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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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A new week is beginning but many of the chores looks the same. . . 


Clean kitchen

Laundry - esp. folding and putting away

Call allergist for ds

Ds - geometry, Latin

Dd - history

Me - camp lesson prep.

Chiro - 2:30 pm

Get more barley tea

Cancel milk delivery

Talk to pet sitter

yard work?

Update health history

Call doctor?

DS - clean the cat litter box

Camp registration

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My job today is to hold my temper in check.



I may have to join you in this :tongue_smilie: Have two grandsons here this week (and next) along my my own two so patience is key. Morning started with a spilled glass of OJ because we were "trying a trick" so mopping kitchen floor goes to top of list. Basic cleaning was done over the weekend so:


1. Laundry

2 Meals

3. Begin Thomas Edison unit with boys

4. Start work in schoolroom; cleaning out and organizing

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My job today is to hold my temper in check.

That was definitely last week for me....what a week it was! 


I'm in for tackling today... I'm feeling so unmotivated lately. 


  • vacuum, dust and mop first floor
  • Mt. Laundry
  • make sure everything is put away and tidy
  • work on knitting project and embroidery
  • wipe down all bathrooms and empty the trash
  • cook dinner

I'm sure if I get everything done on this list I'll be busy for the whole day.

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This is my huge lesson planning week now that all my stuff is here and I bought printer ink. So, filling out planners.


feed pets

make dh's lunch

cat boxes (as it's youngest's chore and she is away)

Dinner prep

make chicken salad for the weeks sandwiches once the chicken is out of the oven and cooled

take oldest to work at 12:30


put laundry away

get some hula hooping in for exercise?




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Blah.  We're moving NEXT week and we're in a bit of a holding pattern.  So far today:



Exercised (double blah, because my abs hurt now)


Emptied dishwasher

Gave away all my excess food (and good grief was there a lot) to another hs mom I know who is on a very tight budget

Vacuumed the LR


Went through some rental house ads with James Bond to narrow down our search

Post office for more than an hour to mail some packages

Thought about ironing-decided not to

Watched an episode of Merlin with James Bond

Ate half a Kit Kat (JB at the other half.  I clearly married an unchivalrous man, because if he were chivalrous, he would have given it all to me!)


I need to make dinner in a while, but I don't want to, because it's too hot and I'm tired and lazy and then I have to take Indy to Scouts.  They'e doing their summer meetings at Rheinblick, which is about 20 minutes from here, so I'll have to wait in the car for 2 hours for him to finish.  It's too far for me to drive 4 times.  Ah, well, at least I get 2 hours of peace and get to read a book.  :)

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Okay so today is my only day I will be tackling with you all, and no one will know if I finished it or not

-mow backyard
put the bikes in the garage
drop another bag at good will bin
wash last load of dishes
load up the trunk
drive to city
stop at walmart and pick up coil note books (on sale for bts sales), and snacks
take a nap while my dad changes the oil and tires on my car
go to single parents family camp
unload car into cabin
relax, have fun, see old friends, make new friends, have yummy food, see you all Sunday :)

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Go to library and grocery store - done


Clean microwave

Clean bathroom - done

If feel up to it I will go through the pan cabinet and start rearranging upper kitchen cabinets to make space for baby bottles, if I can't find room then convince dh to build me a shelf above the kitchen window :) dh is gonna put me in a shelf or cabinet :)

Start dd's afterschooling history in preparation of our trip to Williamsburg, don't have anything specific planned yet, just what I find on the web for free and the library. I do have to plan the rest of the year though for history and science.

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make lunches for tomorrow's zoo trip
Lunch- leftovers
Load laundry
make 2 qts pregnancy tea

Make black tea for dh
Print emergency papers for dd's camp

To do:
Freeze blueberries (half done)
pick veggies for pad thai
Make pad thai
Pack backpack for zoo tomorrow

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That was definitely last week for me....what a week it was! 


I'm in for tackling today... I'm feeling so unmotivated lately. 


  • vacuum, dust and mop first floor DONE
  • Mt. Laundry
  • make sure everything is put away and tidy DONE
  • work on knitting project and embroidery
  • wipe down all bathrooms and empty the trashDONE
  • cook dinner

I'm sure if I get everything done on this list I'll be busy for the whole day.

laundry is humming along....

reading and working on my knitting and embroidery now.

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Just thought I'd pop in to the boards and see how everyone is doing!  I have been trying to minimize my online time so that I can be more productive with my time. However, these accountability threads really do help me, so here goes:



up, showered, dressed

daycare child arrives @ 7:45am

pick up beef order

1 load of laundry (washed, dried, folded, and put away)

empty dishwasher

wipe down bathrooms

get son started on mowing lawn 


take dd9 to afternoon science camp


gas station


take dd15 to babysitting job

get daycare child down for nap



finish menu plan for month of August

straighten living room

prep dinner


drop ds off at Scouts

go to meeting for church

pick ds up from Scouts





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Got the bathrooms cleaned and the kids did a bunch of chores for me. (we're getting in to a new chore routine for the coming school year, so this week is a preview.)

I ironed, went to the grocery store and taped and painted all the trim in my kitchen.  I am hoping to paint all the trim in the common areas of the house by the end of the week.


Next, the kids are picking corn for me right now, and I will husk and blanch the ears. Then I will get them in the freezer. I am hoping this will be the last bacth of corn for the year.


After that, I'll be mixing my chemicals for the field so I can spray the weeds.

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Workout is done.


Corn is in the freezer.


Half the spraying done, but then by the time I mixed up the next batch it was beginning to rain.


I got so much done today.


Now off to the shower and to cook supper for my crew. (hamburgers, tomatoes and macaroni)


Can't wait to continue my painting project tomorrow. What I got done looks great!

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Hi, ladies! I am back from my mini vacation at my sister's. Lots of swimming and eating good Mexican food. My sister also took my girls shopping and bought them several outfits, which was super nice of her. My dd10 got bitten by tick while we were there, although I don't think it was on her long. Hoping nothing comes of it.



Unloaded car

Sorted laundry

Printed mailing labels for PBS books

Fed cat


Going to veg out for the rest of the evening.


Jean, how are you feeling? Any improvements the last couple of days?

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Welcome back, Yvette!  Unfortunately my health is still really bad right now.  I'm slowly trying to get things together so I can make a doctor's appointment - which sounds weird but doctor's appointments take a lot out of me since it adds a couple of hours to my schedule.  We have decided that I am not well enough to go on the family vacation this year.  The kids and dh leave later this week.


Managed to get one more lesson written for camp.  

Got part of the camp registration done but was told that I don't have to stress about it since we're staff and they were counting on us being there anyway. ;)

I am gong by sheer faith that God will allow me to fulfill my responsibilities to teach again this year.  He's managed to get me through despite some bad times the last couple of years so there is no reason to doubt that He won't come through again.

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