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Book for teen on defending creationism?? - Christian Content!

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Looking for something for dd13 to read next year. Something pleasant to read since this is a bit of a heavy subject. We believe in creation and I would like something to explain that more in depth to her. She has the basic foundation. I have looked at Ken Ham's The Lie and this seems to be my best choice so far. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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The Lie is certainly a good choice.

It might be worth it to look at the Answers book series, if you haven't been through those yet.

Also of interest might be The Great Turning Point. It explores how evolution replaced creationism in the church. (FYI, I have not read it myself.)


You may also just want to ask her to look through the available videos on AiG and pick out the ones whose topics interest her in particular.



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The best books I've seen on the subject are by Dr. Carl Werner, who was challenged to provide irrefutable proof of evolution. He decided the challenge would be easy and after his attempt he found so much data to refute evolution that he had a major paradigm shift.


Evolution: the Grand Experiment

Living Fossils: Evolution, the Grand Experiment


Those are the two volumes. They appear rather text bookish, so it might be slightly heavy reading. BUT, there are also tons of quality photos and sidebars, etc to lighten the load.

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Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design http://www.amazon.com/Politically-Incorrect-Darwinism-Intelligent-Design/dp/1596980133/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1MM3E217W50E3&coliid=I1X7H78X03JNNC


We have never done a logic class. I realized my oldest is really stuck on being right. I want him to be able to stick up for his beliefs,in a logical respectable manner.So, you might consider that, as well.

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This is driving me insane. I remember reading a preview of a book on this subject. The book was written by a gentleman who, I think, was a science teacher and was an evolutionist. I believe, he had been invited to a bible study with friends and ended up accepted creation. It was not too long of a book but I can not for the life of me remember it or find it!!! Any ideas??? Thanks for the other suggestions I am looking at each of them.

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"It Couldn't Just Happen" Lawrence O. Richards. Be sure to read the positive reviews. Amazon prominently displays the negative ones.



I second this! Very good book! I have had my two oldest read it, and now I am having my 9 yo start it because he keeps asking questions relating to this.

Hot Lava Mama

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This is not young earth creationism (but not necessarily not young earth, definitely not evolution), but the best book I've read is Genesis Unbound. He goes verse by verse in the original Hebrew to show why God created Eden and man, and everything that went along with it. This is a book John Piper endorses, which is why I got it in the first place, and I've used it to answer any questions my kids have. It is short and easy to read.

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Looking for something for dd13 to read next year. Something pleasant to read since this is a bit of a heavy subject. We believe in creation and I would like something to explain that more in depth to her. She has the basic foundation. I have looked at Ken Ham's The Lie and this seems to be my best choice so far. Any other suggestions? Thanks!




Footprints in the Ash is a great book: http://www.amazon.com/Footprints-Ash-Explosive-Story-Helens/dp/0890514003


It tells about how the Mt. St. Helens eruption shows evidence for a world-wide flood.


This might not be exactly what you're looking for but it is a pleasant read and very interesting.


It isn't a long book...your library might own it or be able to get it for you.

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I second this! Very good book! I have had my two oldest read it, and now I am having my 9 yo start it because he keeps asking questions relating to this.

Hot Lava Mama



Yes! My son (13 yrs. old) REALLY enjoyed this book. It is organized well, written to a teenage audience, and has lots of interesting photos. Each chapter also has a handful of review questions and/or simple activities that add to the reading.

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