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This sucks - WWYD?


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For many reasons, we had to parcel out buying all of our school stuff this year.  It won't be happening again.   :cursing:   I had to wait to order the Latin Alive bundle for Rebecca until last Friday.  I'd been trying to subsist on the free samples.  Well, CBD sent me an out of stock email (while the rest of my order - one whole book - is actually being processed) and I just emailed RR and THEY have it out of stock too!  My last resort is CAP, but it's more expensive plus they charge shipping, and I can't make up the difference yet.  So Latin is already a disaster and we're only in week 3.


What would you do?  I want to either cry or break stuff.


:crying:  :cursing:

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If the estimated shipping date is sometime this fall, I’d do one of two things.  Double up on another subject for the first quarter or semester with plans to drop that subject and double up on Latin for the next quarter or semester.  Or, use the time to complete state requirements – health, safety, or any other subject that won’t take a full year.  If I did the latter, I’d plan to continue Latin into the summer.


For a later shipping date, I’d probably switch to a different program, at least for the fall. Perhaps, Getting Started With Latin.  If she has already studied some Latin, I’d continue reviewing in the meantime.

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Don't cry or break anything!   Search for what you need on eBay. Possibly you will be very lucky and find it there...  Last Friday afternoon, I checked for a Science textbook for DD, that is available on Amazon, but at  prices much higher than what I would like to pay. I searched for it on eBay, first with the ISBN 13 number and it was not found. Then, I searched with the ISBN 10 number and there was one offer. I bought it Saturday afternoon and it is in the hands of the USPS now, enroute to our Forwarder in Miami. The reason I detailed the problem I had with the eBay Search Engine for you is that the Seller had both ISBN numbers in his listing, but the eBay Search Engine didn't find it, with the ISBN 13 number.  That's the first textbook I have purchased for DD on eBay, but, in the future, I will check out what's available there, in addition to what's on Amazon.  GL on getting what you need!

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If the estimated shipping date is sometime this fall, I’d do one of two things.  Double up on another subject for the first quarter or semester with plans to drop that subject and double up on Latin for the next quarter or semester.  Or, use the time to complete state requirements – health, safety, or any other subject that won’t take a full year.  If I did the latter, I’d plan to continue Latin into the summer.


For a later shipping date, I’d probably switch to a different program, at least for the fall. Perhaps, Getting Started With Latin.  If she has already studied some Latin, I’d continue reviewing in the meantime.



They're estimating maybe 9/23.

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I think a 1-2 month delay in starting Latin is probably survivable.  KWIM?  I know we all make plans, but life is always happening.  Maybe look at online resources that would be an introduction to the topic.  Or as others have suggested you could substitute some other study for a time. 

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I think a 1-2 month delay in starting Latin is probably survivable.  KWIM?  


Yes, just wait if you have to.  I don't even have everything, either.  I don't have a big budget for school books, so I have to buy things gradually.  Actually, I'm glad I didn't buy everything, because (after 3 weeks of our new school year) I'm already changing my plans a little and cutting some things out.  :(  I realized that I overplanned.  Also, one of my kids already knows "everything" about a topic that I planned to teach (so I decided not to cover that topic).  So, it didn't hurt to wait.


That'll give you time to get used to your new schedule, too.  You guys could do some Latin roots or something in the mean time...

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You could supplement with the free files from

Latin Book One or Book Two that are available on the Yahoo group.


Or you could go through whatever curriculum she was using before and construct review lessons.


Or you could see what Latin materials your library carries.


Or you could look for free Latin lessons/games online.


Or you could just wait and have her work on something else in the meantime.

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WE are in our 4th week of school and haven't started science yet (which I have on shelf.) I plan on opening that up today.  We had to east into our year.  I haven't started Latin w/younger dd yet, as she will be doing it in a group and the group class doesn't start for another week.  I don't think anything of starting one subject a month late. 


We generally use the first month for catch up and review and really jump in to the new school year and books by mid Sept. (some may have started before then) Then we work really strong and hard through Christmas and again in Jan-Feb/March when we are ready for a short break.  Then we start slowing down and finishing some subjects and extra curriculars through April and May.  We spend June working on just Math and Reading, plus the summer extras like VBS and a summer camp or two, take July off and start back up in Aug, taking stock of where we are and what needs to be finished up or caught up before we start everything new in Sept.  I have had to come to terms that this is ok.  :)  It works for us, but I do have to convince myself that it is ok to start some new books at different times instead of starting everything new all at once.  But it really is.

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