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Everyone's in school but me.


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Dh is starting to take classes to get his master's degree because his work is helping to pay for it. All four of the kids are still in school.  Not counting teaching, I'm the only one not in school.


Deep down inside, I am a bit jealous of my dh. College never worked out for me. Now he gets to go twice, and I've not been once. (pouty face) :)


When I really think on it though, I can't think of anything that I'd feel was worthwhile to study right now. Spending my time and money to aimlessly take classes that are not toward any particular degree is just not practical right now. 



But someday.....



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My husband got his master's two years ago.  While he was in school I had the opportunity to take classes, but I only managed two in the four years he was in school!  Homeschooling and other life got in the way.  


Someday, maybe, for me.  I keep telling myself to get on with the self-education!  Homeschooling and other life gets in the way of that too.



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Your title works for me, and so does the pity party.  Different circumstances though--all my homeschooling friends are back to school, my kids (those in college) are back to school, everyone else that I know is back to school either as a parent or with their kids...and here I am no longer sanctioned to homeschool or to teach.   Sniff, sniff.  


Worse yet, I'm looking for a job, in an office of some kind....boring.


I have to grow up now...oh, sob, sob, sob...woe is me.   :sad:


(homeschool mamas, don't let your kids grow up to be....)

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Ironically, out of every member of the family, I love school the most!  I loved back to school time, and thrived in a classroom. My dh HATES school and the only reason he's going is because work's helping with the cost.


I also am struggling with the idea of formal education. While I love it, I find that paying tons of money for so many things that I can learn on my own just seems silly. I'm doing what I love right now and I don't feel that currently any doors that I want to go through are closed to me because of my lack of formal study. Sooooo..... unless in the future my goals change, there's really no reason for me to study right now.


Oh well...one day, I will take every art class the college up the road offers. Just because....



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My daughter and I took a free online class at Hillsdale College (US Constitution class) and loved it.  We watched videos of the classes, reviewed the material and our notes, and took the tests.  


You might find other colleges that offer free classes, not to pursue a degree, but more for enrichment and fun.

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I was also going to suggest you sign up for a MOOC - why not?  Its free and you can probably do it on your own time.  I saw one that really tempted me, and my teen is signed up for two




MOOC is massive open online course. They're offered through different platforms—I browsed the Udacity and Coursera sites recently. This summer I've been taking a Stanford course for free, EDUC115N: How to Learn Math. Really interesting, applicable to what I do in the homeschool (and also ramifications for science teaching, which is my background), and it's spurred further reading for me from the lecturer's reference lists. There's a few threads on the forums about it.


Does your library have any of the Teaching Company DVD courses (or purchase a couple you're interested in)? My husband and I got one or two of those to watch. Great for self-education.


Erica in OR

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I'm taking a couple of coursera courses right now. Social Psychology and A Brief History of Humankind. Both are fascinating! I'm not going to be able to do all the assignments for the psychology one because life is just too busy, but I LOVE being able to watch the lectures while fixing dinner or folding laundry! I highly recommend looking into it. Just go to coursera and browse some of the classes offered....I bet you end up finding more than you'll have time for!

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I'm a year away from my bachelors. I started back three years ago, while the kids were in PS. By the time we moved back to GA and I decided I was going to home-school them, I was burned out of the college scene. I had student loans and me working full-time after college didn't fit the lifestyle that DH and I want for our future. DH was tired of me being tired and stressed. So, I stopped. One year to go and I stopped and couldn't be happier. I do have other certificates and experience in dental assisting. That would be the career field I would go back to if I ever needed to work full time. So, I don't feel guilty not finishing my degree. I feel silly still having $6000 to pay off of a partial degree, but eh, why continue to throw money away?


Anyway, my point is, if you want to take some courses, take them. They can always be applied to a degree later or they can just be there with no purpose :) I have no experience with free courses, but that sounds interesting as well!


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I was in college in 2010 (3rd time in, original start date 1988), fully intending to finish my last year and graduate. But I had to quit because the kids needed me for homeschooling and my school schedule was crazy busy for me to be home. I wasn't planning on doing anything with my degree. I just wanted to finish it to finish it and feel like I accomplished something. But now I've accepted the fact that I will never go back to finish. Before long, the kids will be in school and we will likely need to help them. When they are out of school, I'll feel way too old to sit in education classes with very young 20 yr. olds. I'm bummed because I really loved being in school.

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