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LDS General Conference--it's time!


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Conference time is almost here! What are you doing to prepare? I don't usually do anything special, but I've always heard we should go into conference with questions in mind and pray to receive answers. I do have some things on my mind right now that I would like to receive guidance about, I am going to try keeping a journal again starting this week and through Conference and hope to find some of the inspiration I need. Having kids has really been bad for my journal writing habit.

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My IL's will be spending this weekend with us, so I'm looking forward to it a bit more than usual (I have amazing IL's). We'll try to have some sort of Conference Bingo set up for the kids to keep them entertained through the sessions, although we'll probably send them out into the backyard for chunks of it, if it's sunny.


I have a church journal I started last year during Education Week that I finally got unpacked, so I'll probably be taking notes in that.


No idea yet as to munchies. I'm re-starting Atkins this week, so that'll probably put a damper on things for me. :p

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Conference time is almost here! What are you doing to prepare? I don't usually do anything special, but I've always heard we should go into conference with questions in mind and pray to receive answers. I do have some things on my mind right now that I would like to receive guidance about, I am going to try keeping a journal again starting this week and through Conference and hope to find some of the inspiration I need. Having kids has really been bad for my journal writing habit.



Yes. Does anyone have any ideas for how to prepare? Our ward always cancelles all activities and meetings the week before conference and calls it "family week" so that we can prepare for conference. But I'm never actually sure what we should be doing other than just personally reflecting on our lives and questions we are hoping to find answers to.

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Attending a temple session always helps me to get in the right frame of mind. As well as simply praying for inspiration and answers. Often it is just one sentence in someone's talk that speaks to me...but it is exactly what I needed to hear. I just went to the Young Women's general meeting this past Saturday and it was amazing! Can I just say how much I love President Uchtdorf??? And what on earth does that man use on his face to stay so young looking??? Holy cow, I need a jar...vat...of that!!! :D

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Attending a temple session always helps me to get in the right frame of mind. As well as simply praying for inspiration and answers. Often it is just one sentence in someone's talk that speaks to me...but it is exactly what I needed to hear. I just went to the Young Women's general meeting this past Saturday and it was amazing! Can I just say how much I love President Uchtdorf??? And what on earth does that man use on his face to stay so young looking??? Holy cow, I need a jar...vat...of that!!! :D



Thank you for the reminder. I really, really need to go to the temple--I think it's been a year. You just inspired me to call my husband at work and see if he wants to take a day off of work to make it easier for us to go together. Finding a babysitter is always the hardest part...especially with five kids! I have someone in mind, hopefully she will be available.

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Well.. DH has reminded me at least four times in the last 24 hours that Conference is coming up so I should make sure I know where my cinnamon roll recipe is (I always make them for breakfast on conference sunday).


On a more serious note... I'm looking forward to Conference. I feel kind of like a spiritual slacker right now. I've been making a better effort at getting the basics (scripture study!) done in the past week and hope to definitely continue that habit... but I feel like I'm definitely in need of a good saturating spiritual soak. I'll probably not get to watch... well, really watch... the sessions as they happen, but I love DVR. Not to mention that while I do enjoy watching conference I definitely get more out of it the second time around... especially if I have a paper copy of the talks that I can mark the heck out of.

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6 months ago during the October conference I was investigating the church and gaining knowledge etc. I watched that conference. This is our first one as members. For some reason, it has more meaning. I'm still trying to figure out how to "do" conference. I have small kids and we do not have cable or netflix etc. Last year, I watched on our Ipad, but the kids didn't watch it. Not sure how its going to "work".



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I'm looking forward to it. Dh is going to be out of town all weekend, so it will be just me and the kids. We have our Roku now, which streams the BYU channel, so that's how we'll be watching it. My 4 year old especially loves Conference. She and dd2 always get up and dance during the songs. She loves it so much that we watch Music and the Spoken Word almost every Sunday because it is "conferency." I'm pretty sure that she thinks Lloyd Newell is an Apostle.

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6 months ago during the October conference I was investigating the church and gaining knowledge etc. I watched that conference. This is our first one as members. For some reason, it has more meaning. I'm still trying to figure out how to "do" conference. I have small kids and we do not have cable or netflix etc. Last year, I watched on our Ipad, but the kids didn't watch it. Not sure how its going to "work".



Checkout sugardoodle.net for "Conference Packets" which have games and activities for kids to do during General Conference (like color the tie to look like the tie of the Apostle that's speaking, Conference Bingo, etc.) If you have a computer in a main living area you could watch it on there via lds.org


I have a rule for my kids that they MUST be in the room and listening when the Prophet speaks. After that they have to at least be respectful and not make too much noise. (easier said than done)


Also have munchies. Lots and lots of munchies. :D

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6 months ago during the October conference I was investigating the church and gaining knowledge etc. I watched that conference. This is our first one as members. For some reason, it has more meaning. I'm still trying to figure out how to "do" conference. I have small kids and we do not have cable or netflix etc. Last year, I watched on our Ipad, but the kids didn't watch it. Not sure how its going to "work".




Before my parents had cable (so for most of my teenage years) we watched it online via lds.org - well, listened really as for a while it was just an audio broadcast plus our internet connection wouldn't have been able to handle video (lol).


As a kid I remember getting a special "conference notebook" (really just a nice-ish composition type book) and a new set of colored pencils to keep me busy. I recall my brother getting bribed with new (dollar tree) army men to play with if he played quietly.

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! Can I just say how much I love President Uchtdorf??? And what on earth does that man use on his face to stay so young looking??? Holy cow, I need a jar...vat...of that!!! :D

it's called "not living in a desert climate most of his life". he spent most of his life in a temperate zone with humidity. I live in the NW - and those who've lived here their whole lives, and aren't sun worshippers, also tend to have very good skin. I don't lay in the sun - a few weeks ago someone told me she thought I was *at most* in my early/mid 30's based on the condition of my skin. I'll be 50 next month. I hardly do anything to my skin.
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I have tried conference packets and stuff in the past for the kids, but getting out the legos seems to be the easiest way to keep the peace. I need to give some thought to conference munchies as well.


I wish my 11 year old would be willing to listen longer. It *is* a stretch for anyone to sit and pay attention that long, but I feel like he needs to get past the just-be-in-the-same-room phase. Ideas????

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I have tried conference packets and stuff in the past for the kids, but getting out the legos seems to be the easiest way to keep the peace. I need to give some thought to conference munchies as well.


I wish my 11 year old would be willing to listen longer. It *is* a stretch for anyone to sit and pay attention that long, but I feel like he needs to get past the just-be-in-the-same-room phase. Ideas????


I agree that legos or something that's quiet and keeps everyone's hands busy is best for us. Those packets last about 2 minutes here. Dh loves having a chance to do legos with the boys.


Food has made a huge difference for my older boys. Not the quick snacks, but making something that takes a some time and effort to prepare, and that we don't eat at any other time. We have something different for each session. Conference has been so much easier to get through since making food a big deal a few years ago.

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I can't wait! I really need a spiritual recharge. I've being doing great the past few weeks and I know this will help fill my cup. Soooooo looking forward to this.


I'm planning a special FHE tonight to talk about conference. I'll also be praying specifically for answers to issues that I'm dealing with. I like the idea of having fun foods. We don't usually do that so that would be a fun change.

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I'm really looking forward to it too. This time my daughter and I will be at my sister's house in Wyoming (the men-folk are staying home) because my nephew's baptism is out there between conference sessions on Saturday. Should be interesting. They've moved recently and I haven't seen their new house yet.




6 months ago during the October conference I was investigating the church and gaining knowledge etc. I watched that conference. This is our first one as members. For some reason, it has more meaning. I'm still trying to figure out how to "do" conference. I have small kids and we do not have cable or netflix etc. Last year, I watched on our Ipad, but the kids didn't watch it. Not sure how its going to "work".




My husband has obtained some kind of cable that hooks the iPad to our tv so we can watch Netflix on the upstairs TV (the downstairs one has "Smart TV" and can play Netflix all on its very own; we have entirely too many screens in this house). Maybe you could do something like that, or connect a laptop to the tv or something? I'm not the right person to ask what kind of cables you'd need, because cables are dh's department around here. But I could probably ask him if you want. He'd want to know what kind of "in" ports you have on the back of your tv. Or maybe someone here could talk you through?

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I'm so proud of myself, I actually bought *healthy* snacks for this Conference. :p Fresh fruit (pineapple, strawberries, and "cuties" oranges), baked apple chips, dried mangoes, and home-made whole wheat banana muffins for snacks. For breakfast it'll be bacon and eggs and green smoothies for whoever wants them (we have my DH's parents and youngest sister with us this weekend as well), then turkey sandwiches for lunch using Costco pretzel rolls. YUM! I don't even know if we'll bother with dinner, as we'll likely be pretty stuffed by the end of the day. :lol:

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Changes in mission organization have been announced, providing new leadership roles for sister missionaries. I wondered how the influx of sisters would be accommodated. It sounds like district and zone leaders will still be elders (except of course for places like Temple Square) but there will now be sister training leaders who report directly to the mission president and have stewardship over the needs of the sister missionaries--sounds like a mission Relief Society president sort of role. The church is also giving the wives of mission presidents a greater role in training and caring for sister missionaries.


When I was in the MTC my companion and I were called as sister missionary coordinators (or some such title, I don't quite remember). We were responsible to look our for the needs of all the sister missionaries in our MTC branch, and attended leadership meetings with the Branch President and the zone leaders etc.; this sounds like a similar role.


I am eager for an update on how the changes in the church missionary program are playing out. I have felt a strong need to emphasize mission preparation since the last conference, including opening mission savings funds for each of my children and creating a system for them to earn money to contribute.

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IT IS!!! Was so excited to see it! She sure sounded nervous, though. (don't blame her, either)


A very nice first to experience. I'm sure she was nervous knowing lots of people would be paying particularly close attention; she offered a very nice heart-felt prayer.

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Sis. Elaine S. Dalton's talk kept me on the brink of tears the entire time. She has such a powerful testimony of the strength and worth of women, and a grand view of the eternal importance it is to be a mother.

And I always love Elder Eyring's talks. His testimony of the resurrected Savior and his love for Him is so powerful.


I have a testimony too that Jesus Christ lives, and that because He lives, we will live too. Death truly has no sting. I'm also grateful that I can testify to my children that I know that this is true, that our spirits never die and that we will be resurrected. That no matter what happens in this life, I will one day hold my children and embrace my husband in the next life, and that we will be a family forever. Being a military family and being aware of the events that are happening and will happen in our world gives me an acute understanding of how important that hope is to my little family.


What a comfort it is to know and understand the power of the atonement, the resurrection, and the blessings of the priesthood and the temple. How wonderful it is that I can step out of this crazy world for a few hours and rest in the temple of the Lord, and feel His peace and His presence. What a blessing it is to be a mother who knows. I can bring that peace here too.

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Sis. Elaine S. Dalton's talk kept me on the brink of tears the entire time. She has such a powerful testimony of the strength and worth of women, and a grand view of the eternal importance it is to be a mother.

And I always love Elder Eyring's talks. His testimony of the resurrected Savior and his love for Him is so powerful.


I have a testimony too that Jesus Christ lives, and that because He lives, we will live too. Death truly has no sting. I'm also grateful that I can testify to my children that I know that this is true, that our spirits never die and that we will be resurrected. That no matter what happens in this life, I will one day hold my children and embrace my husband in the next life, and that we will be a family forever. Being a military family and being aware of the events that are happening and will happen in our world gives me an acute understanding of how important that hope is to my little family.


What a comfort it is to know and understand the power of the atonement, the resurrection, and the blessings of the priesthood and the temple. How wonderful it is that I can step out of this crazy world for a few hours and rest in the temple of the Lord, and feel His peace and His presence. What a blessing it is to be a mother who knows. I can bring that peace here too.


What a beautiful post.

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I love hearing Pres. Uchtdorf read of the leadership of the church. He pronounces the names in all the different languages so beautifully.


I was just thinking the same thing! Though to my ear the German accent comes through kind of heavy on some where it sounds out of place. Mostly he does a beautiful job--I imagine he takes time to practice beforehand. I love the variety in the names signifying the worldwide backgrounds of their owners.

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Here's a question. Do you "manifest it" at home? Sometimes I do and sometimes not. I was just wondering what ya'll do. :)


Yes, but not today because my toddler fell asleep with his head on my right arm. I was sustaining mentally though :)

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