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BIL is in the hospital-thanks for your prayers!!


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After a big old mess of drama, police cars, sheriffs and a $160 cab fare, we managed to corner my mentally ill BIL and take him to the psych emergency room on the warrant last night. We have no control over what happens from here...best case scenario, he will stay in the state hospital for a while; worst case scenario, he is back on the streets tonight at around 10:00 pm. However, we have done everything in our power to offer him help at this point and now we have to leave it in God's hands.


Thank you to everyone who prayed for us...it means so much! It is a difficult situation and it is comforting to know I can come here and vent away, knowing that people will pray. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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I really hope they keep him long enough to make a difference. We recently had a family member picked up as well, and after an ugly scene and three police officers, he checked himself out after two days with a month's worth if meds and a psych appt. in a month. He didn't take the meds, of course. Doubt he will go to the psych. He's not threatened anyone and he's not suicidal, so legally theres nothing else to do. And we're no better off than before.

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I really hope they keep him long enough to make a difference. We recently had a family member picked up as well, and after an ugly scene and three police officers, he checked himself out after two days with a month's worth if meds and a psych appt. in a month. He didn't take the meds, of course. Doubt he will go to the psych. He's not threatened anyone and he's not suicidal, so legally theres nothing else to do. And we're no better off than before.


We've been there, too, Wendy. I wish I could have higher hopes, but we've had him released quickly before. He has dug himself a very deep hole this time, so I am hoping they will keep him but we are preparing for him to walk right back out the door. One plus in our favor is that when BIL is stable, he tends to stay stable for a long time. If we can actually get him stabilized before something happens to him, perhaps there is a chance.

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