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Morning sickness questions


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Ok first of all who ever called it that should be shot. Anyways......

Ok I really didn't have any with dd, so my dmil thinks I'm having a boy, my mom is convinced twins because that's what my brother had.

Did you have more sickness with girls or boys?

What can I do to lessen the sickness? My next appointment is the 22nd of July. This is just getting ridiculous, I hardly get anything accomplished.

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I had no morning sickness with my ds, but had all day nausea for 14 weeks with my dd. For me, eating cheese seemed to help the most with the nausea--although I'm sure also significantly contributed to my 50 lb weight gain. :-) Hope you're feeling better soon and congratulations on your pregnancy! :-)

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I had "morning sickness" with both my boys, my second being worse. Ginger pills helped me greatly. I kept saltine crackers on me at all times. It helped a little to have a little something in my tummy but not to over eat either.


Hugs! Mine wasn't as bad as some but it was horrible.

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Call your doctor and get in sooner! S/he may call in zofran if you need it.


Are you "just" nauseated or getting sick too? Sea Bands (for motion sickness) can help with the nausea. Try not to let your stomach get empty. Nibble all the time. Eat something with protein before you sit up and get out of bed. Drink separately from eating, but drink! Lots! I had to have ice cold water (SmartWater, for the electrolytes) in a thermos in arm's reach. Some people are soothed by lemon (a friend kept a lemon in her bag in a ziploc) or lemon drops or sour candies. Ginger helps some people.


My worst was with oldest DD. It was still awful with DS, and better with baby. Zofran helped my worst couple of weeks this last pregnancy. It's generic now but was unaffordable on my insurance years ago ($1600/mo!!!). There's a Unisom/B6 combo that helped too, but you may not want to take anything without your doctor or midwife's ok.


I hope you feel better soon.

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I had nausea with all my pregnancies, but it was the worst with my last, which turned out to be twins. The nurse said that can be one possible hint. :)


I looked at some morning sickness lollipops (they have ingredients like vitamin B6, ginger, peppermint), but ended up not trying them. What helped me was eating a lot—I seemed to feel better when I was full, but then again, I wasn't throwing it all up either.




Erica in OR

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You have my sympathies -- it is so hard to function when you are sick. Lemon italian ice is soothing. I occasionally took phenergan when it got awful but only at night because it would knock me out. If you can find one food that you can tolerate, go for it. With one pregnancy I could eat green salad. Another (during the winter) it was soup. Another time it was chilled Greek salad from the deli. Try to avoid cooking odors; smells that would ordinarily be pleasant become overpowering. There are probably other medications available now that I didn't have back then (zofran?) so check with your doc.

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No correlation with gender or twins here.

1st-all day sick with vomiting. Dr gave Phenergen(sp?) It lasted 4 mos BOY

2nd-I was very, very ill and dx with HG. Zofran was just becoming acceptable for pregnancy use. Lasted 6 mos.GIRL

3rd-all day nausea. very little vomiting. Lasted a couple mos.GIRL

4th-very close to a 10% weight loss. I survived w Zofran. Lasted 6 mos.BOY

5th-sick all day, less vomiting. BOY

6th-Vomiting all meals,snacks for 2 months. nausea was 1st symptom. BOY

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I had a lot of luck with my last pregnancy adding in herbal supplements to support liver function which, in my research, I felt was causing my morning sickness. It involved taking supplements of milk thistle and dandelion root (I would alternate these versus take together since they support similar function) and also adding B6 supplement (if you're not nursing as it can decrease milk supply) and also took ginger root supplement too. Went from a pregnancy where I felt sick for months (but not the severe kind) to just an occasional moment here or there and that was all.


This post led me down the research path: http://www.mothering...arum-herbs-more


eta: I did start as soon as I had a positive test result. But I would start later too, especially the ginger supplement.

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I had severe morning sickness with all four of mine, but it was very well controlled with B6 and Unisom (10 mg of doxylamine).


With my first, we tried all of the usual tricks before B6 and Unisom were suggested by the midwife I was seeing. She wanted me off of it after the first trimester, but I couldn't get off of it until 20ish weeks. Without it, I vomited everything I ate or drank. After 20 weeks, I was just nauseous and miserable for the rest of the pregnancy.


With my second, my midwife told me to not bother trying all of the tricks, to just take the B6 and Unisom if the morning sickness started up again. At 7 weeks, I headed to church. I got increasingly nauseous on the way there, threw up as soon as I arrived and threw up three more times in the next hour and a half and ended up laying on the floor in the nursery waiting for church to be over. I took B6 and Unisom the second I got home. I continued with it until 24 weeks after which I stopped. The rest of my pregnancy was endured with nausea and misery, but not vomiting.


With the third and fourth, I started the B6 and Unisom in the 6th week when the nausea started and continued until I gave birth. They were by far my best pregnancies because I felt decent all the way through.


B6 and Unisom (the regular strength with doxylamine as the active ingredient) combined create the drug Bendectin, which was just approved for use again by the FDA. It was voluntarily removed from the market when a different drug was causing birth defects, and people were blaming Bendectin too. Bendectin was never found to increase birth defects. It has continued to be used under the name Diclectin in Canada the entire time we didn't have access to it here in the US. Under the name Diclectin, it has a long safety record.

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I had it bad for 8 months with #1 (boy) I lost so much weight I weighed less leaving the hospital than I did before I got pregnant.


I had it only very lightly with #2 (boy)


This time around it's so bad I'm officially HG. I'm on two different medications, have had one trip to the hospital to get hydrated with IV fluids, and I lost 15 lbs before I got it under control (girl)

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No gender association here. Just all-day sickness for about 20 weeks. For me, I've found different things that helped were:


sipping an ice-cold coke or sipping ice-cold lemon water


popcorn! I would keep a bowl on the counter all the time and it really helped to take if we had a car trip to make. I could never do crackers but popcorn always worked.


beans - I would open a can of whatever kind of beans, navy, black (my favorite), red, even green, rinse them off, put them in a bowl and keep them in the fridge and every hour or so eat a small 1/4 cup or so. I think the protein really helped


I also took a vitamin that wasn't an all-day dose in one vitamin . . . I would take the type that you had to take three or four a day to get the full dose. That really helped me keep them down.

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I was very very sick with my daughter. I lost about 10 kilos, took weeks off work. I actually laid a mattress down in front of the tv downstairs and made a little nest to feel sorry for myself in. It started getting better around 16 weeks. Ginger and peppermint did squat for me, the only thing I could stomach most days was vegemite on toast. My mum was convinced I must have been having a boy since she had not a moment of morning sickness and 2 daughters. I had a daughter.


I was never so sick again, mostly just nausea to various degrees until about 16ish weeks. These were/are all boys.


With my second son I felt the best, because (I think) I had been taking a herbal hormone balancer to help conceive and was still weaning off it the first 12 weeks.


Hope you feel better soon!

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I had severe morning sickness with all four of mine, but it was very well controlled with B6 and Unisom (10 mg of doxylamine).


With my first, we tried all of the usual tricks before B6 and Unisom were suggested by the midwife I was seeing. She wanted me off of it after the first trimester, but I couldn't get off of it until 20ish weeks. Without it, I vomited everything I ate or drank. After 20 weeks, I was just nauseous and miserable for the rest of the pregnancy.


With my second, my midwife told me to not bother trying all of the tricks, to just take the B6 and Unisom if the morning sickness started up again. At 7 weeks, I headed to church. I got increasingly nauseous on the way there, threw up as soon as I arrived and threw up three more times in the next hour and a half and ended up laying on the floor in the nursery waiting for church to be over. I took B6 and Unisom the second I got home. I continued with it until 24 weeks after which I stopped. The rest of my pregnancy was endured with nausea and misery, but not vomiting.


With the third and fourth, I started the B6 and Unisom in the 6th week when the nausea started and continued until I gave birth. They were by far my best pregnancies because I felt decent all the way through.


B6 and Unisom (the regular strength with doxylamine as the active ingredient) combined create the drug Bendectin, which was just approved for use again by the FDA. It was voluntarily removed from the market when a different drug was causing birth defects, and people were blaming Bendectin too. Bendectin was never found to increase birth defects. It has continued to be used under the name Diclectin in Canada the entire time we didn't have access to it here in the US. Under the name Diclectin, it has a long safety record.


Hyperemesis with all 7. I took the unisom. It was the only thing that worked. Call the doc!

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What kind of unisom??? I'm going to go get some today with some B6


B6 and Unisom (the regular strength with doxylamine as the active ingredient)


You'll want to take half of a tablet of Unisom, which is close to the 10mg in Bendectin.    50mg of B6 was the smallest amount I was able to find; I cut those in half as well.  I took them at bedtime.  It was slightly harder to wake up in the morning but not too bad.  One dose at bedtime was all that I needed. 


Here is an article discussing the history and dosage recommendations.  It has a ladder of dosages to work up from until you get to what works for you.  It starts with just B6, increases, adds in Unisom, increases that, adds in something else, and if that doesn't work suggests asking for prescription medications.

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I had morning sickness each time and it correlated with nothing. I had it pretty bad with my DS the whole time. I threw up several

times every day pretty much the whole time. With twins, I had some morning sickness but it was much better. I didn't have it as long

or as bad. They were girls. With my last, I think I had it worse than ever. It was more intense but it went away for a bit in the

2nd trimester before coming back. With my DS, it never subsided. My last was a girl.


I don't think morning sickness is associated with anything other than a healthy baby. I had a m/c w/ my first pregnancy and my morning sickness was mild and went away around the time of fetal demise. I know people can have healthy pregnancies w/out morning sickness, but for me, it was

sort of comforting.


What helped was zofran, benadryl, and cola. Something about the acidity of cola seemed to help. It was much better for me than ginger ale which I just threw up. I also quit taking my prenatals with my last child and just ate kids' vitamins. They didn't make me as sick.

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