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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Doing this the night before again.  Hi, you "other side of the world people"!


Clean kitchen

Laundry - need to make sure we have the stuff for our weekend away.

Pack for trip.

Make sure we get supplements.

Buy allergy meds and cat food.

Work on camp lesson

Go to library for books for trip

DS - geometry, Latin

Dd - math?

yard work?

pay bills

Depending on pain levels - possibly go to chiro. again.  

Call for referral for allergist for ds16


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It's almost 9am here.


Done So Far:


Packed 6 quarts of sauerkraut (Yay it turned out this time!!)

Currently panicking over the next week's line-up (please, Lord, help me to get up and start)


To Do:

TOG binders except for maps which have disappeared



Story time

Make list for girls' birthdays - gifts/celebrations

Find Brevard Music Center tickets and get that off my mind

Clean out lesson cubbies

Clean off computer armoire

Tidy house

Buy cupcakes & ice cream bars for tomorrow - put in freezer

Plan picnic lunch for tomorrow - buy supplies if necessary

String orchestra arrangements


Get haircut fixed?



Lunch - cottage cheese and peaches, veggie chips?

Dinner - ? Maybe quesadillas

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Hope your pain is diminishing, Jean.


We are spending the day at home today, so I'm hoping that means I can accomplish a few things.


Already done:


  • Sent Dd's dog upstairs to wake her
  • vacillated b/t buying on Amazon or ebay, finally went with Amazon, another school item ordered!
  • dressed & made bed
  • thought about mowing the lawn & delegated to Ds instead
  • skimmed a history book to decide if suitable for Dd--it is not


Thinking about doing (just *thinking* b/c that way if I don't do it, I won't feel as bad!):


  • email co-teachers for fall iew class 
  • work on iew intro lesson - worked on this & need to set it aside til later, uggh, spent 1hr on the phone trying to hammer out a review lesson for August.  Done for at least a day or two.  I think I would have rather spent time at the dentist!
  • begin planning & organize books for school year - I did make a beginning on this, but have hit a wall b/c I need to make decisions I'm not ready to make and the sinus headache isn't helping
  • evaluate weight training books & decide exercises I can use
  • begin room by room cleaning & decluttering - currently working on this


Today's list is once again mostly general so we'll see what I can accomplish.


Update: Never got to looking at the weight training books...


did the dishes

folded laundry & put away

emailed 4H leader & scheduled leader training

emailed Ds's vacation scheduled to his work 

took Dd to agility class with her dog


off to play Dogopoly w/ Dd.



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Today's agenda:

  • clean house--vacuum, dust and mop all floors--done
  • clean bathrooms X 4--done
  • laundry--towels, darks and whites--in progress 
  • wipe down kitchen and refrigerator--done
  • put everything away --done 
  • sweep porches and water plants--done

The kids are helping me today, so this list should be done in just a few hours.


Dinner:  Make mini meatloaves, green beans, baked potatoes, corn with a large salad. 

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Our water meter was replaced this morning with a time slot of 9:30-11:30, very awkward for working out so all I've done is



--took dd to ballet intensive



I will


--continue with the history planning

--do more laundry

--pick blueberries at the u-pick place 10 min away

--go to the grocery store

--pick up dd at 4:30

--prep dinner

--motivate dd to work on her geometry

--try to fit in an hour on the treadmill and 30 min of Pilates


Good gravy :eek:

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Hope your pain is diminishing, Jean.


Thank you.  It is.  It is now confined to my joints instead of my joints and everything in between.  I'm on the fence as to whether I should go to the chiro. one more time before my trip.  I'll see how the first morning chores go.  


Thanks to the miracle of washing machines with delayed time settings, my first wash of the day has just started.  

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I'm up but I'm going back to bed for awhile.


My plan hopefully:

Take nap

Take dh to work so I can use his car

Go to butterfly garden and do some work

Pick up Rx

Drop off recycling

Mail some cards

School work


Pick up dh from work

Pick up my car

Have kids put away DVDs


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My husband finished painting the kitchen, it's beautiful!

I so hope we won't have to sell the house and leave the country!


Preventing the 2yo from touching the fresh paint proved to be more difficult than I thought :D.


-Decluttered a bit

-Read 15 lines of Caesar

-Had a difficult email conversation

-Waited for the postman, who did deliver a package....which wasn't my Greek curriculum :(.

-Went to the library

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Well got Dh's meds, didn't transfer to Walmart, he meds are way cheaper at his current pharmacy, got the other things too. Now I have a massive migraine and going to take a nap. Why do old people think they need to put at least a half bottle of perfume/ cologne on per day?

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Sparkle - do you work in the butterfly garden?  What a beautiful place to work!


Tress - I started to paint the cat's bathroom (yes, he has his own bathroom) at Christmas time.  It still isn't finished.  Do you want to send your dh over?  I need it done!


Melissa - I'm sorry that you have a migraine.  Ds had a bad reaction to flowers and then perfume at the Y yesterday.

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to do today

drive ds14 to and from work
have a girl's day with dd14 for her birthday today
check out the fair again(no rides for the kids today though)
get some laundry done to pack ds for camp

That's about it.  Today dd turns 14, the day is about her more than it is about chores

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Noonish check in:


Kitchen is clean

Called referral line for referral to allergist.  Waiting for call back.

Signed ds up for one of Jann in TX's classes for the fall!  

Spent time looking at Physic's classes online.

One load is done in the washing machine.

Dd did math.

Ds did most of his geometry.  He'll have to finish after lunch.


Don't know why, but pain is ramping up again.  Since I'm eating a very limited diet with no variations it can't be food related.  This is very bad timing since I'm going out of town - driving 6 hours one way - tomorrow and will be gone until Monday.  Got an appointment with the doctor which he had reserved for me.


Just asked ds to put wet stuff in laundry and start a new load.

Just asked dd to bring dry clean clothes up to be folded.

The food in the fridge seems to be scientific experiment free.  

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Sparkle - do you work in the butterfly garden?  What a beautiful place to work!



Yes, the kids and I are the volunteer caretakers for a butterfly garden at a nearby science museum. We've done it for 6 or 7 years now. We do get a lot of enjoyment out of it.


As for my list - it's 2:00 and the only thing I've done is nap :svengo: No butterfly garden today, will have to get to it on Monday. Sheesh.


Take nap √

Take dh to work so I can use his car

Go to butterfly garden and do some work

Pick up Rx

Drop off recycling

Mail some cards

School work


Pick up dh from work

Pick up my car

Have kids put away DVDs

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Went to doctor.  Don't know if it helped but hey, I went.  Doctor wants me to exercise.  (I normally exercise at least an hour a day even with pain.  The only thing stopping me right now is pain bad enough to stop me.  I'm afraid I just looked at him.)

Ran to grocery store on the way home and got cat food, allergy meds and some meat for tonight's dinner, and some snacks for tomorrow's trip.


Next up:  pay bills.

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Paying bills put off for now.


2 loads of laundry folded and put away.

1 load in dryer

1 load in washing machine.

Ds done with geometry and Latin

Dd at volunteering.

Thank you - you reminded me to mail my mortgage bill!

I have everything ready for our day at the pool tomorrow, and I'd like to work on more music arrangements, but dh is on that computer making T-shirt templates. I guess I should finish up the dishes and wash the giant sauerkraut crock. How is it 9:30 already?

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All right-y, did a couple more things, but some stuff will just have to carry over to tomorrow/Monday.


Take nap √

Take dh to work so I can use his car

Go to butterfly garden and do some work

Pick up Rx √

Drop off recycling

Mail some cards

School work √

Laundry √

Pick up dh from work

Pick up my car √

Have kids put away DVDs √

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