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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Me again!



Three math chapters with DS8 (we're caught up AND a chapter ahead now!)

Book for lit completed with DS8

Beds made

Rooms vacuumed

Bills paid

Email to lender sent


To do:

Follow up phone call to lender

Science with DS8

Math and science with DS12

Mop kitchen

Find a place to hide all the stuff listed on Craigslist

Bean burgers made up and resting peacefully in the refrigerator

List more crap for sale on Craigslist



Hope you're having a good day, Jean, and I hope your weekend is peaceful and relaxing!

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For Today:

Get cash

Make pancake syrup

Church get-together email

Supervise laundry

Coconut kefir

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

Pick up co-op citrus

Exercise, stretch ankles

Buy tortillas, salsa, and cheese

Reserve library books

Dd to ballet

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

TOG meeting


Lunch - tortilla pizzas

Dinner - fettucini with meatballs

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Today is a "bonus day" for us -- dd15 doesn't have co-op today (winter break) and I don't have any of my usual "daycare kids" for the afternoon! Woohoo! For once, I don't have a long lists of errands to run and the kids don't have any extracurricular activities this afternoon! Phewwww!



made breakfast

all school done with kids

1 load of laundry done

helped ds finish building his volcano (eruption scheduled for this afternoon when dh gets home).

treadmill (C25K, Week 5, Day 1 completed - 2.50 miles, 31 minutes, 30 seconds)

finished Day 1 of 200 Sit-Up challenge


Finished initial tests for the 150 dips challenge and the squats challenge


Still to Do:

get showered and changed

IN PROGREsS: afternoon chores (vacuum, sweep, wipe down bathrooms)

volcano eruption science demonstration

dinner with friends (yay!)

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Kitchen garbage emptied and new liner put in.

Dishwasher running

Washing machine running (2nd load)

Dryer running (1st load)

Dd's questions on Pluto typed out and printed.

Called Mom for report on Dad (surgery went well. Still not home. Can't get a hold of my sister.)

Ds is actually motivated to focus on his schoolwork.


Next up: finish cleaning kitchen

Take meds/supplements.

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I'm out for the day. :( I went to the doc for a revisit on my ankle and promptly fell on my tailbone as soon as I got out of the car. I'm okay, but bruised and sore as all get out.


This is awful weather for ice and falling as we've had slightly warmer, sunny days, so snow melts and rooflines drip and then it drop below -10°C again and everything is ice. *sigh*


I'm sending dh off to do the grocery shopping. I'm going to catch up on paperwork. Ds just started his math test and then he's done for the week.

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I'm better today! Hurray! It feels amazing to not be sick.




Hair (see above. I feel better! I did my hair all purdy)

Everyone is up and showered and fed. This is a feat today.

School: tests administered. All did fine or almost fine. ;) Ds9 redid is no-effort given assignement for yesterday and finished the book assignment for yesterday. Things fall through the cracks when Mom is sick.

Filing is done enough.

General tidying and straightening. Beds made, dishes done.



Packing snacks, cameras and necessities for Ds9's very first archery competition today. Woot!

Dh just got home, so lunch is up next.


To Do:

Ds12's friend will be dropped off shortly to accompany us to the shoot.

So will my BIL.

And....Enjoy watching my boy compete this afternoon! We're all pretty excited. He's more than a little nervous.

We'll be eating at a restaurant after the tournament today. That's a rare treat, too. And my mom and brother will join us.

We're using this competition as an excuse to party. LOL I think we're all a little tired of being sad. Time to move on.....a little at least.


Glad to hear your dad's surgery went well, Jean!

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I'm joining you late again.


So far I have:


fed the kids breakfast

swept the breakfast area

wiped down the table and chairs

unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher

cleared and wiped down half the kitchen counters

wiped the upper cabinets

wiped down the appliances

put together two salads for DD's school


I need to:

feed the kids lunch

do preschool activities with DS and DD

spend at least 15 minutes (per room) tidying up the rest of the rooms in the house

finish up the kitchen, including sweeping

at least one load of laundry


I have a big to-do list because it's almost the weekend, and I want to be able to go out without feeling guilty about the state of the house.

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Light school day, light chore day...



I'm showered and we are all dressed

Two loads of laundry, and one that was drying put away


Breakfast, lunch and clean up

beds made

dh lunch made and he is off to work

quick run to the store for a few things

Picked up and filled out a form

RA, Bible, math and art

Swept coat room


To do:

Just dinner and clean up

relax???? LOL

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I'm joining you late again.


So far I have:


fed the kids breakfast

swept the breakfast area

wiped down the table and chairs

unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher

cleared and wiped down half the kitchen counters

wiped the upper cabinets

wiped down the appliances

put together two salads for DD's school

Wiped the rest of the kitchen counters

Cleared all the stuff off the island that didn't belong (weirdest object was an insanely large bobby pin)

fed the kids lunch

dusted the dining room furniture and removed the water ring stains from it as well

vacuumed the dining room


I need to:

feed the kids lunch

do preschool activities with DS and DD

spend at least 15 minutes (per room) tidying up the rest of the rooms in the house

finish up the kitchen, including sweeping

at least one load of laundry


I have a big to-do list because it's almost the weekend, and I want to be able to go out without feeling guilty about the state of the house.


Update above in blue.

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Audrey - I'm so sorry that you fell again. Ouch!




I'm beginning to feel like a broken record with that! :(


But... I was able to get done:

  • all my work paperwork for the week and clear out my inbox (filed and/or replied)
  • schedule next week's lessons
  • grade ds's math test (94% -- you go kid!)
  • roughly outline the menu for next week

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For Today:

Get cash

Make pancake syrup

Church get-together email

Supervise laundry

Coconut kefir

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

Pick up co-op citrus

Exercise, stretch ankles

Reserve library books

Dd to ballet

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

TOG meeting


Lunch - tortilla pizzas

Dinner - fettucini with meatballs


Things are moving along slowly today but I think I've warded off the worst of the flu. Last night at orchestra rehearsal was the worst, but for some reason I perked up a bit after drinking some root beer during break. Probably shouldn't have gone.

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Thursday tackled me, but I got back at Friday.




Up, showered, dressed


Cleaned kitchen (how does it keep getting messed up??)


Cleaned the ledges of all our window sills in the DR and kitchen

Played with Han Solo (very important)

Swept (again!)

Watered the plants

Dusted LR and DR


Cleaned all the chochkees on the kitchen and DR

Graded school quizzes

Contacted RCCL about the damaged they owe me for busting up my suitcase on our cruise


Fed Han Solo dinner

Gave Han Solo a bath

Took Indy and 2 of his scout friends to the scout movie night where we watched Down and Derby (hilarious, because it is so true) and ate pizza

Watched some TV after Indy went to bed

Walked the dog

Started the dishwasher


Booya, Friday! You have been tackled!


Oddly enough, I had a no laundry to do today! I was so confused. I had planned to wash a load today, but since I've done a load every day this week (including the wretched Thursday), there wasn't enough of anything to make up a full load. WHAT? I know!

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Light school day, light chore day...



I'm showered and we are all dressed

Two loads of laundry, and one that was drying put away


Breakfast, lunch and clean up

beds made

dh lunch made and he is off to work

quick run to the store for a few things

Picked up and filled out a form

RA, Bible, math and art

Swept coat room

Garbage and recycling brought back to house


To do:

Just dinner and clean up

relax???? LOL


The final "to do" will occur when the girls are in BED!

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Zumba done. Talked to Y staff at length about problems we've been having with disruptive teens. We're getting a handle on the problem but it's been a bit stressful. I had a personal record today and led two songs in a row and didn't get confused at all while leading them! (I know that is braggy but I'm really proud of myself.)

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My to do list is done.


We just got back from the archery tournament with a tired but proud little man. He scored 161 (out of a possible 300). It isn't his best, but the experience was more important and it was a good one. He was afraid of shooting all zeroes. And he didn't. :)

The best part for me was running into his old coach. This kid helped him shoot for 2 years. Then he left the shop we practice in and is currently opening his own place. Anyway, he saw how nervous he was and talked to him for about 10 minutes. Not tips or coaching. Just encouragement and support. It was so awesome! And it really made the difference.


It was new experience for all of us. We shoot again tomorrow at 7am.


That will be all on my to-do list tomorrow. :)


Have a great Saturday, All. Jean, I hope your dad is continuing to do well after his surgery. Audrey, I wish you a fall-free Saturday.

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