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Why does everything break when dh is gone?

Jean in Newcastle

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Because appliances just know how to pick the worst possible times to break down. I'm convinced mine check our calendar as well as our financial situation. Seriously, I'm so sorry you're stuck in this situation. How frustrating! I don't have a front load machine, so I'm no practical help, but I wanted to commiserate anyway. Hugs!

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I think it's the law. ;)


Our smoke detectors tend to need new batteries when dh is away and makes the beeping at 2:00 am when the cats are in the garage for the night, so I can't get to the ladder without bothering them, causing them to want to come in. Because the detectors are hardwired, I have no idea how to change the batteries (I don't like mucking with electricity, so they scare me).


Our house alarm's motherboard died once while dh was away, causing the alarm to go off at 10PM. To make it stop, I had to disengage the battery which is in the garage 20+ feet up (don't ask), so not only did I need to use the HUMONGO ladder that no woman should ever have to mess with, but I had to move three vehicles to get to it. All the time, the alarm was ringing, causing me to not be able to think.


Our dishwasher has also died, as has the washing machine (sprung a leak in the hose, spraying water all over the place). There are others, but I think those are the worst.


As I said, I think it's the law that things break while our hubbies are away.


Jean, can you google to see if there is a way to get the door to your washing machine open?


ETA: itsheresomewhere posted about your machine while I was typing.

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I hear ya. My husband hadn't even reached the airport to leave when my oven freaked out and locked (taking a loaf of half-baked bread hostage in the process). And a tree fell across the driveway.


Sorry about your washer. Here's hoping unplugging it will fix the problem.

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I think we're just at that age where everything is old and breaking. And my dh isn't even gone--it's just one or two more things breaking every week--garage door springs, engine light on old van, refrigerator, the treadmill drive belt, sink faucet--that's all in the last two months. And the oven keeps turning itself off and flashing an error code but I'm trying to ignore it.

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I think we're just at that age where everything is old and breaking. And my dh isn't even gone--it's just one or two more things breaking every week--garage door springs, engine light on old van, refrigerator, the treadmill drive belt, sink faucet--that's all in the last two months. And the oven keeps turning itself off and flashing an error code but I'm trying to ignore it.

Unfortunately, you have a very valid point there.


Actually, having dh home probably wouldn't change much.  I would have someone to complain to about it though!  


Now - to try and google a laundromat.  I haven't seen any around here.  

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