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I'm 44 and hair is thinning at the temples. Anyone else dealt with thinning hair? Anything to help it?


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I'd like to address it now to try to treat it, and prevent further loss, if possible. I'm not sure why it's thinning-I am going to get thyroid checked and see if there could be other reasons too. It may just be that my dad's side, including the women, just have thin hair that does seem to get thinner as they age.


Other than finding and correcting an underlying reason, is there anything you've done to help thinning hair?

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my sil mentioned a vitamin/mineral deficiency linked to her thinning outside eyebrows. I don't remember the exact nutrient.  not sure if it's the same.  I do know that my eyebrows thickened up after I started a really good multi.  (my hair seemed to improve as well.)

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Low thyroid causes thinning of the outer 1/3 of your eyebrows. I have no idea why!


I was losing a lot of hair, not in a specific spot, but when I combed my hair after a shower a bunch would come out. I

started taking zinc for other reasons and noticed there is less hair loss now. Not sure if there is a real connection there, but it does seem to be continuing to help.

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I've become a vitamin snob (I have a spec needs son - and it has been amazing the differences in his functioning) - in that I only take those that are molecularly the final form the body uses.  MANY vitamins  (even the Rx for b6 my MD gave me.  uh - I said I want P5P ONLY.  she really wasn't aware of the difference.)   must be converted to the final form before they can be used by the body.  if a vitamin doesn't say what form it is - do not buy it.  (the cheapest forms are hard for the body to absorb.)


I like emerald laboratories 4x a day high potency multi and their b healthy.   they also have a 2x a day, and a 1 a day multi.  plus an over 45 multi for women (another men).  so lots of selection.  I just look for wherever I can find it cheapest.  They were developed by a ND.  I've taken a stress b-complex for years, (and boy would I notice if I didn't take it for a week!)   but after about 10 days with this one, it felt like someone had switched on a light.  some of my perimenopause symptoms disappeared too.  yee haw.  


I had my gall bladder out years ago. NOW I find out that is where the body stores B12.  no gallbladder, no storage.


whatever brand you end up using - just be sure of the molecular form is the one your body will use.  (then you also don't have the waste products making your liver work to excrete).  You can do an internet search on a particular vitamin for it's most absorbable form fairly easily.


eta: zinc - that's the one sil mentioned.

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It is a fairly typical thing to experience in your 40s, for both women and men. Some women experience a bit of thinning and it never gets worse, some continue to experience thinning.


I know my hair at 46 is much, much thinner than it was at 26. I don't have a thyroid problem and I take my vitamins and have a very healthy diet. I am just middle aged and my hair is thinner.



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A few years ago (I am 50 now) I was noticing hair loss when I showered or ran by fingers through my hair. I figured it was the change. The hair loss did stop without any changes by me. I have asked my friends to tell me if I have a bald spot I am unaware of!

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Am I the only one who has ALWAYS had hair loss? This may be a curly air affliction, but I've been stopping up shower drains since I was a kid. It's a miracle there is still air on my head. Are you all saying that this shouldn't occur and I should be taking a vitamin?

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Have you had your iron checked? I've had noticeable thinning lately and  though my thyroid was fine, my iron was so low that the doc has me taking two iron pills a day. The thinning has slowed and hair seems to be coming back in as those thin spots don't look as thin as they did. 

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I had a lot of hair loss last year, worse than usual. Tons in the shower, strands all over my clothes, on the floor, everywhere.


I tried a multi-vitamin specifically formulated for hair and nails, and it did seem to stop the shedding, although my hair was still thinner than when I was younger. The brand I used is called "Maxi-Hair", and it has megadoses of several B vitamins, plus Biotin and some other stuff.


Months later, I started making my own milk kefir from kefir grains. After gradually upping my kefir consumption to 3-4 cups a day, my hair got thicker, fuller and stronger. It wasn't until I read that kefir can be beneficial for hair that I made the connection.


I also stopped using thick gloppy moisturizing hair conditioner on a regular basis. I think it was building up on my scalp and clogging follicles. Purifying products work better for me.



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Months later, I started making my own milk kefir from kefir grains. After gradually upping my kefir consumption to 3-4 cups a day, my hair got thicker, fuller and stronger. It wasn't until I read that kefir can be beneficial for hair that I made the connection.




How do you make kefir from the grains? I am reading that it has quite a few other health benefits - thanks

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How do you make kefir from the grains? I am reading that it has quite a few other health benefits - thanks

Well, first you have to get ahold of some kefir grains (which aren't actually grains, but a complex combo of various bacteria and yeasts).


You can order them online, but the best way to get them is from someone local to you who has extras (the grains multiply quickly and the excess needs to be discarded or given away every 4 days or so). Posting on a local message board and word of mouth can work well.


Anyway, then you just put the grains in a quart mason jar, cover with milk (at least a 1-4 or 1-6 ratio), cover the jar with a breathable material held on by the jar ring (I use a paper coffee filter, but cheesecloth also works), set out of direct sunlight at room temperature and wait 24 hours (if your room temp is above 80 degrees, put the jar in the basement or fridge for a good part of the day).


Then, just strain the kefir using a plastic or stainless steel strainer into a plastic or glass container, return the grains to the mason jar, and repeat the process. It's very easy, but does take a bit of commitment, since it has to be processed daily. The grains can hibernate in the fridge for a week or two if you go on vacation, but you can't do that on a regular basis if you just get tired of making it, etc.


If you are able to get some grains and have any questions, feel free to PM me!

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I'd like to address it now to try to treat it, and prevent further loss, if possible. I'm not sure why it's thinning-I am going to get thyroid checked and see if there could be other reasons too. It may just be that my dad's side, including the women, just have thin hair that does seem to get thinner as they age.


Other than finding and correcting an underlying reason, is there anything you've done to help thinning hair?


My stylist said it is very common/natural for a woman's har to thin at the temples when she reaches 40ish. When I hit 39 I noticed a bit of thinning. It wasn't a lot, but *I* noticed it. Several years alter, and it thinned a bit more form that initial bit, but nothing that is noticeable to others and I stil pull my hair back when I want to and it doesn't look odd. She said that it usually just thins a bit, and most women aren't bothered by it/others don't notice.


However, if you are experiencing thinning all over or in patches, then I would definitley try some of the tips mentioned and look at your thyroid.

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Am I the only one who has ALWAYS had hair loss? This may be a curly air affliction, but I've been stopping up shower drains since I was a kid. It's a miracle there is still air on my head. Are you all saying that this shouldn't occur and I should be taking a vitamin?


I'm probably of no help, but dd 16 has thick curly hair down to the middle of her back and dh has to unplug her tub drain at least every two months. He gets gobs and gobs of hair from there. And that's on top of what the hair catcher thingy stops from going down. And that's on top of what she vacuums off her floor. And that's on top of what she pulls form her fingers after finger combing her wet hair. So, purely anecdotal, but it may be a curly hair thing. If your hair is still thick, you can probably rest easy. :coolgleamA:  That's not saying vitamins aren't helpful, though, but just that you probably don't 'need' them for your hair loss. :tongue_smilie:

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