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PSA - helmets


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Fellow Hive members - I'm posting this out of gratitude and caring......please have your kids wear their helmets when they bike/scooter etc, and wear yours, both to protect yourself and as an example. DS2 is recovering from a head injury from a fall on Thursday morning that could have been so much worse if he had not had his helmet on. Helmets don't protect them from everything, but they can make the difference between minor injuries a child will recover from vs a much worse situation.

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Thank you for posting this. My ds, now 19, had a bicycle accident when he was 7. Even with his helmet on, he was knocked unconscious for a brief period. In addition to the scapes and bruises, his eyes were knocked out of alignment. Within a few days he was back to normal. I would hate to think what could have happened had he not been wearing a helmet.


I hope your son recovers quickly.



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I hope your son heals fast.


My DS fell while skateboarding with a helmet. He had a concussion. He would have fractured his skull otherwise.


Having a mom who worked at a pediatric ER when I was growing up has made me a very cautious mom. She has some scary stories.

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And put them on right!  I see so many kids with a loose strap, helmet tipped way back or off to the side, so it's not doing it's job.

This drives me batty! I can't believe how many kids in my neighborhood are wearing their helmets wrong. My 9yo dd was fitted for a new helmet at the bike store today. The lady illustrated how important it was to have the helmet down in front by having dd bump into a wall (pretend tree). She could feel her face hitting the wall one time, and her helmet the wall the other time. Hopefully it made a lasting impression.


BTW, The store adjusted the helmets dd and dh bought. It is amazing how many adjustments can be made to new helmets. The guy even showed dd how to turn the knob for a quick adjustment based on her ponytail style of the day! LOL.

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I'd like to second this post on behalf of my brother who was hit by a car while biking and had to have emergency brain surgery to stop a bleed that would have killed him. He has a badass scar, but we all would have preferred that he'd worn a helmet and forgone the scar.

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The amazing thing is the horse show I watched today. Yes, helmets are finally required for speed events, but not cow classes! So, not only is the kid at a ful gallop, making spins and rollbacks, but they have a half-grown steer in with them! I know my kid got marked down for riding pattern and rail classes in full helmet today, but hey, she's only got one head!


She got marked down for wearing a helmet? That is crazy.

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It is rediculous! I am a helmet wearing nut and same for my kids.

The amazing thing is the horse show I watched today. Yes, helmets are finally required for speed events, but not cow classes! So, not only is the kid at a ful gallop, making spins and rollbacks, but they have a half-grown steer in with them! I know my kid got marked down for riding pattern and rail classes in full helmet today, but hey, she's only got one head!

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We need to get foster ds a bike helmet.


I am a stickler for helmets when riding the horses. You don't put a foot in a stirrup without one. Younger kids must put their helmets on to even enter the barn.


My son's 50-year-old pediatrician had a fall from a horse while wearing a helmet.  She made a display board with photos and the damaged helmet for her office as a visual lesson for the kids!

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