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Has anyone dealt with sleep apnea?


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My husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea and started using a cpap machine but found it very uncomfortable and has stopped, but it seems so dangerous to be untreated and I am concerned. Has anyone used oral appliances? I am thinking of getting him to a sleep dentist in the area - thanks

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The beginning of CPAP life stinks!


Check out cpaptalk.com


They can be a bit harsh, but they really know their stuff. You can post specifically what he's having problems with and they'll tell you how to fix it.


It could also help using a respiratory therapist who has sleep apnea. They better understand the problems.

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My husband uses a mask that just goes over his nose. The guy who fitted him uses a full face mask. Like others have said, there are so many different types of masks that he can find one he'll be comfortable with if he gives it time.


Apnea is a serious medical condition. Ask him if he had diabetes would he take the insulin shots? If he had cancer, would he do the chemo? Same thing. He can die from it if it's left untreated, not to mention the poor quality of life from lack of restful sleep.


Please encourage him to keep trying. The mouthpieces, from everything I've read, won't work unless his apnea is very mild.

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thanks everyone. I will get him to go back and change the masks and get him to continue to use it. for those who use it, is this a life long thing? or will it go away with reducing the weight and strengthening the palate exercises?

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I suffer from severe sleep apnea and have failed at both. I need to try to oral appliance more but it is really uncomfortable. The CPAP made me sick to my stomach and bloated beyond belief. They Dr. finally took it back. My SA was about 15 times an hour for up to 50 seconds at a time. I am always tired! I wish there were more options but all the CPAP's made me sick, even at the facility they sent me home due to sickness from it at 3 in the morning when I went in to the trial run for it. I hope he finds something that works for him because going un-treated is not a great option, trust me. I really should be better with my appliance and keep trying.

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It took my dh probably about two months to get used to the CPAP. (He thought about an oral appliance, but his ins. didn't cover it.) The CPAP was uncomfortable, made him feel claustrophobic and was quite a struggle for him at first, but he kept at it. He's been using it regularly for almost a year, and it has made a huge difference. He feels much better, is more rested in the morning, and his snoring doesn't keep me awake all night.


He did get refitted with a different mask (not the full face kind) but he didn't like that one either. He's using the full face one with these things called RIMZ's (???) do stop leakage. It took some time, but it was definitely worth it.

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I have been using mine for about 9 months. I have tried 4-5 different masks. The other thing that helped me is the attached humidifier. I am a mouth breather and I need to have the humidifier or my nasal passages get so dry they bleed.


Perseverance is the name of the game with CPAP. I still wake up occasionally with my mask on the pillow next to me. LOL

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Have they tried u on bi level pressure? Or have u practice breathing with it while awake? Sounds like u r getting to much air in your belly from not breathing right.



No, I have never heard of that. Yes, way too much air. I usually breathe with my mouth open now due to lung problems and for some reason it just doesn't work with me. I was so bloated that the button on my pants, was at my sides when i tried to get dressed one morning and it didn't go away quickly. :confused1: And, yes I even tried when I was awake.

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I have been using mine for about 9 months. I have tried 4-5 different masks. The other thing that helped me is the attached humidifier. I am a mouth breather and I need to have the humidifier or my nasal passages get so dry they bleed.


Perseverance is the name of the game with CPAP. I still wake up occasionally with my mask on the pillow next to me. LOL




If you are a mouth breather why doesn't it make you take in too much air? I always assumed it was because I couldn't keep my mouth shut that I was taking in to much air in my stomach. And, I tried several types of masks.

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What is going on with your lungs?


Well, I don't know exactly. Restrictive Lung Disease for starters but they just did 8 biopsies last week to try and get more info. Came on after 2nd bout of WC in two years (2010 and 2011). My lung volume seems to fall somewhere between 59% and 61%, down from 71% last March.


Sorry, OP I am not trying to hijack this thread - I hope you get some answers that will help. This isn't talked about too much so it's nice to revisit it sometimes and see if there are things that change for people.

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If you are a mouth breather why doesn't it make you take in too much air? I always assumed it was because I couldn't keep my mouth shut that I was taking in to much air in my stomach. And, I tried several types of masks.



Not sure. It could be happening but It does not bother me, I guess. So sorry. When we had our sleep apnea "class" they mentioned that in some cases surgery can be performed.

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Well, I don't know exactly. Restrictive Lung Disease for starters but they just did 8 biopsies last week to try and get more info. Came on after 2nd bout of WC in two years (2010 and 2011). My lung volume seems to fall somewhere between 59% and 61%, down from 71% last March.


Sorry, OP I am not trying to hijack this thread - I hope you get some answers that will help. This isn't talked about too much so it's nice to revisit it sometimes and see if there are things that change for people.



I wonder if they need to reprogram the sleep apnea machine to match your restricted lung capacity. If it is working based on full lung capacity that might explain why the excess air ends up in your tummy.

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I suffer from severe sleep apnea and have failed at both. I need to try to oral appliance more but it is really uncomfortable. The CPAP made me sick to my stomach and bloated beyond belief. They Dr. finally took it back. My SA was about 15 times an hour for up to 50 seconds at a time. I am always tired! I wish there were more options but all the CPAP's made me sick, even at the facility they sent me home due to sickness from it at 3 in the morning when I went in to the trial run for it. I hope he finds something that works for him because going un-treated is not a great option, trust me. I really should be better with my appliance and keep trying.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Fourcat you are some one who needs bi level support and if u need to breath orally u need a fullface.

It is possible due to your lung issues you need ASV. Please continue to work on finding something that works


For all new patience I always say if breathing is hard for whatever the reason sit and hold mask to you face and watch tv. One u are comfortable with that turn air on and breathe. One u can do that comfortable (it may take days/weeks) then strap to face and watch tv and leave on as long as you can till you work your way up to all night

Masks can be changd out with in first 90 days just calll them dme . If it isn't working after 61days tell dr you want to have a pap nap or another study in lab to make sure you are at the right pressure the mask is correct style or they can change you to bi level support.

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I wonder if they need to reprogram the sleep apnea machine to match your restricted lung capacity. If it is working based on full lung capacity that might explain why the excess air ends up in your tummy.


That's a really good point! Never even thought of it. Thanks for all the advice from everyone!

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I use the nasal pillows and they are awesome! It took a couple of months to get used to the whole setup, though.



:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

Hubby has severe sleep apnea (20+ events an hour) and he loves the nasal "pillows" -- he hated the ordinary face mask that was issued to him in the beginning. He now gets a full night's rest and the machine really helps!!

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Sorry, OP I am not trying to hijack this thread - I hope you get some answers that will help. This isn't talked about too much so it's nice to revisit it sometimes and see if there are things that change for people.


of course not, the more we all learn about it the better we will be able to help our loved ones or ourselves. For the twenty plus years that we were married, he snored, but I am a heavy sleeper and we just didnt bother to get it diagnosed until last year when he was really getting tired and couldnt sleep. So we have a lot to learn too...

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