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What grade will you stop teaching spelling?


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We had one average speller and one struggling speller here.


For the average speller, we went all the way through grade 10-11, and then started not having time for spelling. However, along about grade 7-8, spelling really switched over to more of a review of phonetic patterns and grade-appropriate vocabulary words. We made lists from The ABCs And All Their Tricks.


For the struggling speller (mild LDs that surfaced in writing, spelling and abstract math topics such as algebra), we did spelling through grade 12, doing a similar thing as above, but also doing Megawords, and some special individualized spelling practice/remediations.



My suggestion is when your DC no longer need to be taught the spelling rules (usually somewhere between grades 5-8, depending on the student), you slowly switch over to practicing misspelled words from their writing, and make the focus vocabulary words. Then you can go as long as you want -- or, if the student no longer needs spelling at all, drop it, and focus on vocabulary -- or, replace it with nothing at all. :) Really, it depends on the individual student and your specific goals.


BEST of luck in your spelling journey! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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My older daughter is a great speller naturally. I did spelling with her in 3rd grade and then continued half-heartedly through fourth, realizing that it was just busywork. I gave up then. Now she very rarely spells something wrong... like once or twice a week? I'd continue if she needed it, but she just doesn't.

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I have one natural speller (who couldn't tell you an actual spelling rule if you threatened him) and one who is not confident in his spelling abilities. I made the natural speller go through all of Spelling Workout and called it good in 6th grade. It was clearly just busy work. In 7th grade we have moved on to word study/vocabulary. The younger one needs a lot of hand holding when it comes to spelling. I started him in R&S spelling. I don't know what R&S spelling is like in the middle grades, but I plan to go at least until 6th or 7th grade. I hope to go all the way through 8th grade.

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My oldest did a quick blast through of Spelling Power levels G-L then switched to spelling bee prep materials. DS is in AAS4 now and so long as that continues to be a good "fit", I plan to finish out the program. At that point, he'll probably switch to spelling bee prep materials.

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8th grade unless more is needed. My current 9th grader is going through the book 100 words every highschool freshman should know. We do 5 words a week and take another 5 words from science or any reading she is doing that she didn't know the meaning. I don't feel she needs much formal spelling at her level she is pretty good at it and, at this point its more about vocabulary.

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Whenever we get through AAS7, we'll stop it as a subject and just work on correcting errors.



This. Planning to finish the whole series, and we aren't in a hurry. I do spelling twice a week with my DS who seems to be a natural speller so far. That seems to be often enough for him, next DS is a different story!

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For my oldest, we stopped when we finished all 2000 words in the Spell to Write and Read Wise Guide book, which was about 5th grade. My second son is on track to finish then, too. It's hardly "teaching" though, since he looks at the words once on Monday, tests them on Thursday, then we move on to the next section with occasional review words (if missed the first time, words must be spelled correctly two weeks in a row to be taken off of the review list.) After that we move on to vocabulary words instead.

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I'm not planning on doing spelling in 7th with my oldest next year. However, we will come back to it (using Spell to Write & Read) if we need to.

I will probably have to hit spelling every year with dd#2 until the day she graduates. She's a bugger!

DD#3 can currently spell as well as dd#2, so I'm hopeful that she'll be "done" sometime in middle school to make room for another subject (another language?).


I think it depends on the kid.

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