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No/Low Spend January Week 3 (1/14-1/20)


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I decided to put all the weeks together so I can see the whole month at once. I am ditching the zero spend goal, it's too much for me to keep track of.


{Week 1}

1/1 - $0

1/2 - $30 copays for sick twins

1/3 - $27 ($7 for prescription $20 for various personal needs)

1/4 - $10 (moleskin notebook)

1/5 - $0

1/6 - $9 (snapfish deal!)


{Week 2}

1/7 - $150 blech

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $5 (wine for dinner guests)

1/10 - $7 coffees

1/11 - $51 shoes for kids

1/12 - $5 the happiness project kindle

1/13 - 0


{Week 3}

1/14 $15 (copay)

1/15 - $39

1/16 - $25

1/17 - $3

1/18 - $1

1/19 - $25




Total for month: $397

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I'm open to continuing this no or low spend support through the next few months at least. I'm glad people are finding it useful, I am too!


I'd love it if we could also post times where we wanted to spend money, but didn't, or when we've needed something, but found a way to get it cheaper or for free! Or if one of us needs ideas on ways to do things cheaper, we could post. (mostly what we are already doing.)


I'm all about living more simple, and just buying less stuff.



One caveat, I will be buying the project life 365 stuff in February. Lol

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Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:









Total: $188.27

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Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:









Total: $188.27


You are doing great! The kindle books get me too. :)

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I've spent over $1000 already! Yikes! DD's birthday and a doctor's visit was nearly half of it. Fortunately, it is all within budget. I'm not really participating in a "Nto spend January." I'm just using the excuse to keep track what how much we are spending within the budget (It might help determine any changes that we need to make). It's been an expensive month, that's for sure!




Grocery: $430.04

Gas: $60

Eating Out: $37.93

School: $26.99

Entertainment: $29.25

Medical: $144.99

Pet Care: $3.79

Birthday: $300.00

No spend days: 4 (out of 13)

Total Spent: $1032.99


1/14: $97.50 (Subscription renewal for Reading Eggs for two kids)

1/15: $0

1/16: $3.25 (movie for school)

1/17: $3.25 (daffodils for flower dissection)

1/18: $26.10 ($14.82two Kindle books for school, $11.28 pull-upsl)

1/19: $327.64 ($205.91 groceries plus stocking up, $100.00 clothing plus extra payment to cc, $21.73 bday gift)

1/20: $12.57 (eating out...took DS5 to a b-day party and needed to eat too)

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Week 1 = $44.90

Week 2 = $317.70


14 Jan ---$90.51 fuel for car + $56.13 fruit/veg + $6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $12.65 screws to fix fence + $17.10 piece to fix boat

15 Jan ---$3.50 parking + $14 stamps + $25.50 b-day gift for ds#2 + $20 fuel for dh's car + $17.64 misc. tool part

16 Jan ---$1.70 parking

17 Jan ---

18 Jan ---

19 Jan ---

20 Jan ---

***Week 3 subtotal = $264.73


January total = $627.32

No Spend days = 4

Groceries/Food = $80.13

Beer/Eat Out = $42.70

Unexpected income = $45


My goals for January:

#1---Spend as little as possible as estimated monthly income is $0.

#2---Eat mainly from our pantry / freezer / garden.

#3---Learn to make do or do without whenever possible.

#4---Use our month of summer holidays to help instill healthy habits.

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I re-categorized my curricula purchase as necessary as it has become so, and my goal is to limit discretionary spending....based on that....


$119 in discretionary spending so far

7/15 no spend days so far


I am proud that I have not purchased: bouncy seat, reflux positioner, baby clothes, baby photography props, Critical Thinking 1 & 2, pom poms or other gadgets for dd's busy bags, pre-fold diapers for burp cloths, dress pants for dh or snow pants for ds


1/14: $0! I am using up stuff from the pantry to try to stretch our groceries a few more days!

1/15: $20 for a box of diaper wipes--I have cloth ones at home, so this was discretionary.






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I've spent over $1000 already! Yikes! DD's birthday and a doctor's visit was nearly half of it. Fortunately, it is all within budget. I'm not really participating in a "Nto spend January." I'm just using the excuse to keep track what how much we are spending within the budget (It might help determine any changes that we need to make). It's been an expensive month, that's for sure!




Grocery: $430.04

Gas: $60

Eating Out: $37.93

School: $26.99

Entertainment: $29.25

Medical: $144.99

Pet Care: $3.79

Birthday: $300.00

No spend days: 4 (out of 13)

Total Spent: $1032.99


1/14: $97.50 (Subscription renewal for Reading Eggs for two kids)









Don't worry, I am not counting groceries or gas, wih those I'm close to $800.

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: cc $50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0











Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 3/5

Eating Out: $0

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $844.62



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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Don't worry, I am not counting groceries or gas, wih those I'm close to $800.



Oh whew! I AM counting groceries, and am around 800, which is SO good for me. I am on track to be spending....ahem....much less than we did in December. Won't even say how much less, as I would be mortified, but less. :)

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I also had to buy warmer coats for oldest and me. I have lots of light coats, but we have a high of 39 tomorrow, which is colder than we are used to. I'm tired of freezing my butt off whenever we go outside.



I need to do this. It is 31 degrees and snowing outside and my every day coat is the fleece liner of a coat. The shell died years ago. I'm hoping to find a good replacement on when the clearance prices go down a bit more if I have the money. I was looking at Kohl's when I took my DD shopping for her birthday but everything was still in the $80-$90 range.

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (in the budget), $10 lunch out by myself (not in the budget), $10 face cream (not in the budget)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0

1/8 $0

1/9 $1

1/10 $5 consignment shop, dd's room re-do (not in budget)

1/11 $8 lunch out with ds (rainy day envelope)

1/12 $30 undies for potty-trainer, birthday present for Grandma (not in the budget)

1/13 $10 over budget on groceries

1/14 $15 out to lunch with all 3 dc (not in budget)


**learning that going out to eat is my weakness!

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**learning that going out to eat is my weakness!




It's mine too. The fact that we are putting any money left in the eating out envelope towards a Disney trip is helping us not eat out. The kids don't want to spend a dime of their Disney money.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)


Groceries: $298/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 3/10


This has been a lot harder than I ever thought. I've come to the conclusion that I need to clear my email from all of the curriculum vendors who keep sending me sale notices! And I really didn't want to make lunch today, and I almost said, "Let's hit McD's!", but I refrained and we had frozen pizza.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)


Groceries: $298/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 3/10


This has been a lot harder than I ever thought. I've come to the conclusion that I need to clear my email from all of the curriculum vendors who keep sending me sale notices! And I really didn't want to make lunch today, and I almost said, "Let's hit McD's!", but I refrained and we had frozen pizza.



It has been a huge help for me to make frozen lunches ahead. Last week i made 25 burritos and 25 pizza pockets for the freezer. I am going to make another batch of lunches today. I know people always talk about freezing dinner, but lunch is tough in our family, so having premade lunches really helps.

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It has been a huge help for me to make frozen lunches ahead. Last week i made 25 burritos and 25 pizza pockets for the freezer. I am going to make another batch of lunches today. I know people always talk about freezing dinner, but lunch is tough in our family, so having premade lunches really helps.


I told the kids yesterday to give me ideas of what kind of things they wanted to see for lunch, because I'm going to make a rotating lunch schedule, so I don't have to think about "What's for lunch?" every stinkin' day. I hadn't thought of freezing anything. That's a great idea!

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Do you have recipes for those two things?


I second that request. And how do you heat them up. I'm one of those who never makes food ahead of time. I've tried freezer cooking, and I was disappointed at the quality of the reheated food.

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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: cc $50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15 $5 donut and hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc










Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 4/5

Eating Out: $5

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $864.62



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)


Groceries: $298/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 4/10


I've started working on a breakfast/lunch menu that I can just cycle through. Dinner isn't as much of a problem since the kids have afternoon quiet time, but I'm beat at lunchtime.

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So, I have a receipt jar sitting on the counter that every purchase goes into. At the end of the month, I'll total up to see where we can cut back. Dh thinks we're doing great, considering our penchant for eating out and Starbucks morning coffees. This is a very difficult life change. I will say that my dinner menus are more creative than usual. Tonight I made flautas for the first time and they were so easy. Much better than our favorite Mexican restaurant.


1/14: $0

1/15: $13.26 for groceries.

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Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -129.64- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- $15 over my grocery budget. I picked up some cold stuff to have on hand. I felt like I was coming down with something

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!







Total: $215.04

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Just bought the Evan-Moor Teacher Filebox subscription. I had put it off last time it was on sale, thinking it was more of a want and was hoping I could avoid buying it for this sale. I finally decided I actually need it if I want to go through with my plans for ds7.

I have to say, we really liked it last year. Of course, it doesnt hurt that we got the entire year for free due to a billing issue on their part.


Today should be a good day, just have to buy milk.

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Things i have foregone lately: coffee out, some project life stuff, new workout clothes, new sneakers, beer, new book on kindle that i want, digital photo converting service, frozen yogurt, key lime pie at Publix,........any number of things from Amazon......




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Just bought the Evan-Moor Teacher Filebox subscription. I had put it off last time it was on sale, thinking it was more of a want and was hoping I could avoid buying it for this sale. I finally decided I actually need it if I want to go through with my plans for ds7.




Is it on sale right now? I want it!



eTA: wait, maybe don't tell me. Lol

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!


Groceries: $298/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 5/10


Nothing really tempted me today. Just focused on school & cleaning today.


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Week One:

Jan 1: $57 curriiculum

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp, cc: $19.99 nytimes sub, cc: $75 ymca sub,cc: $52 afterschool

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 shipping, vet: $143.50. cc $1.99 kindle book

Jan 5: $9.65 photos

Jan 6: $2.00 pen, cc $130 Groceries,cc $40 gas


Week Two:

1/7: $0

$50 cell phone (auto pay)

1/9: cc $52 after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.

1/13: $30 movies

1/14: $0


Week Three:

1/14: $0

1/15 $5 donut and hot choc, $15 omega 3 cc

1/16 $0

1/17 $5.50 snack, $21 Netflix cc, $20 gas, $18 groceries








Amount Transferred to Savings This Month: $75

No Spend Days This Month: 5/5

Eating Out: $5

Nothing outside budget so far.

Month so far ALL expenses (inc. gas, groceries, childcare, phone, medical): $929



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 - $13 - we all went to the zoo, rode the train, and I bought snacks, too.

1/11 - $320.00 car expenditures (planned, but not a necessity), $3.52 dishwashing detergent

1/12 - $0

1/13 - lunch, groceries

1/14 -$0

1/15 - lunch out, but i sold some things so made some, too

1/16 - $0

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1 Jan---$0

2 Jan---$0

3 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

4 Jan---$0

5 Jan---$2 sausage at sausage sizzle for DH+ $28 lotto tickets for us & mil+ $8.90 fish bait for ds#2

6 Jan---$0

***Week 1 subtotal =$44.90


7 Jan---$11 seed raising mix +$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

8 Jan---$24 for two books dh bought on TradeMe (but he sold some scrap metal for $35)

9 Jan---$16.50 for two more books dh bought on TradeMe (but mil gave him $10 from the winning ticket we gave her last weekend)

10 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $8 fish bait + $18 med (to replace some that expired in '95 :ohmy: )

11 Jan---$80 four stationary motors from TradeMe for ds#2 to rebuild to help finish the quadbike he's rebuilding+ $8 fishbait + $22 beer for dh + $30.50 shorts & sunscreen for dd

12 Jan---$37 for two books dh bought on TradeMe + $18.70 for coffees for dh, me, dd, & ds#1 (dd shipped out today & the captain told us to take her for a coffee when we dropped her off, so that $$ was on Captain's orders :001_cool: )+ $14 Lotto

13 Jan---$18 dive tank rental (for dh to do a job for dd's ship as they lost something overboard & his tanks are old & empty)

***Week 2 subtotal =$317.70


14 Jan---$90.51 fuel for my car + 56.13 Fruit/Veg + $6 (2 x 2 litres milk) + $12.65 fence screws + $17.10 piece to fix dingy

15 Jan---$3.50 parking + $14 postage stamps + $25.50 ds#2's b-day gift + $20 fuel for dh's car + $17.64 misc. tool part

16 Jan---$1.70 parking (I had jury duty in town)

17 Jan---$0

18 Jan---$6 (2 x 2 litres milk)

19 Jan---$9 for one book dh bought on TradeMe

20 Jan---

***week 3 subtotal = $279.73


January total = $642.32

Food/Grocery = $86.13

Beer / Eat Out = $42.70


This week is going better. I made a mini account of what we spent 1-15 January, with subtotals of certain catagories (i.e. food, fuel, TradeMe, etc.) & showed dh. Without saying much, I think he got the message about his TradeMe purchases. What is surprising is that since I know I don't want to spend on anything that isn't a definite need, I find that I don't want to go to town at all. It was quite hard running errands on Tuesday & not stopping to get a coke at McD. Instead I drank the water I brought with me & went to the library to get a few books to take home. Free entertainment :coolgleamA: . I even packed a lunch when I went to town for Jury Duty yesterday, in case I got chosen & had to stay the day, so that I wouldn't grab a bite in town. It was harder than I thought it would be. I do like to see the food in our pantry/freezer/garden/fridge getting used & a side benefit is these areas are getting decluttered at the same time. I'm determined to buy only things that we need & use regularly. Some of the items I've come across, I have no idea why I bought them. I even found 2 tins of Crisco that I moved from Fiji with us before ds#2 was born. He turns 15yo on Saturday. I probably should throw the Crisco out.

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Wouldn't you know, Fellowship of the Rings Audio is on sale on Audible for 48 hours for 6.95.I had to buy it, as it is our next read aloud, and The Hobbit killed my throat. Still, it falls under "curriculum purchases" and I am under budget for that. I have to buy milk and hamburger buns at the grocery store today, as I couldn't get there yesterday.

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