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8th grader using Apologia Physical

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and he's struggling. He reads the text, can talk to me about it.  He completes the On  Your own questions and experiments.  I purchased the Notebook and the lab kit to make sure he has everything he needs.  I go over his questions each day.  He completes the review before the test and I go over it and make any changes.....  But the tests, oh the tests!  He is not doing well!  He just seems to struggle to put down all the needed info to get the answer correct.  Some of the questions I guess he is isn't thoroughly thinking through and therefore not getting it correct or putting down all the info needed.


Anyone else have a smart kid struggling with these tests?  In some ways I wish they were longer so one mistake wouldn't effect his grade so much.



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I would sit on the sofa with him and read the text to him, with him sitting next to you looking at the pictures. This is what I do with my ds. I go through the test with him verbally before he does the written test. I allow him to book to look up answers if he wants.


I know it's tiring and time consuming to read aloud for an hour, but there's some solid research that suggests that Reading Aloud to Older Children Is Valuable “Research indicates that motivation, interest, and engagement are often enhanced when teachers read aloud to middle school students,†... “The first reason to read aloud to older kids is to consider the fact that a child’s reading level doesn’t catch up to his listening level until about the eighth grade,â€sticht.png

You might even find you enjoy it. I find the Apologia books inspiring and engaging, and I learn a lot! Also you can interact with your ds, have conversations you never would have had otherwise, add in anecdotes from your own life experience, and answer his questions. I would have missed so much if I'd just handed my ds the text.

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I taught physical science to my 8th grader.  Basically, I would lecture while dd followed along.  She would then go back and review the sections.  We would discuss the chapter reviews/questions.  It is time intensive.  By the end of the year, I would have dd read more of the material on her own and we would discuss it, but I still lectured a great deal. 


This year for Biology (not Apologia if that matters), dd reads the material first then we go over it.  There are so many vocab words and terms in Biology that I want her to read the sections first to become at least familiar with it before we discuss it or I lecture it.  Again, it is time intensive.  Science is not independent in our house.  I enjoy teaching it and recognize that it is a subject that needs more time and attention. 

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Well, that is a problem bc I have 3 other children and finding a lot of time to do science one and one without interruption will be difficult or impossible.  I remember seeing there is an audio CD of the apologia texts...maybe I will go look for that.  Just to be clear, I am going over the On Your Own questions with him, completing experiments with him and going over the Review with him before the test.  But I haven't been reading the text or lecturing on it. I'm not sure how you moms of many do all the subjects with your children. 

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Just thought I would mention it, but are you requiring him to have the complete answer listed in the answer key, or just the underlined portion?  I asked about this on another forum, and the consensus was that just the underlined portion was expected.  I think someone even said that the author himself said that.   I'm sharing this because the answer key has long, drawn-out explanations that I think would be difficult for many kids to put into words, even if they know the "right" answer.  I was kind of freaking out about this when we started...

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My DD in 8th is doing this course through a co-op.  She just took her first test today.  She did struggle with the studying for a test aspect of it. Studying for science is different.  We do not do the On your Own, just the study guide at the end of the module.  Her co op teacher makes up her own test, so I went over the test that come with Apologia and then had her look in the book and made up some examples.  I was a worried, but we shall see how she scores.  I suppose it will be two weeks before we get the score.  She thinks she did well, so I hope that is the case!


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My son is similar. We're doing Wile's biology this year, but the format is the same. What helped here is having ds spend a good block of time studying after doing the study guide. If he had any misunderstandings on the study guide we work them out as he corrects it. Then he studies, and gets the test the next day.


I don't go over the whole lesson with him. He's capable of doing it himself and coming to me with problems.

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Ok, I had my son take the quiz for the Module on the Virtual Home School Group posted by thowell above  He made a 100.  Now granted that test is multiple choice and there was no writing so it's definitely easier but had made a 63 on the one I gave him from the curriculum.... 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Last year when we did Apologia General Science, my dd struggled with the tests.  I actually allowed her to take open notebook tests for the 1st semester because I realized it was mainly a problem with test taking skills and study skills.  It worked too!  I was going to ease her into taking the tests without the notebook, but the first test after the new year she told me she could do it on her own and she made an A!  Just something to think about.  She is doing Physical Science this year too and we are in a routine where she does it independently.  We go over experiments, the study guides and the optional summaries.  That's all.




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I totally understand your problem.  My ds did Physical last year and I am not sure he learned much.  I really want my kids to like Apologia and do well with it, but ...

This year with Biology I am using DIVE and Apologia.  There are fewer tests and the videos are very well done.  I don't have to teach it, other than answering a few clarification questions.  If there is a problem I can't answer, we can email the teacher and he will help. The labs are all done with the videos and if we have the material, he can participate along with the video, but if we don't, ds just can watch the lab and do a lab report from that.  I feel like we get lots more lab and supplementary knowledge with DIVE.  

Now, ds STILL doesn't like it, but he is learning more.  He really doesn't like anything, so I don't think liking it is the goal.  He has said definitively that he will not do any career with any kind of biology.  Whatever.  Just learn it :glare:



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My ds is doing this as part of a co-op class.  They did Apologia General last year.  I think the biggest learning curve was figuring out how to study for a test.  Ds had never had regular tests before last year.  The co-op teacher went over various strategies for studying and had the students share their own ideas as well.  Ds finds that he has to write down a lot of the answers in order to remember them.  So, completing the study guide is very important.  Using online flashcards for terms helps a lot as well.  If you haven't already factored in time to study, then I'd schedule that in.  I think ds usually has two days to study.

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I do not expect the full answer, only the underlined portion.  I'm relieved to hear that there are some moms out there having their children do the bulk of the reading on their own.


thowell - I'm checking out your link now!


Ds does all his reading on his own.  In co-op, the teacher will often spend some time talking about the material, the kids will discuss things, and they'll do experiments together.  All of the reading and OYO questions are done at home.  The class is using the notebooks as well, so students read and do their notebooks at home and then they are marked in class.

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We didn't do Apologia Physical, but my oldest completed Apologia General and now my sixth grader is using Apologia General. Both started out testing terribly. In our case, I think it's because until sixth grade we do a 'living science' type program and they had never been tested in science before. By about chapter three, both boys showed a huge learning curve uptick. I think it's just getting used to being required to do more. I am always available if there is a question, but current ds is expected to do the reading & answer questions on his own. He also spends two days on average preparing for the tests with the study guides and summaries.  I have them write out all of the answers for everything; not sure if I'd go solely with a multiple choice online test for an eighth grader. 


BTW, you might want to see if your library has a copy of the Great Course DVD "How to Become a SuperStar Student." My boys learned a lot about how to study from this video ... and the teacher is hilariously funny to teen & pre-teen boys. ;-D

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How's it going for everyone now?

My DD didn't do as well as she anticipated on her first two tests!  Her teacher at co-op makes her own tests. 

We have done the quizlet flashcards and  she's doing great with that.  We also use the test that comes with the apologia ps set to help.

However, she's still missing several questions on each test.  I have to come up with a new plan for her studies.  A big part is her own study skills and perhaps a bit over confident.  I talked to the teacher yesterday and she said a lot of kids don't read the whole text, and then don't go over their notes.  So glad we are doing this this year, to help figure things (study wise) out before high school next year.

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My son is doing Apologia's General Science this year and it has been a leap for him in that it is the first time he's had to take tests that actually make him apply the knowledge he's learned rather than just regurgitating facts.  To me, that is huge.  He is doing very well, and I'm sure it's easier than Physical Science, but it has definitely been a step up from what he's used to doing.  I did buy the audio mp3 for him and loaded it on his iPod.  So, he follows along in the text while listening to the iPod.  I think this has been key for him.  I have him highlight what he thinks is important in the text as well.  I have also been revolving his writing assignments around his science lessons a lot this year and I think that helps to reinforce what he's learned.  He's always been very strong in history and knows more about that subject than anyone I know, but science hasn't been as much of an interest for him.  This class has really changed that. I can easily see him becoming as knowledgeable in science as he is in history with this series.  So far, I am very happy even though I do not subscribe to some of the views of the author.  But, I talk with my son about that and listen to audiobooks by Dawkins and others to balance things out.

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I decided to buy Dive, and after we wrap up this module they will start that.  The initial 8 lessons leading to the first exam will be more of a review and we will move through those quickly and then carry on.  DD14 is doing just fine, but ds15 is not, mostly because he wants to do it himself without me at all, yet he lacks the ability to do so.  I am hoping he can do better with dive.  And for dd14 it will challenge her further.  It looks like dive actually gets closer to meeting the provincial outcomes we have to reach for science 10 better than apologia alone, and I will only have to add ellen mchenry's cells unit to cap off her outcomes.  Big improvement from what I was going to have to add with just physical science being done.  I am enjoying physical science, I do the OYO questions with them, the experiements etc, but they do the reading on their own. I don't have time to add in lectures because I am trying to teach the others, so hopefully dive will make it easier for them to do their science while I am busy with the youngers.

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