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Any good April Fools jokes today?

Michelle My Bell

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I told my daughter I smashed up the back end of our van 3 days after we bought it. She was really upset because we have had a clunker for years until now.


This same daughter told her mock trial coop classmate that she had to quit after weeks of prep because we were all exhausted and her sister was overwhelmed. He was really freaking out and hung up on her when he found out the truth. We just laughed. He called back relieved.


Any good ones with you?

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Well, this will probably only seem funny to us, but........... our water heater went out over the weekend. We still had hot water, but there was a sloooooooow leak so we had to route the water into a bucket so it didn't flood the floor. My dh called on Good Friday for the purchase and installation of a new gas water heater to take place today, Monday. And, it is in. At the dinner table tonight he said he didn't think the water was heating like it should and dd would need to take a cold shower. He had me going especially since it "seemed" to me earlier today the water took too long to heat up in the upstairs bathroom. After a good 1-2 minutes I saw a relaxed smile and knew he got me on a joke. So.......our hot water heater works fine. WHEW!!

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This didn't happen to me, but at work today, one of my coworkers shared what they did to another coworker. I work in medical records, and we often have to speak with funeral homes, organ donor organizations, etc, regarding patients who've expired. Well, one of the gals from day shift thought of a prank for one of the gals on evening shift. When the evening shift gal came in, she found a message for her, saying, "M. T. Graves called and needs you to call him back" with a phone number, which happened to be the number for a funeral home. So, the unsuspecting victim called the number, asking for MT Graves. Naturally, the funeral home employee got it and clued her in. She was so mad! LOL. (The funeral home guy seemed amused).

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Dh woke youngest dd up telling her that there was a skunk under the deck and she needed to go out and help her sister get it out. He previously got oldest dd with the same thing. Dd started complaining about not wanting to get sprayed and was pretty upset about it but took it well when told it was April Fools. I have to say that before she realised she did get up and start to go outside to help - brave I thought.


Some years ago, when oldest dd was 3, dh called her and told her a truck full of monkeys had crashed at the bottom of the hill and the monkeys were running up the road. She rushed to the window to see - that was a pretty good one.

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I was not really prepared... but hadn't totally cleaned up by putting away the dye from making easter eggs yesterday. A few drops later, the scrambled eggs became a lovely shade of green. My 5 year old took one look and said, "Uh, mom? I'm pretty sure the eggs must be a little old."

I did my best to convince them they were dragon eggs. My 7 yo corrected me. "No, mom. Dragons are totally from, like, a long long time ago."

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I was not really prepared... but hadn't totally cleaned up by putting away the dye from making easter eggs yesterday. A few drops later, the scrambled eggs became a lovely shade of green. My 5 year old took one look and said, "Uh, mom? I'm pretty sure the eggs must be a little old."

I did my best to convince them they were dragon eggs. My 7 yo corrected me. "No, mom. Dragons are totally from, like, a long long time ago."



Put some ham with that and you would have had green eggs and ham! So did they eat it?

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Put some ham with that and you would have had green eggs and ham! So did they eat it?



They did indeed. The older ate his customary two bites "since they give me protein and I have swimming today" and younger ate all of his pile in about 4 seconds, then announced he did not like them. Never a dull moment.


I was wishing I had ham! Weirdly, they are probably the only kids on the planet who find that book too "silly and repetitive", even though they do like other Seuss books.

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Here is my list: Two false pregnancy announcements, one "in a relationship" that wasn't, and its snowing in the south (in 70 degrees...).



The false FB pregnancies kill me. A friend who IS a twin announced she is having twins (she's got 2 little kids, it's totally plausible). I'm still not entirely sure whether it's true.


I think I'm a few degrees too gullible. A friend in college at one point recommended I try never to say "really?!" again, and it actually kind of stuck in my brain. :blushing:

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JUST found out dd taped over the computer mouse, like Jean's post! Guess I wasn't on last night as much as usual.


I went into the bathroom yesterday to find a roll of leopard-printed duct tape where the TP should've been. Dd wrote a note, too--Thank goodness I noticed before needing the TP!


No one got her yesterday. I'll have to think of something good for next year.

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My 7 year old dd got her brothers good. She switched out the liners in the cereal boxes. I was up when my oldest got up and in his tired morning state of mind just stared at the box and cereal for a moment. then I told him "April Fools complements of baby girl".

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My 19yo got me good. He posted on FB that his laptop had crashed, his flash drive was corrupted and he had lost all his homework (a ten page paper he was working on). I gasped and then read the next line that he had changed his major to philosophy and underwater basketweaving. I got a good laugh.

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The false FB pregnancies kill me. A friend who IS a twin announced she is having twins (she's got 2 little kids, it's totally plausible). I'm still not entirely sure whether it's true.


I once announced a real pregnancy on April 1st.


I actually only saw one April Fools joke this year - the REI one, which was pretty darn cute. http://www.rei.com/share/adventure-kitten-gear.html

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