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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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RC says that I don't give enough time to baseball metaphors. So who's going to hit today out of the park with me? baseball-hitter-smiley-emoticon.gif


Clean kitchen

Way too much laundry for a household of only 4 people.


School specials:

Ds15 - we really need to sit down together and get a handle on what he is doing.

Chemistry seminar


Dd11 - Son of Charlemagne




Pay bill


Iron cloth from dining room and put it back where it belongs.

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Fill up car with gas

Run to the grocery story

Put dinner in the crockpot (Beef Stew)


Art & Music Hour

Kids (DD6 & DS8) coloring HIstory timelines

Classical Music station on Pandora


Mid-Morning Adventure

Nordic History Museum (Free First Thursday)


Lunch at the beach with friends if weather holds



Kids swim lessons



I have a meeting with a client

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Nordic history museum? Are we all from the same place?


Get up (sometimes this is the hardest part of the day for me)

Make coffee and hot cereal for breakfast

Unload dishwasher


Get DS started on schoolwork


Clean bathrooms

Go for a walk


Mop kitchen

Make bed

Do some catch-up work on a volunteer commitment


Put laundry away!!! (This is a big struggle for me--all too often, I leave the folded laundry sitting in a basket.)

Do a little yard work.

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Hey - where's the Nordic museum? I grew up in a Norwegian family in Minnesota, which is like living in a Nordic museum full time :D .


It was wonderful waking up to a nice, (mostly) clean refrigerator!


To Do:

Shower and Dress

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze


Start a batch of coconut milk kefir

Make salad dressing

Supervise laundry/putting away laundry

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

Check saurkraut batch

Order flowers/gift for Mom's birthday

Wipe down remaining refrigerator shelves


Start rice in rice cooker

Hydrogen peroxide ears/Cold Eeze

Orchestra rehearsal (if not laid out sick)



Lunch - hot dogs, chips

Dinner - sesame chicken, rice, broccoli, salad


(P.S. My avitar is me on a bus in Norway. I can tell I just won't be able to let go of anything Nordic today. Better go listen to some Grieg :001_cool: .)

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Today has been a rough and volatile morning. I knew, because ds hasn't been handing things in, that he was getting way behind in school. Today was the day of reckoning when we sat down with his syllabi to see exactly where he was. I am a bit mad and a bit frustrated and a bit bewildered. How could a 15 year old NOT know that he had only gotten one half of an assignment done in math ALL WEEK? The rest of the subjects were similar. He has a syllabus for every single one of his subjects. He could have been checking off what he had gotten done all along. He no longer has his laptop. He will have to check it out from me. We have outlined all his missing assignments. He has 4 days to do them: today, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. We have next week off. He was in angry tears and was swearing. I talked to him about problem solving - spiritually and practically. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.


Consequently i have not cleaned the kitchen yet.


I have showered (which is very good for the air quality in this house!), took my meds and have done spelling and Japanese with dd.


I need to go inspect dd's room now and then tackle the kitchen before I make lunch.

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Aw, yes, the dreaded drag out the math assignment strategy. Hope the afternoon goes better.


I'm still cleaning out and reorganizing the hall closet. Time for old meds, etc. to go! Done!

Call my brother

2 loads laundry

Brown meat and get it into the freezer


My other goal is to make sure that all dishes are washed up before bedtime. I've done better with this since my dishwasher broke.

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Jean, I'm so sorry - but I can sympathize. Ds has pulled the same "whatever this is" - usually having to do with science and math. I got so frustrated and depressed over it that I finally told dh that if he didn't get the situation worked out and keep tabs on ds's progress, I would have to fail him. And "F"s on a homeschooler's transcript are very very bad. It has since gotten better. :grouphug:

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Had lunch

Spilled pure maple syrup all over myself and the floor.

Mopped the floor - twice.

Ds has handed in one math assignment.

Did math with dd11.


Next up:

Leave in a few minutes for my chiro. appointment.

Pray and hope that ds will have handed in his Logic assignment by the time I get back and be working on history/lit.

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It's 5:39pm and we have a semi-productive day.



Bible, math, English, art

Breakfast, lunch and clean up

Three loads of laundry (some is drying, the rest is dried and put away)

Run to Walmart to get some snacks/supplies for the "storm" that is coming

Small girl is showered and in PJs

Bills paid and mailed

Letter to Grandma Winton typed and mailed

DH work lunch was made and got him off to work

I showered (every day, first thing)

Toilet cleaned in girl's bathroom


To do:

Supper and clean up

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3:37 pm - Chiropractor done.

Grocery shopping and dinner preparation done - I am so happy that our grocery store has a salad bar. . .

I am livid. It is 3:37 and ds has not finished half of a logic assignment. I don't know what to do. So far he has completed 1/2 of one geometry assignment. I do believe that he is working. He still has one hour of history/Lit. to do and 1 chemistry review.


I'm leaving with dd for swimming.

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We had a good day. Drove 2 hours to sign the adoption papers for our little girls. Got everything signed, sealed and ready to be delivered in 2 weeks which is when our court date is set. Woohoo. No more social workers, no more.... anything. It's taken us 8 years now to get through all this stuff, but when it's all said and done we'll have five kids from 3 adoptions and it's a good thing.

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