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Is this Sleep Apnea and What Should I Do?


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DD14 told me about 3 months ago that she was waking up gasping and feeling like she hadn't been breathing. I told her to let me know when it happens, and in the last three months it has happened 3 or 4 times.


Last night I laid down with her because she wasn't feeling well (not sick, she was having a mood swing). She fell asleep. Before I got up I listened to her breathing. She would take two or three regular breaths and then stop...long pause, then one big breath and then a few regular breaths again. Rinse, repeat.


It really concerned me. Add to the mix we don't have health insurance (only catastrophic), so I can't afford to run to a bunch of specialists. But I don't want to ignore something dangerous.



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Sounds like it, although I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. :-) The sure-fire way to diagnose is a sleep study, but I don't know how one goes about that if one doesn't have health insurance. :-( I know that Samaritan Ministries, a medical-share program, does cover sleep studies.

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Check if there is anyone doing a sleep study at the universities near you. That way it would be free and your daughter would get some monetary compensation for her time.


I found this one which is at University Colorado at Boulder for age 18-40. There is a contact email on that page so you can email and ask if there is something equivalent for your daughter and nearer to you.

This is the sleep and development lab contact page.

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It certainly does sound like something that would make me question the possibility of sleep apnea.


I know that it is going to be difficult financially, but please get her evaluated. My father avoided testing for far too long and the emotional damage was catastrophic. Just remember how painful it is deal with sleep deprivation when there is a new baby in the house, and multiply it by years. He was a grumpy, unable to finish tasks, forgetful, and at its worst, planning his own death just to avoid the pain of his everyday life. Not something you want your daughter to endure.

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If it's obstructive, sleeping on her side might help a little.


Sleep studies are pricey, but might be worth doing anyway. If finances really make that impossible, you might look at the Zeo products to see if any of them would give you the info you need.

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Thank you all for responding...although the answers are what I was afraid of!


She does have abnormally large tonsils. When she was about 5 she had multiple strep cases and we were "this close" to having the tonsils out. That was right when she started getting better, so we didn't do it. Even now though whenever she is sick her tonsils close in th middle.


We don't qualify for state assistance, but don't make enough to afford private (we are self-employed). I will definitely check out the possible sleep study route. Zeo, as well?


Are there other things that can be done without actually having the study done?

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Thank you all for responding...although the answers are what I was afraid of!


She does have abnormally large tonsils. When she was about 5 she had multiple strep cases and we were "this close" to having the tonsils out. That was right when she started getting better, so we didn't do it. Even now though whenever she is sick her tonsils close in th middle.


We don't qualify for state assistance, but don't make enough to afford private (we are self-employed). I will definitely check out the possible sleep study route. Zeo, as well?


Are there other things that can be done without actually having the study done?


I've had three children who had to have their tonsils and adenoids removed. I was told the tendency for problems can run in families. All three had varying levels of sleep apnea. The ENT didn't even require a sleep study for the two who were obviously blocked, just the one who looked fine but was reporting symptoms of apnea. She turned out positive. The surgeries were a success and cured them all. Maybe you could go see an ENT and see whether you can have the tonsils removed without a sleep study? That may be an option, especially if you explain the situation.

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This is worth a try. I didn't need to have a sleep study done due to having the strep throat history and having obviously large tonsils.





I've had three children who had to have their tonsils and adenoids removed. I was told the tendency for problems can run in families. All three had varying levels of sleep apnea. The ENT didn't even require a sleep study for the two who were obviously blocked, just the one who looked fine but was reporting symptoms of apnea. She turned out positive. The surgeries were a success and cured them all. Maybe you could go see an ENT and see whether you can have the tonsils removed without a sleep study? That may be an option, especially if you explain the situation.

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Yes that sounds lilke sleep apnea or it could be central sleep apnea if her chest and abs stop moving. This is serious. There are MANY hopsitals that will work with you. I know the one that I work at has done LOTS of free studies or really low cost based on the persons ability to pay. I would get a hold of a ped hospital that is open and not a closed lab so that any dr can refer for a sleep study so it is on less co pay that you have.

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