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Sorta Spin-off: What did you do before you became a homeschool mom/dad?

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I was a CPA working for the local office of one of the international accounting firms.


When I first started working, the largest firms were known as "The Big Eight".


My firm merged with another one while I was there, and I think The Big Eight is now down to 4.


Wanna hear something funny? I've "met" someone on these board who worked for the firm on the other side of our merger in the same town that I did. She left for another position after the merger, but before we combined offices. So neither of us remembers the other although our paths might have crossed once or twice while we both worked for the same firm.


Small world, huh?

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I was a computer engineer in a government contract company that built airplanes. Some of the military airplanes that are flying today are using my software designs.


But after being home for almost 23 years, the technology has passed me by, so I really don't know what I would do if I went back to work.

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Decades ago, before I was married, I worked in a Dr.s office doing insurance and charting.

Our DD#1 was born 18 months after we got married and I have been a SAHM since. DH Mom was a nurse and not home a lot and he didn't want that for our kids.

There are many gaps in our family, ( I always say God knew we needed to grow up between kids) and I have done various things to keep busy.

Daycare, seamstress for Bridal stores, Special Olympics and Dance Studios..

When both DD's were in Public school I was a PTA officer and started a volunteer program for the entire school district.

When our sons were old enough to start school, I began homeschooling.

33 years later, they are all graduated and I am trying to figure out what I shouldl be doing with the rest of my life!

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Prior to beginning HS'ing, I taught part-time at my son's preschool. Prior to having children, I worked as a corporate benefits consultant. I advised human resouce types and CFO's at large-ish businesses in NYC. I'd look at the type of benefit products insurers like Blue Cross/Shield and Cigna had to offer, assess the needs of the company and suggest plans to meet those needs, then assist with employee education.

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I worked in publishing for seven years doing a mix of administrative management, proofreading, and editing. I liked editing the best. When I had a baby, I thought I would keep on freelancing, and actually did so for a year. However, the lack of sleep was killing me (it is nearly impossible to focus on proofreading with a baby or toddler awake!), and I wasn't making that much money, much as I enjoyed the work. I gave it up "temporarily" but now I am not sure I will ever take it up again. I think if I had to work again I would go into teaching.

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I was pg with my second child during the second year of my master's program in German literature. I graduated, had the baby, stayed home for a year, and then we decided to homeschool the older, who was finishing up first grade in the public school. So I have been home ever since, but last year I started teaching Spanish and German part-time.

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What did you all do before you decided to homeschool your children? Ok, your turn!


I was a mathematics doctoral student at a university on the East Coast. I taught Calculus and other math courses to college Freshmen and Sophomores. I completed all four of my doctoral qualifying exams, and have a love for mathematics. Math is much more beautiful at the upper levels.


However, I love being a SAHM, and I consider it a blessing to be home with my children.



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I was finishing up my undergrad degree and applying to graduate school when I found out I was pregnant. My original plan was to get my PhD and move into my ivory tower permanently. But then... surprise!


When I found out I was pregnant, I decided that working outside the home was overrated, and opted to stay home. We were a grad student family for several years though as my dh did his graduate work. Eventually, I did do the grad school thing myself, but it took a bit longer. ;)

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I was a single mum working as a naturopath part time, and also part time working with disabled young adults.


Homeschooling brought my marriage back together, and I stopped work and live like a queen- well, apart from all the hard work homeschooling. Dh is very happy to support homeschooling, he really values it.

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