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What is your go-to sore throat remedy?


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My son (12yrs) has been sick since Sunday and it's gone from a croupy sounding cough to a very bad sore throat.  I took him in yesterday (before the throat got real bad) and he was dx with a viral infection.  Not much to do but treat symptoms.  Anyway, I've looked at the throat and it doesn't look like strep, but he's in a lot of pain.


I've given him Cepacol Fizzlers, lots of fluids, ibuprofen, & sudafedren (I think it's the sinus crud causing all the trouble).  He's still rather miserable.   Also started giving him homeopathic Coldcalm this evening. 


Any other suggestions?

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I'll probably catch flack for this, but ours is 100 proof whiskey mixed 50/50 with lemon juice & honey. Or Golschlager mixed with the same. Yes I do give it to kids - it's only a TINY amount of the whiskey, less than a shot glass {maybe half a shot at most}. Not enough to make them tipsy - but it is enough to relax them so they aren't quite so miserable & they can rest / sleep. And only alone - never with fever reducers, etc. I also keep a very close eye on them if I've given it until it's had long enough to get out of their system.


The high proof alcohol burns off the top layer of the infection in the throat, the honey is anti-bacterial & also soothes it.


This also works well as a decongestant with Pneuemonia as well IME. Learned it as a kid living WAY out in the bookdocks where you couldn't always get in to the Dr right away because he only came out once a week IF the weather was good. We always kept a bottle of high proof alcohol for medicinal use in the house.

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