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Top ten books for children ages 9-12ish


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We just finished Bridge to Terabithia as a read aloud and it got me wondering. :)


I'm not interested in published booklists and professional opinions for this list. I'm interested in your all-time favorite books for kids this age. Which books had a huge impact on you when you were that age? Which ones have had a huge impact on your children? I'd love to see your top 10 from your childhood and your top 10 from reading with your own children. Feel free to include why if you'd like.




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For me, it was the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I started them about about 8, but I was 9 or 10 by the time I finished them all. They turned me into an avid reader. Around 11 or 12, I adored A Wrinkle in Time. Unfortunately, I can't say any of my girls have a book(s) that has made a huge impact yet. I'm working on it. I think the TV and iPods are hard to compete with, though.

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Here's our Top 10 list (not in any particular order)

Watership Down

The Hobbit



Carry on Mr Boditch

Tom Sawyer

Call of the Wild

Little House on the Prairie

Sherlock Holmes

The Mars Series by Burroughs


(interesting, there are only 2 modern ones in there.  Do you want modern books?)


My ds(12) is an advanced reader, but his 2 all-time favourites books are Gormenghast and The Count of Monte Cristo.


As for me, I could not read properly until I was 12.  And the only novel I read before I turned 13 was the Hobbit.  So I guess that would be my favourite. ;)


Ruth in NZ



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When I was that age:

Little House books

Anne series

The Secret Garden

Where the Red Fern Grows

Old Yeller

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

The Trumpet of the Swan

Little Women

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

Judy Blume books



My eldest son, age 11 (I asked him for input):

Narnia series

The Jungle Book



Tom Sawyer

Huckleberry Finn

City of Ember

The Giver

The Dangerous Book for Boys

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series


My daughter, age 9 (I am answering for her, as she is in another room):

The Secret Garden

Sarah, Plain and Tall

The Hobbit

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Gosh, I'm really having to stretch my brain to remember what I read at that age. Let's see:


Anne of Green Gables series- this was my very favorite for many years, and still is one of my favorites.

The Secret Garden, I think around age 10 I remember being starry-eyed after reading this.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn around age 12 (though I think the content of this book is better left until more like 14, but my mom didn't pay attention to what I read.)

Little Women


My 11 yr old's favorites:

the Percy Jackson series


Naya Nuki

Gone-Away Lake

My Side of the Mountain

the Narnia series

Ella Enchanted

A Wrinkle in Time and the others in the series

Emily of New Moon series

Guardians of Ga'hoole series

Inkheart series

and way more, but I'm going over ten...


My 9 year old's favorites:

Percy Jackson series

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Iron Thunder by Avi

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen and other in the series

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon



Danny, the Champion of the World

Narnia series

Harry Potter (The first three books, he says, because that's all I've let him read so far.)


My 12 year old is a reluctant reader, but one that he recently devoured is The Kite Fighters and he likes the Wimpy Kid series






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The books I read as a child are, for the most part, not what I'd select for my children to read.  However, several stick out as being worthwhile.


The Little House on the Prairie series

Swiss Family Robinson

The Bible Smuggler


Read-alouds we've all loved here:


Narnia series

The Princess and the Goblin



My 10yo has his own personal favorites.


Gentle Ben

The Hobbit

Little House on the Prairie series

missionary biographies by Benge




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Narnia and From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. These were both childhood favorites of mine that my children have also enjoyed. 


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, and The Wind in the Willows are three of my personal favorites for classic children's literature that I never read until I was an adult. Yes, my children enjoyed them, too. :-)


Harry Potter




Red Sails to Capri


History and historical fiction my boys have loved:


Sonlight's book called Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans. I consider it dry, but my three oldest boys have all absolutely loved this book. 


D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths


The Bronze Bow


The Golden Goblet


The Boy and the Samurai


The King's Shadow


Adam of the Road


The Shakespeare Stealer


If All the Swords in England


12 yos loves a series called Crafts of the Ancient World. He's read Crafts and Culture of the Ancient Greeks and Crafts and Culture of the Vikings. He also loves Hiccup the Viking.

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For impact:


Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Swiss Family Robinson

Amos Fortune, Free Man

Around the World in Eighty Days

The Door in the Wall

The Little Princess

Anne of Green Gables

The Secret Garden

Where the Red Fern Grows


Lots, lots, lots to discuss in those. :)


These are from my dc's childhood, not mine. I spent all my time at the library, but no one thought enough to direct me past science fiction and Choose-Your-Own -Adventure books. :( I have had to make up for it as an adult. :D

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I don't remember many of the books that I read as a child.  The ones that stand out are the Bevely Cleary books and the Little House on the Prairie books.


Our top 10 read alouds are:


Little Britches

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

A Wrinkle Against Time

The Giver

Number the Stars


Little Princess

Winnie the Pooh

Understanding Betsy

The Hobbit

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For me, my favorites and the ones that really made me learn to LOVE reading were all the Roald Dahl books.  I also remember reading and enjoying Hatchet.  Other than that, nothing really stands out.  


Some books we are enjoying here: 


Leminy Snicket series (DS10)

Percy Jackson series (DS13)

The Bible Smuggler (all)

Charlotte's Web (all)


I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them right now! :)

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I'm going to give you my 10-year-old's picks, which are not all going to be amazing works of literature. She is a voracious, independent reader,and these are HER favorites. The stuff I MAKE her read for school include some of the above classics, and she likes some of them, but they are distant behind her true favorites.


1. Harry Potter (entire series)

2. Fablehaven (entire series)

3. Percy Jackson (entire series) and Riordan's derivative other work (the Egypt and Roman books.)

4. The Books of Elsewhere (entire series)

5. The Lemonade War (entire series)

6. The City of Ember (she has read the first 2 books, but I suspect 'entire series' will be the case here, too.)

7. The Egypt Game 

8. The Hunger Games Trilogy (I know this is controversial to let kids read, but I recently let her read it. She is almost 11.)

9. The Graveyard Book

10. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon


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The top three, good for readers of all ages:

The Chestry Oak, by Kate Seredy

The Little White Horse, by Elizabeth Goudge

Understood Betsy, by Dorothy Canfield Fisher


All the rest:

The Secret Garden

Hurry Home, Candy (I cry like a baby at the end of this. No, not like a baby...the ugly cry. OMG.)

Chronicles of Narnia

The Incredible Journey

The 101 Dalmations

Little Women

The Summer of My German Soldier


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Me as a child:

Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself

Tuck Everlasting

The Westing Game

Baby Island

the first few Oz books, especially Ozma of Oz

the Little House on the Prairie series

Ballet Shoes

Understood Betsy

Anne of Green Gables

Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales


For DD, so far:

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

The Mysterious Benedict Society

A Stranger at Green Knowe (and the rest of the Green Knowe series, but especially this one)

Little House on the Prairie series


Mio, My Son

Understood Betsy

Black Beauty

The Thirteen Clocks

Because of Winn-Dixie

The Little Prince

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I'm going to let my kids pick. The books with stars are the ones I really enjoyed reading out loud.


My oldest ds's picks.


Harry Potter


James and the Giant Peach*

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory*

Charlotte's Web*

The Hobbit*

Wind in the Willows*

Tale of Despereaux*

Just So Stories*

The Family Under the Bridge*



My 6 year old ds's picks


Peter Pan*

Winnie the Pooh*

Stuart Little

Trumpet of the Swan*

Henry Huggins and Ramona Quimby books


Wizard of Oz


Raggedy Ann and Andy

Alice in Wonderland*


Books that were my best friends as a child. My parents did NOT read aloud to me and I owned few chapter books, but these are some that I remember having a special place in my room growing up or I recall reading in school and loving. Some of these actual books  I still own. The starred books are books that we read from that were mine as a child.


Alice in Wonderland

Winnie the Pooh*

The Hobbit and LOTR*

The Princess and The Goblin*

The Light Princess*

Johnathan Livingston Seagull*

Where the Red Fern Grows

Little Women

The Prince and the Pauper

The Little Prince*

And somewhere around 7th grade I became obsessed with the Jane Austin section of my local library.   :)










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My favorites I remember growing up were

Anne of Green Gables Series

Where the Red Fern Grows

The Bronze Bow


We've enjoyed several of the books mentioned above but really loved 21 Balloons--even my husband would listen in.  I'm looking forward to reading lots more with my kids and this is the motivation I needed to get things going again.

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What I'd plan for 9-12 would depend entirely on what had been read in the years before.


Well the OP just wanted a list of people's favorite books, especially from their own childhoods. Not necessarily what books to read. The books I listed aren't necessarily what gets read in the 9-12 year range. My oldest is only 10 so we haven't really read very many of the chapter books appropriate for that range yet. 

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