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Read alouds for the whole family?

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I'd like to spend time reading together as a family. Any ideas for a read aloud novel my whole family will enjoy - including my dh?


My sons are young, 6 and 4, but they're old hands at listening to novels. Some of the books they've enjoyed are The Enormous Egg, Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain, Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh and The Boxcar Children. The 6 year old especially would be sensitive to "scary" books.


When my (now grown) daughter was young, dh enjoyed listening to our read alouds of the Harry Potter series and the Monster Blood Tattoo series - these would both be too full of monsters and thrill for the littles however.


Any suggestions? My dh is a rancher who doesn't read a lot for fun, do you think he'd like Little Britches?

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Some we've enjoyed at those ages:



Little House in the BIg Woods and the series

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Rabbit Hill

The Trumpet of the Swan, Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little by E.B. White


Your investment in reading aloud will pay off in spades! It not only allows your dc to listen to good literature above their reading level but will give you all wonderful shared experiences as a family.



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My husband's favorite books are:


Thor's Wedding Day

The Incredible Journey


and his favorite series which he talks a lot about to everyone is


The Enchanted Forest (Dealing with Dragons is the first book)


All of these were read to my boys when they were around 5? 6? years old. My boys don't do scary.

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Some good suggestions! I bet my dh would really like hearing The Hobbit. I hear about all kinds of people reading it to their littles. . . how does it go over for 6 year olds? Seems a little early to me. . .



I wasn't keeping in mind that your oldest is 6. I do think the Hobbit would be too advanced. Maybe things like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, the Indian in the Cupboard.

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Some good suggestions! I bet my dh would really like hearing The Hobbit. I hear about all kinds of people reading it to their littles. . . how does it go over for 6 year olds? Seems a little early to me. . .



As a mother who is right now reading The Hobbit aloud to a 9yo and a 6yo, I’m going to say that it is not too early for the book. My 5yo wanders in every now and then to sit down and take a listen herself, and she totally gets it as well.


The three of them are eagerly awaiting the day when we finish The Hobbit so that we can “finally†start reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (You know why? Because they play the LOTR LEGOs Xbox game. Never in a million years did I ever think that playing video games would encourage my children to explore good literature!) I’m making them listen to The Hobbit first in order to see if they liked the writing without committing to something as long as LOTR.


As to the original topic, I wouldn’t worry about your DH. My DH doesn’t like to read either, and kind of mocked me for reading books aloud to the kiddos that were so far above their supposed ability to understand, but as the years go on, I catch him more and more often hovering outside the room we’re reading in, and with The Hobbit he’s taken to just coming in and laying down on the end of the bed we’re sitting in and intentionally listening to the book. (When did I start with the read alouds? Five years ago. That’s how long it’s taken...he's also a fan of listening SOTW CDs in the car on long drives.)


The first time I caught him “hovering†was when I was reading The Trumpet of the Swan to my (then) 4 and 2yo…we had a newborn as well, and he always found an excuse for bringing the baby into the room and tending to her “needs†in there while we were reading…


My advice would be to just read. Sometimes DH will hover, sometimes he won’t; but if reading aloud is something that is consistent and enjoyed in your home, I’ll wager he’ll jump on board after a while. Make sure your kids love it, and that will probably be enough to rope him in eventually.

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Some books my dh listened to with us


Little House books

Yellow Eyes

Owls in the Family

The Indian in the Cupboard

Beautiful Joe (made my dd cry)

The Wind in the Willows (#1 family favorite)

Little Britches and Man of the Family


Especially anything dealing with nature and animals.

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We have read and enjoyed Homer Price, Little House series, E.B. White books, an abridged version of Wind in the Willows. We also read Carry on Mr. Bowditch but that is a little bit older. Mary Poppins, The Moffats, The Saturdays, The Little Prince, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle.

This website has 1000 books that are listed by grades. You can look there for suggestion.


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Well, I immediately thought of lots of books, but most of them wouldn't be perfect for a 4 & 6 yo. By the time they're 7 & 9, I think you'll have a lot more options that are appealing to everyone, including your dh.


And, in the meantime, I agree that the Little House books, Owls in the Family, and a few of the others may do the job.

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Narnia, especially LWW, has worked well at those ages for us.


Also any books of fairy tales,like the Lang books.


For us at those ages it often means that the four year old isnt getting all of it no matter what we read, but that's all right. Only one of mine so far at four has been fully attentive for entire chapters of a chapter book at that age, til five or closer to five.

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Yes, I think you're right Penelope. My 4yo goes in and out of the books I've read with the 6yo and I'm fine with that. We read a lot of picture books etc together and both of them get a lot of it. The 4yo often plays nearby while I'm reading novels.


Thanks so much for the suggestions and encouragement everyone! I think I need to just reading aloud when dh is home, and in the living room rather than in the bedroom at bedtime and see if that reels him in. Going to start perusing the library and my own bookshelves now!

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My family has absolutely loved the Thornton Burgess books (Reddy Fox, Bobby Coon, etc). My husband insists that we read them when he is at home so that he doesn't miss anything!!!


We have also loved (trying not to mention those already mentioned):


Tum Tum and Nutmeg (and the sequels)

Paddington Bear chapter books


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My family has absolutely loved the Thornton Burgess books (Reddy Fox, Bobby Coon, etc). My husband insists that we read them when he is at home so that he doesn't miss anything!!!


We have also loved (trying not to mention those already mentioned):


Tum Tum and Nutmeg (and the sequels)

Paddington Bear chapter books



There is a book coming out next month about the author.


Nature's Ambassador: The Legacy of Thornton W. Burgess


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My son was 5yo when we read the Hobbit - he adored it! AND I'm amazed by how much he remembers, a year later...


Some other books we've read aloud to him (he's now 6):

- Chronicles of Narnia

- Little Britches - highly recommend

- Rascal, by Sterling North - highly recommend

- All of E.B White's books

- Henry Huggins


Actually - here is a fairly accurate list of the books we've read together as a family (I'm missing a few):



We're now starting on Little Pilgrim's Progress...

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