struggle because, while advanced conceptually, she struggled so much with working memory that timed tests were her doom. My dyslexic kiddo pulled a freakin' "A" in literature and language arts?! I'm so happy for her - she worked so hard! I'm equally impressed with her B's - I know she struggled greatly in social studies with the essays (a big part of their grade). Her science teacher and her had a clashing of personalities but had a "come to Jesus" meeting a few weeks in, and he said at the conference that if she had worked as hard the first part of the period, as she did the second half, she would have had an "A" - that he was very, very impressed with her turnaround. MI is hard, hard, hard work, so I'm even thrilled with her "C" in that. She's created some great things in wood shop; a tardis box, a boat, and now they're working on miniature cars.


We had one-on-one conferences when they handed out the cards personally. A bit intimidating since it was all the teachers, the Headmaster, and me. Lol. They said she is a joy to have; that she brings some much needed normalcy to the boys' lives, and to their own. She is enthusiastic, full of energy, has a unique personality, is opinionated and "holds her own". They asked me what they could do to make our experience better (I had nothing to say there - we're thrilled with the school) and asked how I thought Autumn would be adjusting. She is a fantastic chess player and the chess coach/teacher uses her to pit against the boys to ready them for the tournament; she did play competitively years ago, but wandered. They did say she's unmotivated. *le sigh* I know this. She always has been. Easily bored, no real ambition. Unfortunately, I'm starting to fear it's a personality trait and I'm unsure how to help her with that - I've been trying for a long time. She floats from interest to interest, tiring of each one easily and quickly, ready to move to the next thing, no matter how much potentials she shows at the time - she was a beautiful ballerina, got bored, quit; a great soccer player (goalie was *her* best position), got bored, quit; played chess years ago, got bored, quit, now is picking it back up again. I don't know what to do for her there. Her headmaster is going to help us brainstorm.


... BUT... I am so, so, so proud of her hard work!

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:hurray:   Great job!  (What is MI?)


Sorry. Multiple Intelligences - it's a class that teaches children about different gifts and traits. Here's a quote from the school website:


The theory of Multiple Intelligences proposes that each of us possess all of the nine intelligences.  Students develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency and learn many ways to be intelligent within each category.   The nine intelligences that are taught at The xxx School include the following:        Interpersonal       Linguistic      Naturalist     Musical     Mathematical                 Logical    Spatial      Intrapersonal     Bodily-Kinesthetic
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