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Check out limits at the library, do you have them?


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100 items per card ( we have 4). Our library is linked to every library in the state which means I can borrow from over 200 libraries with the one card. 30 holds at a time and no limits on ILL.


My state rocks.









Our library is a city library and not parish. Only parish in the state with no parish library.



Our fines are smal three cents per day. But I would pay more for better service...


Parking is terrible too. I just don't find the library here a good resource. We have so many books ourselves that going to the library just means my son plays on their computers.

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50 books per card, 5 dvds per card for both kids/adults (but kids are limited to pg dvds and lower). 3 weeks for books (renew up to 2x) and 7 days for dvds (no renewal).

BUT I do not use their ILL because they charge $5 per book, :ohmy: yes that is $5 each.... and our library is horrible, rarely have what we are looking for. So I am buying all "unit" books we need.

Even to reserve a book they have in the library costs $1...I couldn't believe it... :huh:

Where I used to live, your could hold books for free... :thumbup:

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50 items per card, no difference for DVD/books/CD, no difference in adult and children’s cards.

3 week check-out, you can renew up to 3 times if no holds


I never use ILL. We are part of a large county system so we can request any book from that system to come to our local branch for pick-up. It’s rare that there is nothing that meets our needs somewhere in the system. There is a 25 item limit per card for putting things on hold/reserve, which what you have to do to request from a different library.


This was a good thread for me to read as I often grumble about the 50 book limit. We are frequently over the limit on at least one card so I go to the cards for my kids. They will let me use them without them there so it’s kind of silly, I can really check out 150 items but I have to use three separate cards. I usually go up to the counter first and have them check-in all our books by hand because if I put them in the bin they won’t read as returned when it’s time to check-out and we’ll be over all the limits on all the cards. It’s gotten to the point that the librarians know me and what I’m doing when I walk in. It’s not the friendliest library in the world and I get a lot of on the surface nice, but kind of snide comments. But I’m glad we have it.


After reading about 10 book or 6 (!!!!) book limits I’m feeling a bit more grateful towards out library.

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BUT I do not use their ILL because they charge $5 per book, :ohmy: yes that is $5 each.... and our library is horrible, rarely have what we are looking for. So I am buying all "unit" books we need.

Even to reserve a book they have in the library costs $1...I couldn't believe it... :huh:

Where I used to live, your could hold books for free... :thumbup:


:blink: No words, just shock.


Now that we have can reserve, order, and renew online. I would say 70% of my personal consumption comes from our ILL system. The little town I live in doesn't have enough people to cater to my tastes.


The libraries find it cheaper to have specific books/subjects (mostly which get scattered use) parceled out, so our library has 4 copies of the dvd The Adjustment Bureau or even something rare like Sweet Land, but no copies of The Big Bang Theory or French films. Another library may have multiple copies of The Big Bang Theory (or 2 or 3 libraries if its popular). The only copy of Jules & Jim may be in storage at the capital because its so rarely used. But I can still get it.


ILL deliveries are by truck and driver, and the trucks are owned by the ILL system. Its not a statewide system because I think that would probably be too gas-expensive. I do feel sorry for the rural libraries to the north of here. We're in the capital's district. They may have to make due with a less. :blush5:

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10 items! That's just crazy. So sorry for those of you that have to deal with such a ridiculous limit.


Here it's 50 (down from 75 a couple years ago) with a 5 dvd limit included in that. They can also limit you to 2 books on the same topic if that topic is "hot" which I take to mean if it's a pending holiday or the local school system has a whole class/grade doing reports on that topic. Dd always checks out tons of books on the same topic and we've never actually been refused.



I could definitely appreciate limits on hot topics. The bigger library system has probably 90% of the supplemental books that SOTW lists, and I can always tell when other families must be doing the same topic at the same time, because the copies will all be out.


At the same time, *I* wouldn't want to be limited to two books per topic, LOL!

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It’s gotten to the point that the librarians know me and what I’m doing when I walk in. It’s not the friendliest library in the world and I get a lot of on the surface nice, but kind of snide comments.




Wow, I'm sorry they do that to you -- how rude! I always apologize for taking out so many/bringing so many back, and our librarians say, "No, we're glad you do, because it's job security for us." I like to imagine them taking the numbers to legislators and saying "this is how many books people took out this past year," so if I can do anything to help that, especially for children's books, so much the better!

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Our limit is 100 items/ card and only 10 DVDs. We have one "family card." That is all I can keep track of. I know I have shared the story of my $300+ in fines before. We can have 5 books on request, but as soon as one comes in we can add another to our list. Check out is for 3 weeks and can be renewed three times for a total of 12 weeks as long as it is not requested by someone else. DVDs can not be renewed or requested. The fees are $.50/ day when the library is open. Our library is open only 4 days/ week so if a book is due on Friday I am charged $.50 for Saturday and then nothing for Sun-Tue because the library isn't open until Wednesday. There are 18 libraries in our city library system and they are paired up so one is open Mon-Thurs and the other is open Wed-Sat. The big fee is if you don't pick up a book you have requested within seven days of being notified that it is available. It is $3/ book. My dd requested five magic books and the all arrived while we were on vacation. We can renew online unless you have more than $10 in fines.


Amber in SJ

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The library in our county is horrible. I just discovered that a few counties over is a library system that is wonderful and I can get a card for only $25/year. It is so worth the drive! There's a limit of 200 items per card with no limits on what kind of items. So I can check out 200 DVDs if I wanted. Except the first 6 weeks there's a limit of only 10 items and I'm really itching for my trial period to be over! I can't wait to up their check out numbers.

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I guess our limit is 30 now, but was only 15 until about a year ago. I was going to have each kid wait until they finished their phonics program to "graduate" to their own card, but we may have to bump that up a bit. We usually have 8-12 books out for the whole household, plus a few hold and ILL requests, but we haven't even started K yet! Those stacks of early readers are starting to suck up space on my account.

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Wow, you could amass 25 books in less than 25 minutes. That's a serious bummer.


I'm not aware that my current library has a max, although they recently started charging me the big bucks from being outside the county. They used to let me have the "education" card at no cost. That has been a serious bummer. If our county library had been any good, I would have told them to forget it, but that was gutted last year. So I had to pony up, and will have to pony up annually from here on out.

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50 per card, no limits on type

maximum of 25 items on request at one time


One thing I did not know is if I check 1-2 DVDs my loan period is 7 days. If I check out 3+ DVDs my loan period is 14 days.


That's a nice idea.


I am not sure if there are total limits or not, but on the educator card, you are only allowed 4 books out on the same subject as determined by the check-out clerk. You'd be surprised at how they determine what books are about the same subject for example, books about fall are the same subject as books about farms, maybe because they both begin with f? Also, books checked out on your educator's card must be required books from an approved curriculum and they ask you when you check out if the books are required by your curriculum. I don't know what the approved curriculum is.


That is just weird. :huh:

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