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Introvert Panic! Please help me prepare!


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Ack, I'm a wreck this morning! Last night dd told me that a reporter from the city newspaper had called her about the recent large scholarship she had received (I talked about that on the college board :hurray: ). The reporter not only wants to interview her, but the whole family...at our home...tomorrow. My brain has apparently shut down. Besides cleaning (to perfection since photos will be taken and that seems impossible to accomplish :huh: ), we need new clothes, new couch pillows, air freshener to get the aroma of *cat* to disappear, the garden must be weeded since it's in front of the house, flowers for the porch, and then there is the problem of *what on earth do we do/say when they get here*??! They will want to see our homeschool in action. Yeah, we usually plop down on the couch and read and talk and stuff. Very impressive. I have to prepare myself and I am afraid of what I might say..."Oh, I have no idea how this kid got so smart, it just happened." sort of stupidity. Please help me prioritize so that I can use today to the fullest and feel confident tomorrow. :leaving:

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Congratulations to your DD!!! Personally, I would prioritize getting your DD's outfit figured out, and then clean the entryway, living room and any other places that school happens. I doubt they will take photos of the house, so that would be last on my list.


Good job Momma!

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Congratulations to your daughter!! That is wonderful!! Personally, I don't think I would want our whole family to be interviewed, and you don't have to allow that either if you don't want to. I think I would tell the reporter that they could come and interview your daughter (if your daughter is interested) on the front porch. (That way I wouldn't have to clean my house!) I would be in and out. I'd be in there at the start, and then maybe go fix some lemonade. Of course maybe you don't have a front porch. :) Then I think I'd offer to meet him at a local cafe.

You can decide how you want to handle it. You are doing the reporter a favor.


Of course if you WANT the whole family to be interviewed, that's a different story! Maybe you could meet the reporter at a park?


Anyway, I'm sure it's all very exciting for your daughter. Good job! :)

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Thank you. I did some exercise that has helped me calm down a little bit lol. Apparently the reporter *wants* to come to our home, to get a feel for how homeschooling is accomplished. They want to speak to all of us. Oh my, this is a large responsibility to be representing homeschooling to the public. I don't want to blow the chance! Since dd spent lots of her time reading and writing in her room, the thousands of books on her shelves and desk must be tidy, her multiple coffee pots hidden :laugh: , and since her room is upstairs basically the whole house needs to be tidied, just in case they want to take pics of her in her 'natural element' :lol: . I will start with the entry way and work my way through. I wish my garden wasn't such a site, but all the cold weather leading to all this rain has the weeds flourishing, and it's sitting right next to the sidewalk. yuck Well, I am getting ready to run get some cleaning done. Please keep sending your helps to keep me on task without giving myself a stroke.

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Bake something tomorrow morning to get the house smelling yummy. Windex also makes a place smell pretty clean in a pinch.


I would focus on the downstairs, her bedroom (but maybe not if it makes you or her uncomfortable) and pick something comfortable and clean to wear. I would need to remind myself to wear shoes...I'm almost always in slippers.


Try to enjoy the attention.

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Whack the weeds with a weedeater/edger and spread mulch over it all. That will give a "blank pallet" look to your beds which might be better than a neglected look.


I'd be setting the kids on that one today so you can focus on the interior.


Be sure to tell the reporter you expect him to provide a digital (DVD or flash drive) copy of his completed story.


And CONGRATULATIONS! Job well done, mom and dear child!

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Congratulations to your DD!! That's fantastic! :)


Aside from cleaning and getting your home ready, I would spend some time today figuring out what you want to say (both you and your DD separately). Think about the questions the reporter is likely to ask, and then decide how you want to respond to those questions. Come up with 3-5 main points you'd like to get across in the interview and how you'd like to (succinctly) phrase them. Basically, prepare your "soundbites" in advance.


If you go into the interview prepared with responses, you'll feel much more confident and relaxed, and you're guaranteed to be happier with how the interview turns out. Even if the reporter asks you questions that you didn't specifically prepare for, it's usually possible to come back to one of your main talking points in your response.


Good luck! :)

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YOU have control over where they take the photos, so pick the room(s) you're comfortable having them photograph, and make those look good. Your house doesn't have to be perfect!


When you're talking, if something falls out of your mouth that wasn't what you meant, stop, say, "I'd like to rephrase that," and say it again. In addition, you can ask that they run any quotes past you before they print them.


Congratulations to you and your dd! :)

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Thank you so much! I appreciate your wonderful, helpful suggestions!! I have done quite a bit of cleaning downstairs and the girls are handling the upstairs. I ran to the local market and got a beautiful fuchsia to hang on the porch and a few small plants to throw in a pot for the front steps, so the entry will be done in a flash. I will definitely be thinking of what to answer, so that *uhhhh* doesn't keep coming out! Thanks everyone!

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OK ladies, this is it! I weeded flower beds and garden paths...oh, am I stiff this morning lol, carpets vacuumed, wood floors damp mopped, clothes picked, and the kitchen is waiting for attention. I'm having dd15 make oatmeal cookies. The girls have the upstairs in order, just in case. I am thinking about some key points I want to emphasize. Funny, my poor Dh seemed more nervous than I was, and was talking 90 miles a minute all morning. Glad he's gone to work now so I can settle myself down with a bit of quiet. The reporter is expected at 10! Thanks again for the help.

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The reporter just left! An hour interview...wowzers! She had already spoken to several people at the college. She was so sweet and personable, and after dd greeted her at the door, they chatted a few minutes. She kept saying how beautiful it was up here...flowers and things. :) I asked her into the living room/dining room/school room combo, and she kept saying how beautiful and charming our home was, too! That made all the effort worth it! She asked dd quite a few questions and we kept quiet and smiled a lot lol. Then she asked me quite a few questions, too. Of course I could only recall one of the points I had prepared but I don't think I said anything stupid. Hopefully. The oatmeal cookies were a hit, too. My only regret is that she asked if we had anything else to share, and I couldn't think of a thing to add...and now my mind is full of things! The photographer was on another schedule so he arrives at 3, so this will be a long day! I'm going to do some more little tidying and try to keep everything presentable. Thank you for being calm voices for me!

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The reporter just left! An hour interview...wowzers! She had already spoken to several people at the college. She was so sweet and personable, and after dd greeted her at the door, they chatted a few minutes. She kept saying how beautiful it was up here...flowers and things. :) I asked her into the living room/dining room/school room combo, and she kept saying how beautiful and charming our home was, too! That made all the effort worth it! She asked dd quite a few questions and we kept quiet and smiled a lot lol. Then she asked me quite a few questions, too. Of course I could only recall one of the points I had prepared but I don't think I said anything stupid. Hopefully. The oatmeal cookies were a hit, too. My only regret is that she asked if we had anything else to share, and I couldn't think of a thing to add...and now my mind is full of things! The photographer was on another schedule so he arrives at 3, so this will be a long day! I'm going to do some more little tidying and try to keep everything presentable. Thank you for being calm voices for me!


Thank you for coming out of your comfort zone to be a positive ambassador for homeschoolers. Your efforts will be felt by all of the homeschoolers in your community. If you have further thoughts, why not email them to the reporter? You can probably find her email address on the newspaper's website, or just give her a call. Get your email to her quickly because of deadlines. And don't worry about the spin of the story. Reporters in local, rural papers want to portray accomplished young people like your daughter (and their families) in the best possible way.


If you get a chance, please post the article.





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