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I will not get bummed!

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I will remain in good spirits and focus on the blessings of life! I will not be discouraged, and believe things will fall into place. I will not focus on nor contemplate what I do not know. This is not in my control.



I will make it a good day!



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I'm sending a prayer your way, Heather!

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Now to Him Who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory forever! :grouphug:


I will remain in good spirits and focus on the blessings of life! I will not be discouraged, and believe things will fall into place. I will not focus on nor contemplate what I do not know. This is not in my control.



I will make it a good day!



Back to your regulary schedule WTM board.

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I will remain in good spirits and focus on the blessings of life! I will not be discouraged, and believe things will fall into place. I will not focus on nor contemplate what I do not know. This is not in my control.



I will make it a good day!



Back to your regulary schedule WTM board.


:grouphug: I hope things look up soon.


And, well said...something we should all practice! My mom always said "we make our own happiness." And we can, but sometimes it takes focus.

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Have you ever read Brother Lawrence? He was a monk who learned that he could still worship God even while doing mundane tasks. When I'm in a funk or am feeling discouraged or like complaining, I will often bring a hymn book along with me so that I can sing while folding clothes. And I will pray while in the shower or while loading the dishwasher - not a complaining prayer but praying for others: the neighbors, the people who are rubbing me the wrong way, my family, my church, the nation. . .

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Have you ever read Brother Lawrence? He was a monk who learned that he could still worship God even while doing mundane tasks. When I'm in a funk or am feeling discouraged or like complaining, I will often bring a hymn book along with me so that I can sing while folding clothes. And I will pray while in the shower or while loading the dishwasher - not a complaining prayer but praying for others: the neighbors, the people who are rubbing me the wrong way, my family, my church, the nation. . .

I'm glad you brought this up! I have not read it, but I've heard of him, and I think of him sometimes. So, when I have to fold laundry or do dishes or clean the toilets, I try to think positive things, and be thankful for what I have and pray and sing as well!


I also think about the disciples in prison, after being beaten. They sang! It helps me get things in perspective better, I think, and helps me make it through the tough times....

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