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Feeling down vent


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This is just a pity party. I've been feeling sort of overwhelmed and down. Sometimes it helps me to put things out there and I don't want to keep laying it on my best friend, mom, and husband so....

  1. My son got a concussion last week. His symptoms were severe and it scared me a lot. He has not rested at all like I hoped. It's all I can do to keep him from running around like a nut and wrestling with his brother. He's still having mild headaches and also complains of neck pain now. I so want him to have no continuing issues from this so having symptoms remain a week out bothers me.

  2. The whole concussion thing, because it resulted in a necessary head CT, is going to cost us $1300 out of pocket. We have crappy insurance with a high ($6500) deductible. That expense stinks.

  3. My other child is suddenly have coughing issues again. My mother is having the same exact type of issues and doctors can't figure her out. Pulmonology can't figure my son out either. They have been coughing for months. My son has had issues since getting Pneumonia in October. He did better in January but we seem to be back now. My mother has had problems since November. It's sad and upsetting, particularly since we don't know why/what is going on or how long it will last.

  4. We had a mouse and caught it two weeks ago. But I think I might possibly have another now or worse. I am a scrubbing baseboards and mopping floors type of freak about mice. I'm not a messy house keeper to be attracting them (if it works that way) so I'm afraid this new house might be mouse prone or something. I don't know how I'm going to deal with repeat mice issues. We don't see any way they are getting in unless it's at the roof line somehow and, given it's a walk out basement with a very high roof line and an inaccessible attic, there is no way to work on that.

  5. We've been living in 900 SF with one bathroom for 7 months. They have been working on finishing our basement. I never dreamed we would be this far out and not finished yet. I feel fantastic about the work and how it's coming together. I just wish it was faster! I am not settled and unpacked and we're constantly on top of each other. There is no place for quiet to yourself time here. Kind of related to that, we don't know how “even†we're going to come out from our previous home sale and this house when it's finally done. The whole up in the air financially is hard.
  6. We are having trouble feeling connected here. I know part of the problem is the illness stuff but I think it's bigger than that. It's a much bigger homeschool community and communty generally. I think my boys being older makes it harder too. I don't know--it just seems harder to connect here than it did in our old location. We still have our old friends of course. But it feels sort of lonely to be in a town with no one to call or meet with. I worry my son won't find friends here and, being shy myself, it's hard to help him.

That is all. I know these are really minor things in the grand scheme and temporary. I just wanted to vent a little.

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