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Weird Encounter or Just Me?

Mama Geek

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We had a playdate today at an indoor playground. There were 3 moms and 3 girls all 2- 2 1/2 years old. Someone whom none of us knew had a girl that is about to turn 1. She was apparently a babysitter. She asked each of us if we could come to the same place Monday afternoon for the girls birthday. The mother had asked to her invite the kids she played with today.


Now it is a 45 minute drive which I am willing to do for a playdate and the traffic coming back at that time would be horrendous, plus I meet with a personal trainer on Monday nights and would have had to cancel. I told the lady that I had an appointment and that it wasn't a good time. She told me to get my sitter to bring dd. I did tell her that I don't have a sitter and she did drop it.


I thought it was strange that a mother would convince a babysitter to invite a bunch of kids to a birthday party that neither of them knew and then that the sitter was so pushy about it.


It is just weird, what has happened to manners?

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Well it's possible the Mom suddenly realized she had no one to invite to her daughter's first birthday and freaked because she lives in a world where her child will be scarred and in therapy if they don't give her over the top birthday parties, especially the first. She has a nanny, so she's probably working, and in her work world, that is what she believes is expected.

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It has a whiff of desperation about it, and would have made me want to run, very fast, in the opposite direction.



That is what I thought too. If it had been someone that we had all been sitting around talking with and we clicked it would have been one thing, or if it had just been an invite without the pushiness about not making it, it just sent up red flags.

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I wonder if the mom assumed the sitter and daughter were playing with the same kids every week. Maybe at a class or playtime the sitter was supposed to be taking the child to? Perhaps she felt her job was on the line because she had not been "properly socializing" the child.


Regardless, it was weird.

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Weird. I nannied for a 4th grade boy while in college and the parents had asked me to schedule playdates for the child. The child was a loner, watched tv, video games only. Tried and tried to get kids to come over and play with him...stalked parents at school pick up even offered to pick up/drop off both ways for the playmate. Could not get anyone to come over and play with him! Parents of the child made me feel like I was somehow dropping the ball because their child had no friends. The child didnt seem bothered that he didn't have friends, in fact he liked being a loner and doing what he wanted to do on his own account. I felt so bad for the child because it was almost as if his parents didn't know him.

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I wonder if the mom assumed the sitter and daughter were playing with the same kids every week. Maybe at a class or playtime the sitter was supposed to be taking the child to? Perhaps she felt her job was on the line because she had not been "properly socializing" the child.


Regardless, it was weird.


Yeah...this is what I started to wonder and came back to say something like this.

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