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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I might as well put this up for the "on the other side of the world" crowd so that they can participate while the day is young.  It is 1:45 and my tired body is still refusing to sleep.  Bah humbug!


Clean kitchen


Library stuff

School at library

Work on camp lesson

Work on camp music



Help dd deliver two bakery orders



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Awesome, Jean :D. As one of the 'on the other side of the world' crowd, thanks!


I hope you and Readinmom get some sleep!




Only one child is slightly ill, so I am tackling Wednesday!


-4 loads of laundry, dried, folded, put in closets.

-visited a kitchen shop in order to look for tiles for the kitchen. Can't decide, so we will probably paint :).

-tidied the living room

-swept the living room floor

-grocery shopping

-told my husband I could not get motivated to prepare for next school year when I don't even know *if* there will be a next school year. Had a cry.

-put some lesson plans in HST+


I'm now going to clean the bathroom and think about what to do next.

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Lunchtime here. I have made some soup and bread for dinner. Done reading, maths and religious studies with 3 children, tidied downstairs and done some jobs for my DH. Time to go out for a play date and then karate. So far so good!

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I've got 5 baskets of clean laundry sitting here looking at me :) Here's my list for today:


Fold laundry

Put Away Laundry

Clean Playroom

Empty Dishwasher / Sink Drain

Clean up kitchen

Prep for cooking activity

Make Salad for lunch

Make Minion Cupcakes

Vacuum entire house


Kids to dance

Workout somewhere in there I hope


Feeling productive :)

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To do: 


get turkey bones from garage freezer to make stock

start stock

towel laundry x2

sheet laundry

freeze chicken

email dh re dates

msg someone on FB

tie dye fabric for a baby wrap and blanket


defrost salmon for dinner

pick green beans and radishes

make dinner - roasted radishes and carrots, baked salmon, salad


the rest is bumped to tomorrow

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Done So Far:

To Do:
Get haircut
Buy slider buns and BBQ sauce

Happy birthday to sister
Take Boston pork roast out of freezer
Print TOG exams,writing sheets

Order timeline figures
Story time
String orchestra arrangements

Put away laundry

Dd to/from youth group
Family movie night at church

Lunch - squasharoni and cheese, peas
Dinner - beef stroganoff, rice, mixed veggies

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My sleep has been very poor this week--disturbed is probably the best way to describe it--so I feel terrible today plus have sinus issues & headache.  I hope your pain has not flared, Jean.


All I can come up with so far for today:


figure out what I'm going to focus on today and dump the list in my head onto paper.  


If I can get that accomplished I'll feel like I've done a lot.  Confusion is reigning in my brain right now.


So far I have...


  • sat outside on the patio w/ Ds.
  • spent time reading the Bible and praying (took me forever b/c I'm tired).
  • discussed when we will accomplish visits to various people this week.
  • reminded both Dc about piano lessons today and told them to practice one last time.
  • beat myself up for having such a slow start to the day.
  • reproached myself for getting very little accomplished.
  • looked at the pile of books for the upcoming year and walked away from them.
  • panicked inside at how I'll ever start school again if I feel like this every morning.
  • gave myself a stern reminder to STOP IT.
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Read old newspapers before I recycle them.

Find overdue library books and put in car.

Laundry, as always.


Convince myself to throw out kids' old sheets, since I got several new sets. The old ones don't reach far enough down their very deep mattresses to tuck in. But the old sheets are monogrammed and I used them on their toddler beds. Maybe I should cut out the monogrammed part and save it to make into a quilt, along with old logo t shirts? Not that I have ever quilted before. (I am not a natural declutterer, lol.)


Already done:

First two trips of 6 to drop off/pick up kids.

Made toast in my new toaster oven. Both sides got toasted -- nice surprise!






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Help is on the way. I've hired out the weed-eating and someone needs to help me clean the girls' room. How can such pretty girls live like little piggies. Every summer I clean their room from top to bottom, but this year I just don't have the three days it takes to do the job. 

  • Fire danger getting under control, weed-eater to the rescue.
  • Maybe some garden chores too-like pulling out blackberry canes where they don't belong.
  • Clean! Clean! Clean! My brother is coming for a visit. I haven't seen him in 10 years. His lives across the country.
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New laptop, nice!!


I did not clean the bathroom. Ahum.

Instead we went to the DIY shop and bought paint for the kitchen. Red!

Then we took the kids out for ice cream.


My husband painted one wall in the kitchen and it looks AWESOME.

I'm in awe over our skill at picking the right color :D.


I removed a lot of things from my 'to do before the new school year' list. I feel much better now :).


I'm officially taking a vacation now, so I took a nap.

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Done So Far:




To Do:

Get haircut

Buy slider buns and BBQ sauce

Happy birthday to sister

Take Boston pork roast out of freezer

Print TOG exams,writing sheets

Order timeline figures



Story time

String orchestra arrangements

Put away laundry


Dd to/from youth group

Family movie night at church


Lunch - squasharoni and cheese, peas

Dinner - beef stroganoff, rice, mixed veggies


I've been waylaid somewhat this afternoon because my dd10 has been throwing up all her squasharoni and cheese and peas.  Poor thing.  She's so upset that she'll miss the movie at church.  I wonder if I can find it on Netflix..."No Time for Sergeants" or maybe something else fun for her.

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4 pm check in:


Emptied dishwasher

Filled and ran dishwasher

Went to Chiro. appointment where my muscles were officially pronounced as "puffy".

Ds is roasting two chickens for me in the Traeger.  

I stopped at the store on the way home and got some frozen veggies to go with the chicken and some brown rice that will go in the rice cooker.



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Take bath √

Go to bank √

Drop off library books √

DD - orthodontist appt √

File last bunch of papers √

Laundry √

Call sis √

Go to store for a few things √

School work - didn't happen again. I need to stay off the computer tomorrow

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Dinner got cooked and eaten.  Unbeknownst to me (and for some teenage reason I cannot fathom) ds16 put bbq sauce (with nightshades) on the chicken that I had carefully (I thought) prepared nightshade free.  Sigh.  


Latin tutor came, saw and conquered.  


I can't believe I did this, but I signed up for information on our state virtual academy - just to look.  

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ALL my papers are finally filed or otherwise disposed of :hurray: I have one smallish box of books that I still haven't figured out what to do with, but much progress has been made :) My bedroom hasn't looked this good in years. The major things I still have to tackle are the girls' bedroom and the laundry room/pantry. I will try to get through those in the next week or two.

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