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8/11 exercise update thread!

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It was soup out this morning! I tell you soup! Literally. It was foggy, visiblity was like 1/2 mile. I ran my old route. The one that was my everyday standard until the dog tripped me. 2.86 miles, 30:34, 10:37 pace. The best was Tiger Woods telling me I clocked my fastest mile to yet!


The route change means I've gone from 95% trail to 95% concrete and asphalt. Shins seem to be ok though. I ran into the bathroom, found it locked and had to wait for the park employee to unlock it. I don't think he liked being up that early. He commented to me "It's awful early to be up." I'm not sure if he was telling me off or complaining about being out of bed. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I was out early because the vet comes at 9. And she's always early. (Yes, my vet comes to the house. Her visit price is the same as a simple office visit price.)


How was your exercise?

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i'm doing the couch to 5k program. just finished week 6 with a 25 min run. i'm not sure exactly how far i'm going, i'm just trying to survive the time!! :tongue_smilie: it's just amazing that a few weeks ago i couldn't jog for a minute without huffing and puffing and now i can keep going for 25 minutes. maybe that 5k race isn't so far away after all!

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It was soup out this morning! I tell you soup! Literally. It was foggy, visiblity was like 1/2 mile. I ran my old route. The one that was my everyday standard until the dog tripped me. 2.86 miles, 30:34, 10:37 pace. The best was Tiger Woods telling me I clocked my fastest mile to yet!


The route change means I've gone from 95% trail to 95% concrete and asphalt. Shins seem to be ok though. I ran into the bathroom, found it locked and had to wait for the park employee to unlock it. I don't think he liked being up that early. He commented to me "It's awful early to be up." I'm not sure if he was telling me off or complaining about being out of bed. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I was out early because the vet comes at 9. And she's always early. (Yes, my vet comes to the house. Her visit price is the same as a simple office visit price.)


How was your exercise?


Good for you!!! Sounds like you run well in soup! Or maybe it was not running on trails? Either way - way to go!!


i'm doing the couch to 5k program. just finished week 6 with a 25 min run. i'm not sure exactly how far i'm going, i'm just trying to survive the time!! :tongue_smilie: it's just amazing that a few weeks ago i couldn't jog for a minute without huffing and puffing and now i can keep going for 25 minutes. maybe that 5k race isn't so far away after all!



Awesome!!! Isn't it great to feel your body getting into better shape?


I ran 3.6 miles in 34 minutes. I'm getting faster! Now if I can only keep that up for another 2 miles by October!!! I talked with the other women on my relay team and most of them run an 8 - 9 minute mile. I don't want to be the weakest link!!

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My scheduled run was 25 minutes, which I did last week with no problem. Today, I don't know what it was, but I walked several times. Of course, it could have been that it was hot and really muggy at 6:30 am. Blech. Or the fact that I forgot my water. Duh... Then, I had to go to the bathroom near the end and running made it worse, so I walked the last bit. In spite of all that, though, my pace was 15.2 min., my fastest yet. Like I said, weird.

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My scheduled run was 25 minutes, which I did last week with no problem. Today, I don't know what it was, but I walked several times. Of course, it could have been that it was hot and really muggy at 6:30 am. Blech. Or the fact that I forgot my water. Duh... Then, I had to go to the bathroom near the end and running made it worse, so I walked the last bit. In spite of all that, though, my pace was 15.2 min., my fastest yet. Like I said, weird.


Awesome!!! Humidity does that to me too. I complained here after I tried a 4 mile run for the first time and I had to walk so much of it - because of the humidity. I still came in at my normal time/mile! I was pretty happy!


Anyway, great job!! When is your race?


Good job guys. I'm getting ready to go out now. Just waiting for a passing thunderstorm to, uh, pass. :D


Pass thunderstorm, pass!!! People are waiting to run!!!

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i'm doing the couch to 5k program. just finished week 6 with a 25 min run. i'm not sure exactly how far i'm going, i'm just trying to survive the time!! :tongue_smilie: it's just amazing that a few weeks ago i couldn't jog for a minute without huffing and puffing and now i can keep going for 25 minutes. maybe that 5k race isn't so far away after all!


Progress that you can track is a wonderful thing! Who cares how far it is? You went and you lived to tell about it. Great job!

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Good for you!!! Sounds like you run well in soup! Or maybe it was not running on trails? Either way - way to go!!


I seem to be going fast lately. As I get more in shape, my runs get faster. The faster mile probably has more to do with it being more or less straight. There is a 90 degree turn, but that's easy compared to the windey-ness of the trail.


I ran 3.6 miles in 34 minutes. I'm getting faster! Now if I can only keep that up for another 2 miles by October!!! I talked with the other women on my relay team and most of them run an 8 - 9 minute mile. I don't want to be the weakest link!!


You won't be the weakest link! And even if you are, it doesn't matter. You are out there running doing your best. Your best is all you can do!


Great job on the pace though!

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My scheduled run was 25 minutes, which I did last week with no problem. Today, I don't know what it was, but I walked several times. Of course, it could have been that it was hot and really muggy at 6:30 am. Blech. Or the fact that I forgot my water. Duh... Then, I had to go to the bathroom near the end and running made it worse, so I walked the last bit. In spite of all that, though, my pace was 15.2 min., my fastest yet. Like I said, weird.


Weird indeed. But your fastest pace yet. That's great!

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Awesome!!! Humidity does that to me too. I complained here after I tried a 4 mile run for the first time and I had to walk so much of it - because of the humidity. I still came in at my normal time/mile! I was pretty happy!


Anyway, great job!! When is your race?



I'm doing the half-marathon January 18th. I'm hoping to get down to a 13 minute pace, which I don't feel is unreasonable.


I cannot wait for fall. Of course, down here it doesn't show up 'til October at the earliest.

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I half walked, half ran 2.6 miles in 38 minutes. :tongue_smilie: However!!!!! I did it in the rain. :) I feel like I joined a club or something. Wow did it feel good. It was only 69 degrees when I started at 7:18. It has been being 10-15 hotter than that and humid with the sun beating down. So yeah, rain was great. It was a drizzle really...but rain nonetheless.


So I walked UP the hill and ran down. 4 times. My knee is bothering me, but oddly it hurt worse walking than when I was running.


I wonder if I will ever be able to run all the way up that hill?

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I decided to just run for 30 minutes. That's probably close to 3 miles for me. I didn't want to take the path that I normally take because I've been getting bored and when I get bored, I slow down and even walk. :(


So, I just ran 11 minutes away from my house, then back towards, then took an extra block. I came home and did all the strength training exercises on my Wii Fit, and I'm feeling pretty good :D


I'm hoping to make it back out to the Y this afternoon for some more strength training, another quick run on the treadmill (I like tracking how fast I can run a mile on there), and whatever else suits my fancy.


Hope everyone else has a good day!

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Cheryl, you get up early!:lol:


I try to sleep longer! I just had an appointment at 9 so I had to go early today. Tomorrow I don't have to go early so I probably won't.


I'll be waiting to hear how your run is...


Are you on the Outer Banks by any chance? I'll be on Hatteras Island next week. I plan to run at least once on the beach around sunrise.

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I half walked, half ran 2.6 miles in 38 minutes. :tongue_smilie: However!!!!! I did it in the rain. :) I feel like I joined a club or something. Wow did it feel good. It was only 69 degrees when I started at 7:18. It has been being 10-15 hotter than that and humid with the sun beating down. So yeah, rain was great. It was a drizzle really...but rain nonetheless.


So I walked UP the hill and ran down. 4 times. My knee is bothering me, but oddly it hurt worse walking than when I was running.


I wonder if I will ever be able to run all the way up that hill?


Great job! Running in the rain when it is hot is a wonderful thing! It's odd for me. I won't run when it's in the 30-50's and raining. But if it's snowing (so only 32 or less) I am out there!!!


Yes, you will get to a point where you can run all the way up that hill!

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I try to sleep longer! I just had an appointment at 9 so I had to go early today. Tomorrow I don't have to go early so I probably won't.


I'll be waiting to hear how your run is...


Are you on the Outer Banks by any chance? I'll be on Hatteras Island next week. I plan to run at least once on the beach around sunrise.


Oh, bummer! No I am not near the OBX. It would be so much fun to have a Well Trained Runner as a partner for a few days.:001_smile: Have fun!

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I decided to just run for 30 minutes. That's probably close to 3 miles for me. I didn't want to take the path that I normally take because I've been getting bored and when I get bored, I slow down and even walk. :(


So, I just ran 11 minutes away from my house, then back towards, then took an extra block. I came home and did all the strength training exercises on my Wii Fit, and I'm feeling pretty good :D


I'm hoping to make it back out to the Y this afternoon for some more strength training, another quick run on the treadmill (I like tracking how fast I can run a mile on there), and whatever else suits my fancy.


Hope everyone else has a good day!


Sounds like a good morning and good plan for later!

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I was beautiful out this morning. The cool temps felt delightful. I walked 5.3 miles at a swift pace with a bit of running thrown in to get my heart rate really going. I am able to run for longer than I could at first.

I will do my 45 minutes of weights this afternoon.


Another person tracking progress with distance she is able to run! Great job!

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Ran for 54 minutes today. I was scheduled for a 4.5 mile run. Took my oldest dd to the park to meet with her cross-country team and then went for my run. It was gorgeous - beautiful mowed path through the woods, by the river, past a real life model of Lewis & Clark's boat. The weather was PERFECT. I figured that I was running between a 10 and 11 minute pace much of the time and it felt so good. So, I just kept runing until I knew that I had run 4.5 EVEN if I was running a 12-minute pace. I'm thankful for this gorgeous weather in Central VA! We even slept with our windows open last night.

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Waiting to hear from you.




Please do wait for the storm to pass!


Thank you for waiting! ;)


I did Prevention Plan, Week 8 (Walk 1/Run 4, repeat 6 times). I ended up taking a 2 minute walk break instead of 1 minute, and I ran for 5 minutes a few times instead of 4. All in all I went 2.46 miles in 36 minutes; 14:37 minute mile, 4.10 mph average. Eh. I *really* want to get to a 10 minute mile....we'll see! That'll be my goal once I finish the entire Prevention Plan!


Off to shower and live life. I'll be back tonight to see how everybody who hasn't checked in yet does! (awkward sentence; forgive me. I haven't even had coffee yet!!!!) :D


One more thought: we need running smiley, don't ya think?

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Are walkers welcome to join you? I can't run. Well, I can run but it has to be to chocolate or I don't see the point. And if I spend energy running to chocolate and negate all the benefits of my run, I might as well stay home. :glare:


But ideally, I'll pack the kids into the double stroller and take a long walk with them in the afternoon several times a week.


Last summer, I did several days a week of walking to and from town - 4 miles each way! We had a blast. I had amazing thighs. I just couldn't get myself into it this summer for some reason.



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Ran for 54 minutes today. I was scheduled for a 4.5 mile run. Took my oldest dd to the park to meet with her cross-country team and then went for my run. It was gorgeous - beautiful mowed path through the woods, by the river, past a real life model of Lewis & Clark's boat. The weather was PERFECT. I figured that I was running between a 10 and 11 minute pace much of the time and it felt so good. So, I just kept runing until I knew that I had run 4.5 EVEN if I was running a 12-minute pace. I'm thankful for this gorgeous weather in Central VA! We even slept with our windows open last night.


Great job!!! Now don't you wonder how far you went? I always come straight home and map my route to figure it out!


Thank you for waiting! ;)


I did Prevention Plan, Week 8 (Walk 1/Run 4, repeat 6 times). I ended up taking a 2 minute walk break instead of 1 minute, and I ran for 5 minutes a few times instead of 4. All in all I went 2.46 miles in 36 minutes; 14:37 minute mile, 4.10 mph average. Eh. I *really* want to get to a 10 minute mile....we'll see! That'll be my goal once I finish the entire Prevention Plan!


Off to shower and live life. I'll be back tonight to see how everybody who hasn't checked in yet does! (awkward sentence; forgive me. I haven't even had coffee yet!!!!) :D


One more thought: we need running smiley, don't ya think?


Great job!!!! The speed will come - really. How was the coffee?


Are walkers welcome to join you? I can't run. Well, I can run but it has to be to chocolate or I don't see the point. And if I spend energy running to chocolate and negate all the benefits of my run, I might as well stay home. :glare:


But ideally, I'll pack the kids into the double stroller and take a long walk with them in the afternoon several times a week.


Last summer, I did several days a week of walking to and from town - 4 miles each way! We had a blast. I had amazing thighs. I just couldn't get myself into it this summer for some reason.




Walkers are always welcome!! Wow on the 8 miles/day! That's a LOT of walking!!! So, GO. GET. Post upon your return! (How's that for motivation?)

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Well I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't check to see if Aubrey had her baby until I worked out and I am glad to say that if you check the thread from her "son" you will know that I did indeed work out.:D


I continue on my quest for a sexy dancers body(yeah right) but gotta say I was sweating a lot and doing some pilates for toning. Worked out for total 50 minutes and it mostly felt good.:tongue_smilie:

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Thank you for waiting! ;)


I did Prevention Plan, Week 8 (Walk 1/Run 4, repeat 6 times). I ended up taking a 2 minute walk break instead of 1 minute, and I ran for 5 minutes a few times instead of 4. All in all I went 2.46 miles in 36 minutes; 14:37 minute mile, 4.10 mph average. Eh. I *really* want to get to a 10 minute mile....we'll see! That'll be my goal once I finish the entire Prevention Plan!


Off to shower and live life. I'll be back tonight to see how everybody who hasn't checked in yet does! (awkward sentence; forgive me. I haven't even had coffee yet!!!!) :D


One more thought: we need running smiley, don't ya think?


Great job!


Yes, we do need a running smiley! You get right on that, ya hear. ;)

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Ran for 54 minutes today. I was scheduled for a 4.5 mile run. Took my oldest dd to the park to meet with her cross-country team and then went for my run. It was gorgeous - beautiful mowed path through the woods, by the river, past a real life model of Lewis & Clark's boat. The weather was PERFECT. I figured that I was running between a 10 and 11 minute pace much of the time and it felt so good. So, I just kept runing until I knew that I had run 4.5 EVEN if I was running a 12-minute pace. I'm thankful for this gorgeous weather in Central VA! We even slept with our windows open last night.


I am so jealous!


Great run!

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Oooooo... you're good! Thank you! I'll pack the kids a lunch and head out. :)




Enjoy your walk!!! I'll be checkin' in on ya'!!


I continue on my quest for a sexy dancers body(yeah right) but gotta say I was sweating a lot and doing some pilates for toning. Worked out for total 50 minutes and it mostly felt good.:tongue_smilie:


Good job! I hear ya' on the "mostly felt good!"


Sadly, it's the different time zone that accounts for the time. I walked one hour.


I thought the same thing about your four hour walk!!! One hour seems more doable!!

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My guys are at the fair and I'm going to ride my bike up there in a bit. (The fairgrounds are only a few miles away.) From there I'll do a short run (3 miles) before helping with some things in the dairy barn. I am pretty sure it's been about two years since most people around town have seen in me in anything but my "running clothes and unshowered" look. I figure, why dress and shower when I'm just going to run again?:tongue_smilie:

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My guys are at the fair and I'm going to ride my bike up there in a bit. (The fairgrounds are only a few miles away.) From there I'll do a short run (3 miles) before helping with some things in the dairy barn. I am pretty sure it's been about two years since most people around town have seen in me in anything but my "running clothes and unshowered" look. I figure, why dress and shower when I'm just going to run again?:tongue_smilie:


I agree, why shower when you are going back out. I look foward to hearing that you went, had a good time and what the boys are showing at the fair. :)

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Started week 3 of my program. Week 3 is when I got shin splints last time I did a program so we'll see. Hopefully it won't happen again.


I have a wrap I wear almost daily now. I gained weight since I took so much time off from running with the shin splints after restarting running. I've kept running through it this time. There are days that it bothers me, days that it doesn't.


:grouphug: Shin splints are no fun.

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Well, I walked from 1:00 until 3:15 today. With two little kids, the first half of the walk is kinf of relaxing because they are in and out so much. And the the last half of the walk, I pick up the pace because they are conked out. :001_smile:




Great job and the little got outside to boot!

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Started week 3 of my program. Week 3 is when I got shin splints last time I did a program so we'll see. Hopefully it won't happen again.


How are your shoes? My shin splints stopped after I got new shoes. Good job!!!


My guys are at the fair and I'm going to ride my bike up there in a bit. (The fairgrounds are only a few miles away.) From there I'll do a short run (3 miles) before helping with some things in the dairy barn. I am pretty sure it's been about two years since most people around town have seen in me in anything but my "running clothes and unshowered" look. I figure, why dress and shower when I'm just going to run again?:tongue_smilie:


How did the fair go? Are they competing in anything? People around town must think you work out all the time!!! LOL


Well, I walked from 1:00 until 3:15 today. With two little kids, the first half of the walk is kinf of relaxing because they are in and out so much. And the the last half of the walk, I pick up the pace because they are conked out. :001_smile:




Very good!!! That's a really long walk! Now, we'll be checking on you tomorrow!!!


I took both Saturday and Sunday off... but I hit the pavement again today. Another 8 miles and faster time than I did on Friday! Yippee!


Way to go!!!!! You amaze me!!


Brindee??? Oh Brindee??? Do you have a report today?? (Am I bugging you enough!?) LOL

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