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How much should a cardiac exam cost?


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Hubby is in his late 40s and heart disease runs in his family.  He's also bald and has ear creases which are both supposedly warning signs (if you believe the Today Show a few months back).  In any event, I think it would be wise for him to get a basic cardiac exam just to be sure all is looking well (this partly spurred because a GOOD friend's hubby had a major heart attack out of the blue at essentially the same age - he survived, but has issues with it still now).


But... I've no idea how much they should cost.  Since we'll likely be paying for it ourselves, I don't feel like just calling someplace and "whatever" cost is fine unless it seems in line with what it should cost.   I can't find prices online (well, except from India and Thailand).  Does anyone in the Hive know what a good ballpark would be?

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Hubby is in his late 40s and heart disease runs in his family. He's also bald and has ear creases which are both supposedly warning signs (if you believe the Today Show a few months back). In any event, I think it would be wise for him to get a basic cardiac exam just to be sure all is looking well (this partly spurred because a GOOD friend's hubby had a major heart attack out of the blue at essentially the same age - he survived, but has issues with it still now).


But... I've no idea how much they should cost. Since we'll likely be paying for it ourselves, I don't feel like just calling someplace and "whatever" cost is fine unless it seems in line with what it should cost. I can't find prices online (well, except from India and Thailand). Does anyone in the Hive know what a good ballpark would be?

Family history of early heart disease in males should never be ignored.


Are you looking for the cost of a cardiac stress test?

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If you have basic health insurance, a physical is now covered once a year. My recent physicsl included loads of blood work and an EKG. That would give you quite a bit of cardio information to start with. Beyond that, it has been years since I had a stress test so I don't know going price.

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No idea about the cost. That will vary, widely, depending on where you live. It will cost much less, in Texas, for example, than it would in California or New York, or many other places.


My insurance never covered routine physical examinations, so, like you, I had to pay, out of my own pocket. I could not afford that, in Texas. I had a THOROUGH physical examination, in a private hospital in Cancun. That included a Stress EKG, an Ultrasound examination, and many other things. After I got back to Texas, I made an appointment with my primary doctor (Internal Medicine/Cardiologist). He was extremely impressed, with the "workup" the M.D. in Cancun had done. He told me it would have cost thousands and thousands of dollars in Texas, and we are talking early 90's...


A resting EKG is almost worthless. If the patient happens to have a heart attack, while connected to the EKG machine, the resting EKG is great. A "stress EKG", walking on a treadmill, as it gradually increases in speed, and, in inclination, is what is required, for a thorough test of one's heart. BTW, it is best if the Cardiologist is running the Stress EKG. Sometimes, the patient will have a heart attack, while doing the examination...  That is very very rare, but it happens occasionally. The Stress EKG is a must for your DH.  Do not pay for a resting EKG...    Much less expensive, but almost worthless, and the peace of mind it might give you might be very false...


I do remember, in 1995 or after, comparing prices of some examinations, done in the best private hospital in Cali, Colombia. As I recall, some of them cost as little as  10% of what they would cost in Texas. That's why many people come here, and go to other places, for Medical and Dental care...


Great idea and GL to your DH


ETA: My father died of a heart attack when he was 41.  I am far older than that, so a family history doesn't condemn one to heart disease. However, it certainly does increase the risk.

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Family history of early heart disease in males should never be ignored.


Are you looking for the cost of a cardiac stress test?


I'm not sure what we're looking for to be honest.  The medical field is not my specialty.  In general, I'm a believer that the body tends to heal itself, but that's just in general - obviously not applicable for this situation - but it does mean we're not really "in" to doctors or the medical world.


We don't have health insurance, but do belong to Samaritan Ministries, so if something is wrong, it's covered at 100%.  I don't think the initial exam would be though.  We generally pay for physicals and anything < $300 out of pocket.  It easily makes up for it in the lower monthly cost, so I'm not complaining.  I'm just curious as to what cost we should be looking at.


Our last medical "issue" was an ingrown toenail youngest had.  We visited both our family doctor and a local "express" clinic and neither did much, but each cost > $100.  Then I set him up at a foot and ankle specialist expecting to end up using Samaritans, but that visit only cost $85 - and they took the "bad" part of the toenail out on the spot with local anesthesia.  He's had no problem since.  It opened my eyes to the variety of options - and more importantly, costs.  Hubby had a physical with our family doctor and they saw no cause for concern, but they didn't even check the blood for anything, much less specifically check the heart for anything.  I'm not exactly sure what they did to earn the cost to be honest - maybe looked for skin cancer...


I expect this to cost more, but I've no idea how much and google is no help unless we want to fly to India or Thailand which is VERY tempting actually - not just for the health care, but to get a visit in too.  However, we aren't exactly free to travel on a moment's notice with youngest still in high school.  Plus, the plane fares would be around $2500 (since both of us would go - yes, we looked, like I said, it's very tempting and since google brought it up...).  Anyway, the cost of airfare could make local less expensive (and it MIGHT be a covered expense).

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What kind of heart disease runs in his family? Like coronary disease or like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? Either way, I'd think asking about basic physical (with a good cardiac exam, not just the oh-yeah-I-hear-a-heart-beat kind), bloods (CBC, CMP, lipid profile), resting EKG... the performing facility might give you a discount on the initial testing if you don't have insurance and are able to pay up front.

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I had a THOROUGH physical examination, in a private hospital in Cancun. That included a Stress EKG, an Ultrasound examination, and many other things.


I do remember, in 1995 or after, comparing prices of some examinations, done in the best private hospital in Cali, Colombia. As I recall, some of them cost as little as  10% of what they would cost in Texas. That's why many people come here, and go to other places, for Medical and Dental care...


Great idea and GL to your DH



 Do you have recommendations for places in Cancun or Cali?  We're actually intrigued by the idea of an extra trip out of this and might head that route.  I'll still call locally to price things, but if the costs are comparable, a trip would be a nice bonus...

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 Do you have recommendations for places in Cancun or Cali?  We're actually intrigued by the idea of an extra trip out of this and might head that route.  I'll still call locally to price things, but if the costs are comparable, a trip would be a nice bonus...

I haven't been in Cancun since the early 90's. I was planning to move there, so I was there a lot...

I don't remember the name of the small private hospital I went to, for that THOROUGH physical examination. My guess is that I probably paid a few hundred dollars, for something that would have, at that time, costs thousands of dollars in Texas, and far more in a place like California or New York.


Then, I came to Cali, in October 1992, to check out the women... :-) That was the first trip.   I had never considered moving here...     If you are interested in coming to Cali, Colombia, we are 1565 miles from Miami. The flight is about 3 hours 15 minutes.  I believe there is also nonstop service to/from Houston, which is probably about 4 1/2  (?) hours.  Not sure, because of the merger of Continental which flew that route, and United which is the surviving airline.


Clinica Valle del Lili, in the extreme South part of the city of Cali. Excellent hospital  In the mid 90's, I remember seeing advertising pamphlets, in a waiting room there, about "Executive" physical examinations. I believe they had several different packages. The M.D.s in that  hospital are top notch. DD was born there. An M.D. on our street has his office there. I assume he is top notch, because in our experience, all of their doctors are top notch.


I think this is the main URL:


Notice the web page is in Spanish...    :-)


Many people there, especially many of the doctors, speak English. However, not everyone speaks English!     I will try to find an English language web page...



I'm sure they can find someone to translate if that is necessary.


NOTE: I was going to include here that medical insurance from other countries is not accepted here (or in other countries....), but on the above URL it seems to indicate that might be possible now. In the past, things like Medicare and U.S. Medical insurance were not accepted here. Something to ask about...


My belief is that if you go to Mexico, or if you come to Colombia, you will discover that Latin American doctors are much more "caring" about their patients, than doctors in the U.S.A., who are taught to be "distant" from their patients. There are exceptions, in both countries, but, typically, I believe you will find the doctors here to be very interested in  your DH and his medical problems, if he has any.


After I went to the same Opthalmologist in Texas, for approximately 25 years, I asked him to call me "Lanny" and not Mr. (insert last name).  He replied that they are taught in U.S. medical schools, to be "distant" from their patients.


Also, many procedures that would be done by a Technician or a Nurse, in the USA, are done by an M.D. here.


There are 2 major shopping centers nearby and there is a hotel approximately 10 minutes away, depending on traffic. Lots of places for you to spend your $...   :-)    The food here is very good. Almost everything we eat is fresh. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Lots of restaurants. The cattle are grass fed, and they roam around,  so the beef is lean and probably healthier than cattle that are fed in feed lots. Do not buy Emeralds from sidewalk vendors...   :-)


I don't know where you live, but if it gets cold where you live, you will love it here when it's cold there.. The mean temperature is about 76 F. Our daytime highs are usually in the mid 80's and at night it gets down to the low or mid 60's. We have "Winters" (rainy seasons with frequent thunderstorms) and "Summers" (dry seasons with very little rain).  So, consider coming when it is Winter in the USA.  :-)


On June 28, 2013, the ACS (American Citizen Services) in the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia sent this, in an email to Americans' in Colombia:



"The World Games 2013


Cali, Colombia

25 July-4 August


Cali will stage the multi-sport World Games of 2013 together with two other cities in the Cauca Valley from 25 July to 4 August.  The Opening Ceremony will be held on 25 July, the day the City of Cali celebrates the 100th anniversary of its foundation.  The slogan for The World Games 2013 is “Fair Play to the Planet!†The City of Cali is committed to paying particular attention to environmental friendliness during the event. The city of Cali, aka “Heaven’s Branch Office,†and frequently labeled the “Sporting Capital of the Americasâ€, ensures “Fair Play to the Planet!†during The World Games 2013.


U.S. Embassy Bogota would like to provide the following travel information to help U.S. citizens who are travelling for the World Games in Cali make good decisions regarding their safety and security while visiting.  Please read all of the following information.  Additionally, the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy Bogota will provide a representative in Cali during the games to assist U.S. citizens, if needed.  If you feel you need the assistance of a consular office, please contact the Embassy in Bogota"


I read an upstream reference about Thailand.  I know a British man who has worked and lived in Asia, for approximately 25 or 30 years. He is retired now, because of heart problems, and he lives in the Philippines.  He had surgery in Thailand a few years ago, and earlier this year, he went there for a week or 2, for a THOROUGH physical examination. He does not trust the doctors in the Philipines. So, if you are interested in going to Asia for medical treatment, consider going to Thailand.


If you are interested in Colombia, send me a  PM and I will try to help you and your DH. GL


ETA: I believe the advantage to your DH, if you decide to go to Mexico or Colombia or somewhere else, is that, hopefully, he could have a THOROUGH physical examination, and not just a Stress EKG.

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My wife is in the kitchen, cooking our Breakfast. I told her (again), about this thread, and that I had just written a very long post. Her immediate reaction: "Clinica Valle del Lili" and she mentioned (which I knew), that it is one of the best hospitals in South America.


The advantage of your DH coming here (or going somewhere else) is that he could probably afford to have a very thorough  physical examination, which, probably, would not be possible in the USA.

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DH has had thousands of dollars' worth of cardiac and related testing (e.g., sleep study, stress test, ultrasound) done since his ER visit earlier this summer (thankfully, he did not have a heart attack). I'm not sure which ones would be standard for a checkup when you aren't going in with current symptoms.

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creekland - The more I think about your DH, the more I think that he does need a complete physical examination. You began this thread asking about the price of a cardiac examination. If he has never had a Colonoscopy, he needs to have the first one now.  I've had several Stress EKGs and I've had 2 or 3 Colonscopies, and given a choice, I'd prefer the Stress EKG...    :-)   He needs both, and probably other examinations, if he hasn't had them recently. 

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Right now I'm mainly concerned about the potential for cardiac.  There really aren't other issues we're concerned about.  His BP is low (that gets checked every time we donate blood), but the other connections give me pause and I'd like to know there's either something there that can be fixed more easily now or there's nothing there and we can have some peace of mind.


Soon we'll be checking locally to see what the costs are.  If they are affordable, we'll just do something local.  If not, then we'll have to start planning travel, but travel is not likely to be able to happen until next year sometime due to youngest in school here - and applying to + visiting colleges and such things.  Once he's in college, our time is far more free.  Our finances may all be going to colleges at that point (middle is already in college), but our time is more free!  ;)

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