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August = High School

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As of August I will have one child in high school! Yikes! Scares me half to death but at the same time so excited for her! Husband agrees we need to put her on a College Prep schedule. This will be challenging for all of us as none of us are 'structure' people.


What did you all feel like when you first had a child hit high school?

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It is overwhelming and exciting. Having already graduated three, you'd think I have a handle on it.


With the first one (graduated in 2005), I feel I failed her. She had debilitating migraines and was depressed.

Ds #2 went to ps.

Dd #3 went to ps and came home. Really buckled down and got serious about high school. Joined a co-op for accountability (for her and me). She later thanked me for making her work so hard.

Now ds #4 will be in 11th grade and ds #5 in 9th grade.


Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. (My 16 yo ds says it's a train =)


Hangeth thou in there beloved!




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Yes, I'd say that panicked and excited was how I felt! But spending time here is a great way to stay informed and be supported. Thank you Susan Wise Bauer for providing these boards.


Welcome to the high school years!




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