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Dss want to know if/ how you celebrate your dogs' birthdays


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We have two dogs, and since I can't give one something w/o also giving something to the other one, I usually buy them new chew toys (antlers, marrow bones, etc.) on each of their birthdays.  And of course a little extra special attention for the birthday dog.


The cats don't seem to care . . . .

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We always give Dutch (Pekingese) extra treats and a special meal on his birthday, plus loads more love (though that's hard, because he gets love all the time).  He turned 13 in August, and he got a new collar and a new bed.  He's not into toys anymore, but he really liked the bed.  ;)  We used to have little birthday parties for our dogs (we had 2, but lost Pepper a few years ago to disease), which was silly and fun.  I used soft food to make a little bone shaped "cake" and we'd put party hats on them (our dogs are thankfully very tolerant of our weirdness), sing happy birthday, let them eat the cake, then give them a new toy.  Pepper loved to open presents.  We'd hand it to her and she'd rip into it, pulling the paper of and flinging her head to throw the paper everywhere.  We always had to watch her around Christmas, because she desperately wanted to open presents!  

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Yes, we celebrate.......our puppy was one yr old on March 27. We sent out invites to the kids' homeschooled friends, baked dog friendly cupcakes for our two dogs, had typical party fare for kids and moms ( who were invited to stay)......party lasted an hour. Our pup is a party animal and loved having a ton of kids here to play with him.


The theme was fire hydrants.....found all the stuff at Party Depot.


We asked for a food donation that could be brought to our animal shelter in lieu of gifts.....we ask for that for all the kids birthdays too.


We had about 20 kids here. It was a nice one hour break and it gave the moms a chance to catch up.


Oh, and the kids wore fireman hats!

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My mother went a little overboard with her previous dog. Several neighborhood dogs used to all play together in their adjoining back yards. When Mom's dog turned 10, she sent invitations to all of the neighbor dogs, and a few other friends' dogs, and they had a cookout party. My sister baked and decorated a dog-safe cake with cream cheese icing, and we made personalized "goody bowls" for all of the guest doggies.


It was loads of fun, and we still giggle over the photos of all of the dogs licking the cake!

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Before I had kids I threw our dog an actual birthday party every year. I'd get him a doggie cake, invite family over for dinner (for people food LOL), put up decor, and my sister would even bring his doggie girlfriend. Yeah, I was that person LOL! We had our dog for about 4 years before we had kids. After that, no more doggie parties....kiddos take priority LOL. Now I do get him some sort of gift. Usually a bone, or treats, or a new toy or bed. Same for Christmas too.

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We know the date of ddog's bday, so he gets a bone or extra special treat, and everyrone gives him extra love.

I think it's fun for kids to celebrate pet birthdays, but I don't like all the silliness over it, like parties and stuff--just have a party for the party's sake, without using your dog as an excuse! 


We do, however, bless animals on St. Francis Day (coming up on the 4th). :D   :001_tt2:

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I do not celebrate Aidan's birthday.  That is because there is nothing I can do that is all that special for him that I don't do every day or week.  It would be gilding the lily.


Christmas is different.  He gets as many gifts as I can think up because he loves unwrapping presents -- *all* presents.

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