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Leave my milk alone!


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I don't have a problem with artificially-sweetened diet milk being available for those who want it, but only if it is clearly labeled as containing those sweeteners. Label, and let the consumers decide whether or not to buy it.



The problem appears to be that the industry wishes to add these substances under cloak of darkness. Clear labels do not bother me, either, because the consumer then can buy or not buy, according to his preferences.

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I was a little confused by the article. Are they trying to add the sweeteners to all milk, or just certain kinds of diet milk?


ETA: Also, what exactly IS diet milk?



If I understand correctly, they want to be able to call it "milk" as opposed to dairy beverage or milk based beverage or the beverage formerly known as milk or some other name. The ingredients would still be listed.

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Specifically, the

petition requests that FDA amend Sec. 131.110©(2) to allow the use

of ``any safe and suitable'' sweetener in optional characterizing

flavoring ingredients used in milk.\1\



They are only talking about flavored milk and they want to be able to put artificial sweeteners in without labeling it "reduced calorie". It would still be in the ingredients.


The request for comments is entertaining. How could they even ask with a straight face if the proposed rule would


promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers


what will be the effect on search costs \5\ for consumers who would like to determine whether a product contains a nutritive or non-nutritive


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I left my comment. It appears from the article that they would be allowed to put ingredients in more than just "diet milk" and that they wouldn't have to label them. That is completely unethical.

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I was a little confused by the article. Are they trying to add the sweeteners to all milk, or just certain kinds of diet milk?


ETA: Also, what exactly IS diet milk?


That's a good question. When I'm on a diet, I don't drink milk. In fact, I rarely drink it now (unless I put chocolate syrup and some kahlua in it--which is definitely not diet milk...).


Now, ice cream on the other hand... :leaving:

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The article -- if written accurately -- and this is journalism, after all -- focuses on eighteen dairy-milk-containing products. There is neither explicit exclusion of "regular milk", nor explicit restriction to "fun milks" (chocolate, strawberry, etc.).


Quote from article: "Further, the petitioners assert that consumers do not recognize milk--including flavored milk--as necessarily containing sugar." (end quote) The italics and bolding are mine, for this part of the claim indicates to me that the push is to dump additional garbage into all kinds of milk.


Nonetheless, I have no reason to assume that lobbyists who write petitions command the English language any more effectively than do other people.


I, too, am befuddled by the concept of "diet milk", unless that is a euphemism for skim milk. I suppose there is a market for "diet chocolate almond eggnog flavored frozen cows' milk yogurt pops".

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That's a good question. When I'm on a diet, I don't drink milk. In fact, I rarely drink it now (unless I put chocolate syrup and some kahlua in it--which is definitely not diet milk...).


Now, ice cream on the other hand... :leaving:


Milk actually helps me not to gain weight. We stopped buying milk when ds was little, as it it one of the foods that makes him hyper. I soon realized I was gaining weight, and went back to drinking milk, and my weight went back down. Right about the same time, they came out w/ studies that showed drinking milk can actually help you lose weight. I was kind of like- no kidding! :lol:

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This article is more clear.




"The International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation are asking the FDA to ease rules that require them to make very clear, on the front of the package, when products like chocolate, strawberry and vanilla milk have reduced calories or sugar because they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners.


As of now, those products have to clearly carry a label such as “reduced sugar,†and they also have to meet stringent restrictions about how they are using such sweeteners, said Cary Frye, vice president for regulatory and scientific affairs for the International Dairy Foods Association.

If they don’t, the industry can’t say the product is still “milk.â€"

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The article -- if written accurately -- and this is journalism, after all -- focuses on eighteen dairy-milk-containing products. There is neither explicit exclusion of "regular milk", nor explicit restriction to "fun milks" (chocolate, strawberry, etc.).


Quote from article: "Further, the petitioners assert that consumers do not recognize milk--including flavored milk--as necessarily containing sugar." (end quote) The italics and bolding are mine, for this part of the claim indicates to me that the push is to dump additional garbage into all kinds of milk.




Ignore the article - it is just sensationalist journalism. Follow the link to the actual proposal.


Really? They don't think people suspect there might be sugar in chocolate milk?

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It is not just about flavored milk. It is other dairy products as well. Now they have to be labeled as no sugar added, or reduced calorie, or some other special label on the front if they contain a non caloric sweetener. They want that front labeling requirement that alerts us to artificial sweeteners to go away.

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