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Link to dd's From the Top Performance!

Beth in OH

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Oh Beth, that was just gorgeous! My family enjoyed listening. You must be so proud!!! :hurray:


Thanks! I am delighted that dd (and her sisters) have become such cool, interesting people. They would be very different if we had never homeschooled! This dd only homeschooled through the 8th grade, but those were the years when she would wander our acreage, practice archery, look for wildflowers, and spend lots and lots of time reading literature. It gave her the mental space to choose who she wanted to be and what she wanted to do next--without peer pressure. We are truly a lucky group of people here to have been able to take that journey with our kids.

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Thanks! I am delighted that dd (and her sisters) have become such cool, interesting people. They would be very different if we had never homeschooled! This dd only homeschooled through the 8th grade, but those were the years when she would wander our acreage, practice archery, look for wildflowers, and spend lots and lots of time reading literature. It gave her the mental space to choose who she wanted to be and what she wanted to do next--without peer pressure. We are truly a lucky group of people here to have been able to take that journey with our kids.


Love this. :001_wub: The bolded part, especially, resonates with me.

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Thank you for the link, Beth and for letting us share in your proud mama moment. That was fabulous! I loved the piece and I loved Audrey's performance, the way she flew through those notes, articulating them and soaring in the high reaches of the flute. Just terrific. Bravo!


How is your violinist dd? Is she still with her band?


And, btw, are you musical?

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How is your violinist dd? Is she still with her band?


And, btw, are you musical?



Violinist dd is great! She just played a beautiful junior recital and is talking about grad school, either in violin performance or contemporary improvisation. She says she just "doesn't feel done" with learning music. :-). She is performing as a solo act now, as her original bandmates are busy with other things. She is writing and performing her own stuff as well as producing her own recordings. Ah---the glamorous life of a musician! Here's a link to her FB page, Scout Ripley.


I am musical, but not accomplished. My dad was a vocal music director at the community college level, so I grew up with lots of music in the home. Unfortunately, I was lazy and became a jack of all trades, master of none as a musician! TWTM and homeschooling really showed me that I could give the gift of discipline in music to my dd's--we studied it just like an academic subject. Daily. With supervision. My goal was to get them over the rocky terrain of the middle school years with enough skills that they could continue pursuing music in high school (and beyond) if they wanted to. Their choice at that point! (And I'm wondering why I didn't do the same thing with accounting, nursing, or engineering LOL!)

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Thank you for the link, Beth and for letting us share in your proud mama moment. That was fabulous! I loved the piece and I loved Audrey's performance, the way she flew through those notes, articulating them and soaring in the high reaches of the flute. Just terrific. Bravo!


I totally agree!! Thank you for sharing, Beth. Let us know when she records her first CD. :)

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waaaah! the 20 seconds they played of her music was far, far too short! That was just beautiful!


There's a link to the right of the screen that says "Listen to the Show". It plays the entire audio program (no video) as it was aired on the radio.

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