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UPDATE: TMI: Diarrhea--when do you see a doctor?


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DS (3.5) is on day 6 of frequent diarrhea. He's not dehydrated or lethargic or running a fever or exhibiting any other "see your doctor immediately" symptoms. He threw up once, had a fever of 101.5 for a day, but the diarrhea is lingering. It's so intense that he's blowing out 2-3 diapers a night (plus going on the toilet 2-3 times) and going frequently during the day. I'm so glad I'm in my 2nd trimester now because I'm having to set my alarm for every 1.5 hrs at night to change him or take him to the bathroom and do nasty laundry and I've managed not to puke yet!


I don't have any experience with this and the Internet medical advice is very mixed from calling a dr. anywhere from 48 hrs. to 2 weeks from the onset. Is there anything a doctor would do other than just tell me to keep him hydrated and wait things out? Unfortunately, we're visiting family out of state so I can't just take him to our regular pediatrician.

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If you are away from home have there been any changes to his diet that would slow the recovery of his gut? I would have gone to the doctor by now but it is hard when you are away and we have a different system (though not free if it is not your usual doctor).

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The changes to his diet have been very minor on this trip. We're at my parents' house, and they eat very similarly to us.


Since getting sick, he hasn't been interested in eating much, but when he is we've been sticking to blander, non-greasy, non-sugary foods.


He's been drinking water and Pedialyte.


I have given him yogurt with live and cultures, but he is not much of a yogurt fan, so it hasn't been much. He will drink it in a smoothie, but I wasn't sure if adding fruit to it was a good idea because of the extra sugar. Maybe just banana? What do you think?


I was seriously ready to take him to the doctor on day 3, but my mom didn't think we had cause to worry and I deferred to her. I'm re-evaluating now. Part of the problem is that he is very much a "trooper" with a high pain tolerance and a sunny personality, so he doesn't appear miserable unless we're dealing with the massive blowout mess or the annoyance/pain of the diaper rash.


There won't be anyone to answer at our doctor's office today, but I could try calling the nurses' hotline to see what they say.

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I took one of our kids to the doctor at about that point for continuing diarrhea once. I was shocked to have her say that anything up to two weeks is usually considered a potentially "normal" range. All she did was listen to his gut, said it sounded like he'd be turning the corner pretty soon, and recommended the BRAT diet and continued hydration.


Erica in OR

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I took one of our kids to the doctor at about that point for continuing diarrhea once. I was shocked to have her say that anything up to two weeks is usually considered a potentially "normal" range. All she did was listen to his gut, said it sounded like he'd be turning the corner pretty soon, and recommended the BRAT diet and continued hydration.


Erica in OR


Yeah, that's what the internet was telling me and it surprised me too. I think we'll try to stick with BRAT for now (though we hadn't strayed far from it before.) All he's had today is toast and Pedialyte. I did buy some drinkable probiotic yogurt that he seems to like.


Today seems better so far--he's only gone twice since waking, made it to the toilet in time, and it was a bit more solid. Last night was the worst night ever, though! Two blowouts 1 hour apart plus 2 more trips in the next 2 hours!

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I would try the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) for a day or 2 and see if it gets better. That's what my kids doctors always recommended when they were little with tummy problems.


Will do. We haven't strayed far from it so far, but I'm going to commit to it now.

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NO dairy!!! Diarrhea makes you temporarily lactose intolerant.


Clear things (broth, jello), BRAT diet (steamed rice from a Chinese restaurant on the go works), and Bentonite Clay (liquid, from health food store) should help. Go very slow introducing foods, BRAT until 24 hours after it stops.

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Most definitely a good probiotic to help his gut heal. You want one that requires refrigeration, and you want it as a supplement, not just yogurt and the like. I really like thebio gaia, natren and jarrow brands.


As long as he is not dehydrated, I wouldn't worry too much. You can always call and see what his doctor says for peace of mind.

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NO dairy!!! Diarrhea makes you temporarily lactose intolerant.


Clear things (broth, jello), BRAT diet (steamed rice from a Chinese restaurant on the go works), and Bentonite Clay (liquid, from health food store) should help. Go very slow introducing foods, BRAT until 24 hours after it stops.



The stuff I've been reading is so mixed. This was how we treated it when I was a kid, but stuff I'm reading now says Jello makes it worse since it's sugar with no fiber, and dairy in yogurt is fine because you're getting more balanced nutrition and it's easy to digest. I'm also reading that just a clear diet is worse because it keeps the stool loose.


I guess I'll just have to stick with something!

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I've been told it isn't uncommon for people to become both lactose and fructose intolerant after a stomach virus. Yogurt is supposed to be lower in lactose, though.


We had a case where a dd had severe diaper blow outs. Her footie pajamas would be filled up to the neck and it went on for a long time. It was very, very scary, but she was otherwise fine. The doctor wasn't worried and told me not to be concerned unless I saw blood.


My one concern would be if your ds was on antibiotics in the last couple of months because that can cause CDiff. If that were the case, I would have his stool tested.


Florastor is a probiotic that is really supposed to help with diarrhea. It comes in a powdered child's dose. You can get it at almost any pharmacy now.



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Has he been outside drinking out of hoses or anything else (like little kids are prone to do)? After two weeks, I would definitely take him in for an exam and culture to rule out giardia, C. diff or any other bugs. In the meantime, keep an eye on him for signs of dehydration.

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We dealt with something that presented in a similar way--one day of vomiting (maybe even just one episode) a slight fever for one day, and weeks of terrible diarrhea. Each child got it in sucession and it passed around and around and around. After nearly 6 weeks, we went to the Dr. She said to stay strictly BRAT/mild diet until 3-4 days after the last episode of diarrhea, adding yogurt (and pedialyte if needed), bleach everything you can when you wash, use hot water, lots of hand washing and anti-bacterial hand rubs, and use Lysol on anything you can't wash in hot/bleach water. I tend to avoid anti-bacterials and Lysol under regular circumstances (I didn't even have any in the house) but it wasn't until I got super serious about diet, bleach and Lysol that things resolved. Oh, and buy him a new toothbrush, maybe a few, and keep one until a few days after he returns to normal.


Sorry that you are dealing with this!

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Thanks for all the help!


We're through it! You know you're a parent when solid poop makes you giddy with excitement. :laugh:


We stuck to BRAT plus yogurt on Sunday after I posted and he had no diarrhea all night finally. Monday he had a solid BM and was acting like himself again--talking constantly. It's amazing how quiet he is when he's not feeling well! Unfortunately I'm a bit worried about constipation now as he was still complaining of some pain and keeps insisting very strongly that doesn't need to go, which usually means he's holding it in. Hopefully it will be worked out today!

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