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Google shutting down Reader in July


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I kinda wonder if they're going to introduce something new at I/O with Reader-type functionality integrated. They have Currents, but I think that's app-only and it's still rough around the edges.

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Oh No! I love Google reader...What happens to all my starred and tagged articles now :-(


You won't lose them:




Google Reader will be retired on July 1, 2013. If you'd like to download a copy of all your Reader data before then, you can do so through Google Takeout. You'll receive your subscription data in an XML file, and the following information will be downloaded as JSON files:

  • List of people that you follow
  • List of people that follow you
  • Items you have starred
  • Items you have liked
  • Items you have shared
  • Items shared by people you follow
  • Notes you have created
  • Items with comments

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I think this may be just the push I need to stop following RSS feeds. I'm much more selective about blog posts I read than I was when I started using Reader, and quite a few bloggers I used to follow no longer post. I'll probably follow the few I still want to read regularly on Facebook or Twitter.

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its hard to keep up w ppl on facebook for me . .. i like that the feeds i'm following wait for me, marked as unread. fb i read through everything and if i dont have time for it then . .its gone. plus fb isnt always reliable - its trying to make ppl pay money to make sure ppl see their posts.

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Hey! I just moved to Feedly too. I downloaded the Feedly app on my phone too. I agree it is so much better looking...I like it so far.

Is this syncing with google reader or did it just copy them?


I use Newsrack on my Mac, iPHone and iPad - it syncs with google reader, and so the same things are all marked or stared on all devices. I mainly use my Mac to read feeds these days, so it wouldn't be the end of the world to not have them in sync.... but i have gotten used to it!


My worry is if i delete my google account on newsrack I won't have any feeds at all!

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I zipped through my Reader feed this morning using the Feedly Android app, which blows the Reader app out of the water. The Chrome app is passable (though I'm hoping to find a way to fit more information on the screen), so I'm jerking my knee back now because I dont' think I'll be missing Reader at all. Hopefully the transition to the new backend won't have too many hiccoughs.

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Well, I was up late monitoring schoolwork (don't ask!), so I tackled the Reader problem. I have used Google Reader FOREVER. Sigghhhhhhh.


I tried several readers last night, and wasn't a fan of any of them, really. And I like a web-based one, not a separate application.


BUT, this morning, I tried Feedly, and it's not too bad. So here's another vote for Feedly, although I'm still stomping my feet and whining because I don't want to change.

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What I'd meant to pay above is that I was wrong about Pocket. The "saved" items in Feedly are indeed my starred Reader items.



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