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What would you say are your must haves in your personal home "library"?

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There are the books that my son uses on a daily or weekly basis such as a dictionary or thesaurus.

What do you feel are "your" must haves in your home? They can be home schooling books, research books, or even personal books. What books do you turn to throughout a day, week, year?


Mine would be:


the Bible



The Well Trained Mind

whatever novel I am reading

Encyclopedia(wish I owned the set)


I am sure there are a ton more, but for right now that will do.

What about you?

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Oh mercy, I was going to say comics, which I'm sure is not what you want. :D


Seriously though, in our house comics rule. TinTin, you name it. Anything else could be Kindle. I have enough books in my house that we could go up in flames pretty quickly (probably 7K at this point), but only the comics are indispensable. Anything else on the list would be leisure reading (Sam Campbell, mysteries, blah blah).


I wouldn't buy a set of encyclopedias anymore. I have some older versions that are simplified with lots of pictures, and those are nice at that 1st-2nd gr level where they're reading but don't want anything heavy. After that it's wikipedia.


As far as buying guidelines, I would buy anything my kid reads over and over.

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If you are asking for a list of actual paper books that I use repeatedly throughout the year, then the answer is probably none.


If however you are asking for a list of books that I have saved so that I can share them with my grandchildren, then the list is too long to type. :) I did save:

all of my B4FIAR books

a ton of Dr Suess books

A ton of poetry books including Eloise Wilken's Poems to Read to the Very Young

Good Night, Moon

Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Sylvester's Magic Pebble

Ten, Nine, Eight by Molly Bang

The Little Red Hen

I Love You the Purplest

William's Doll

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle


Owl Moon

Chika Chika Boom Boom

And literally hundreds of others, too many to remember all the titles. :D




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We have all kinds of books and I can't part with any of them! The encyclopedia set that my grandparents bought me in 1986 has been invaluable. I know that anyone can just google topics but my kids have always enjoyed looking through them. I like that they have been able to learn how to look information up in a reference book not just the computer. Some of the information is outdated but a lot isn't. I think sets of encyclopedias are fairly cheap now.


Elise in NC

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We still have most of our engineering books from college, plant, bird, insect id books, First Aid Afloat, lots of cook books, english spanish dictionary, we also have lots of good leadership, political, and economic books, that we have read and really liked. We have read lots of things that we will want dd to read when she is older and have kept those books.

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My home library has seasons. :)


Winter - My cookbooks see the most action. The kids and I use the Better Homes and Gardens cook book as a foundation for experimentation.


Spring - My gardening/homesteading books start working hard around March. Square Foot Gardening is my constant reference.


Summer- TWTM and I spend a lot of time together.


Autumn- Pretty much anything goes. I'm often inspired by the new school year to hit the classics hard.

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Scary, but true, we have 24+ (3-4 foot across) shelves of print reference materials (Dictionaries, Foreign Language Dictionaries, Almanacs, Atlas, Field Guides, Timelines...) DH would love to digitize it all, but one week of power/phone outage with an ice storm put the issue to rest. I do purge anything that we don't refer to at least once a year.

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Calvin and Hobbes

A Short History of the World



Turabian: A Manual for Writers....

Strunk and White- The Elements of Style

Woe is I

Synonym/Antonym Dictionary

Timeline Time Life books

Multiple classic novels, current reads, etc.

A good historical Atlas

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funny, we dont use the print dictionary any more . . . we use dictionary.com on our hand-helds. once my mom and i both looked up a word, her in her unabridged and me on my ipad . . .exact same definition word for word, but the ipad i can resize and read in the dark.


mostly the books we use each year are the ones we bought for that year . . and lots from the library. we have shelves of books, but mostly fiction, programming, chess.

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My Walking Dead comic collection. I may even make that a top prize in my will. ;)


Ted Dekker's books. All of them.


Robert Liparulo's adult fiction. All of them.


The Thorn Birds (I can not bring myself to part with it - trust me, I've tried)


The Message Bible. In the words of Tim Hawkins, "don't judge me".


The Lord of the Rings trilogy


...and literally hundreds more. I am slowly going to try and transition them to my iPad and give the actual books away, but every time I get a gift card for iTunes, I just end up buying different books. :)

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Homechooling: Latin Centered Curriculum, When Children Love to Learn, TWTM, Deconstructing Penguins, Teaching the Classics, The Writer's Jungle, For the Childrens Sake


Kids: Holling C Holling books, D'Aulaire books, Exploring Creation series, poetry books, Narnia, ..pretty much every book from AO years 1 - 3. Readers digest Wildlife, From Sea to Shining Sea.


Me: scriptures, other religious & political books. I'm not into fiction at all.

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Besides my bible and related literature. My collection has always and will always include James Herriot books - I have three copies of most of them, along with the original British editions, my Anne of Green Gables series and little house series that I've had since I was super young, my Pearl Buck collection, my health encyclopedias and a few other reference books. If I had to pare down to bare bones, that is what I would keep.

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