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Update (2) - Good news: Urgent prayers, good thoughts please


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Update #2: Thanks all for the prayers and good thoughts. Good news! He is off the ventilator and is actually being moved out of ICU tonight!





Update: Thank you for the prayers and positive thoughts. B had a second surgery (first was not open chest, second was). The bleeding was actually in the heart, not an artery. He is out of surgery, but he is not breathing on his own right now so is still on the ventilator.




The dad of one of my kids' playgroup friends is in surgery right now. There are complications. Any and all prayers, good wishes, positive juju you've got would be appreciated.


ETA: More details. B was 5.5 hours into a 6 hour heart surgery when a major artery started bleeding out. They are having trouble controlling the bleeding. That is all I know right now. Please play for B and his family.

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